Important Steemit StatisticssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Here are some important statistics and numbers about In this analysis I will cover stats related to visits to the Steemit site, referrals, traffic from social media and other relevant numbers



How many people visit Steemit?


This statistic show the number of visits to the site


In the last 6 months there were 16.94 million visits on website (alas total and not unique visitors). On average the visitors stayed around for almost 7 minutes. The visitors looked at 4- 5 pages during their time on Steemit.

Why this is important

16.49M is a large number but these are not unique visits, still that are a lot of Steemians and non-steemians spending time on Steemit.
The time spent on Steemit per visit seems rather low but if we look at the pages per visit we can see that people take the time to look at almost 5 posts while they are on the site.


Where do they come from?


This statistic shows which countries the visits originate from.


Most visitors by far come from the US. Followed by the UK, Germany, Canada and the Republic of Korea. The Americans represent almost 30% of the total of visits.

Why this is important

Most visitors (and most likely Steemians) come from English speaking countries. This is something to consider when writing your posts.


How did they find Steemit?


This statistic shows from which destination the visitors came before they ended up visiting the site


More than 35% of the Steemit visits were direct, it is safe to assume that these are for the most part Steemians. Almost 12% of the visitors found their way to the site via a referral (link). A surprisingly large number searched the word "Steemit", probably because they heard about the site and wanted to find out for themselves what it is about. Almost 12% came from social media (seems that the promotions are working).

Why this is important

The visitors that found their way to Steemit through referrals and social media make up more than 50% of the total visits. This is a huge number. It looks like there is a lot of interest in the platform and this is generating traffic from search engines and other social media platforms.


Who is generating the Traffic?


This statistic shows where the referrals are coming from and where the visitors go after they leave the site.


Our biggest supplier of visitors is The biggest surprise however is dtube in second place, almost 9% of the visitors first visited dtube and then came to Steemit. is good for almost 7% of referrals but is down by almost 14%, just like for that matter. and are at the bottom of the list around 4% each.

Why this is important

The percentage of referrals seems to be declining all over the board. The biggest decline is on (almost 30%). The big surprise however is, good for almost 9% of the referrals.


What are they searching for?


These are the keywords people searched that lead them to the Steemit website.


Surprise, the no 1 keyword is Steemit, go figure. The rest of the keywords is quite surprising. 3.5% of the people who visited the site were looking for info about a neo wallet. Apparently a lot of people are also interested to find out if bitconnect is a scam.
Again dtube seems to be gaining popularity, more than 1% of people were googling (or binging) dtube. Finally a small percentage were having difficulty distinguishing Steam from Steemit.

Why this is important

The cryptocurrency subjects are bringing home the bacon. Neo Wallets and bitconnect are popular subjects on Steemit and responsible for generating some nice traffic from the search engines.
Dtube is doing very well as an organic keyword and my guess is that its popularity will only increase over time.

The domain is actually for sale, get it now!


Social media interest


This is the traffic originating from the social media sites.


Facebook accounts for more that 41% of the traffic coming from social media. Twitter also has a big impact with more than 20% and Youtube's share is about the same as Twitter's. Finally Reddit has a big chunk of the pie with 16% and the Russian social media site Vkontakte generates 0.5% of the referrals from social.

Why this is important

These are very interesting stats, the social media visitors come from 4 major platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Reddit. These are also the platforms where our future fellow Steemians most likely will come from.
Youtube's 20% share of the referrals undoubtedly has to do a lot with the efforts by our fellow Steemian @jerrybanfield, he is bringing in a lot of cryptocurrency enthusiast with his Youtube videos.
My prediction is that this trend will continue and that the percentage of traffic from social media will increase. This will be one of the important things that will aid in Steemit's growth.


What are they interested in?


These are the interests of our visitors.


Finance (investing) is the main thing on the mind of the people coming to the Steemit web site, followed by Business. A small number comes to chat and for the news and media.

Why this is important

If you are looking for popular topics look no further. Investing is the no 1 topic people are interested in. Start posting your investment tips (into Steemit of course) now.



Looking at the Stats it looks like Steemit with the addition of Dtube is doing very well. The interest from other Social media sites is growing and this is what Steemit needs to grow even more.

What do you think? Let me know in the comment section.



Disclaimer the statistics were made on

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Big question I have is what is the dropout rate? and inactive users? Mass market adoption depends on that. If those rates are higher then there is a reason for that. any info on number of unique visitors ? The value of the company will be co-related to this number

I am still looking into the number of unique visitors. I can't comment on the dropout rate and inactive users because these stats are related to visits to the website and not activity on Steemit. You bring up good points, I will dig into those and report back.

Steem is just preparing for a take off and overtaking social networks. ''Gimme a 50 bucks like'' :)

If I could, I would :)

It is always nice to know how the stats are looking.

I would like to know how many people are signed up for this site....actually accounts.


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Certainly some interesting numbers, and I'd like to think they will continue to grow, failing some complete hardfork meltdown. Since those near-17M are not unique, I'd have to think a large chunk of those are just daily visits from the same 20K active-ish accounts.

Yes, that is also my guess, I tried to research how much of those visits are unique but it seem rather hard to get those numbers. If I figure out how many unique visitors we are talking about I will do a follow up.

20K active users?

That is a very small number....the exciting part is plenty of room for growth.

Someone researched that there are a lot less active users than there are accounts. I don't know the exact number but it was around the 25 -30k

@xervantes, I too am pleasantly surprised by Dtube's success!!! I do think it will eventually give Youtube a serious run for the money.... Not because of the money........ Because of the lack of centralized censorship. I just didn't think it would do so well straight "Out of the Box"!!!

The good thing is that it is quite new and already doing so well, if you also look at the traffic coming from youtube than you just know that dtube is going to blow up!

This post has received a 1.04 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

nice post come check my channel out @crypto-pro and upvote my articles plus I upvoted you

Great post @xervantes !!

These statistics revealed many things about the platform. Visitors are increasing on day to day basis so as page views.

Interesting, around 17 millions huh? Its like population of Belarussia :D

Yeah, but like I said in the posts these are not unique visits but a total. So there are not 17 million people visiting the site but a smaller amount visiting the site multiple times.

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