A future of Steem - Why Steem may be a more viable currency than Bitcoin in the future.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Imagine walking into a store, and the salesperson is extra nice and helpful, what if in the future Steemit is so integrated with society that you can actually upvote the person as a tip? This concept can be applied to countless applications, from your waitress to your Uber driver (Till we go driverless which is still years away) to any number of situations.

If Steemit integrates more in society and within businesses, it can be a very effective way of tipping people for whatever reasons. Of course all of this goes beyond just "tips" it can become an incredibly easy form of payment for anything, doing away with cards or even fiat. Perhaps in the future when you eat at a restaurant, the restaurant is tied in with Steemit, so that when you look at your phone you automatically see who cooked your food, who is serving you etc, and you can upvote them automatically without having to look it up. In the future Steemit can show it to you automatically without you looking it up, because it's tied in to your location via GPS etc and knows you are at that specific restaurant. Of course this kind of integration and technology is still some years away, but it is a possibility.

The bigger picture is, at the moment Steemit looks like a more viable currency in the future than even Bitcoin, because of how it is tied in to a social network. If Steemit ever gets out of beta, it's not too hard to foresee large companies and stores making pages like they have on Facebook, and accepting Steem for goods and services.

This could revolutionize everything and is one of the main reasons why I believe in Steemit so much, it is really on to something here.

Now what remains to be seen is how it will grow.

WVM-David Alvarez.jpg



This post makes alot of sense. I think you are right here bro.

Thanks, yeah it depends on a lot of factors, but it's a very real possibility.

What an excellent post

Thank you!

Of course, but what would be the negative aspects of paying and tipping people via Steemit, seems to me, if they do a good job... it's a positive all the way around.

I was thinking how steemit could be used for pages, would you make multiple profiles for each business? I wonder how long beta will be for steemit? great article.. following you, look forward to more post.. thanks.

Thanks! Just upvoted you.

😊 thank you

As long as it will be extra tipping - it is great idea. Anyway i hope no one will judge others basing on their steem power

The example I gave with the episode of "Black Mirror" was to just show how integrated a social network can become in society in the future. Not to tie the judgement aspects into Steem worth.

Well it is double edged sword :)

I suppose, I regret using the episode of "Black Mirror" because of it's negative connotations. I think ease of use as a new form of payment is only positive for society though, you never know... this could actually be a possible future for our society.

I love BlackMirror and this was one of the episodes that created the most impact on me. I do believe that that episode says a lot about the social media society we live in. Our EGO is now digital.

yeah I made a mistake including it in the blog because it takes away from the point I was trying to make so going to edit that episode out of the blog to lessen confusion.

I don´t think it is a mistake. There is a positive side and a negative side to everything. I do se the point you were making and I do see how steem can make a very positive impact. I already find content which I really want to read or learn about and I am already interacting with awesome people all around the world based on who they are and what the like to share. We are in the future now and I believe it is best to take advantage of the positivity and learn about the negativity, so we can stay away from it.

I am curious though what would be the negative side of tipping or paying people for services through steemit?

Interesting post, yeah it reminded me of that black mirror episode too!

yeah I took that aspect out of the post because I only presented it to show how integrated a social network can become in the future in society. But I don't see much negative with tipping and paying people via Steemit... to me it would seem a positive thing all around and a very easy way to pay people. Unless I am missing something, is there a negative to it?

Will if you didnt tip someone they might flag you and ask their friends to do the same, might lead to some interesting future steemit conflict dynamics lol

Right @corvo but of course there could be annotations to the tip that makes it public, after all that's one of the aspects of Steemit that is most interesting, it's transparency. You can look at everyone's wallet. I am sure the same will carry on in the future. So in the case you brought up, there should be a way for the person not tipping to explain why he/she didn't tip. But the bigger picture is, at the moment Steemit looks like a more viable currency in the future than even Bitcoin, because of how it is tied in to a social network. If Steemit ever gets out of Beta, it's not too hard to foresee large companies and stores making pages like they have on Facebook, and accepting Steem for goods and services.

I concur. Exciting stuff!

You have a wild imagination @wvm, and i upvoted and followed you for it ahah
It´s a nice idea, just like you paying your groceries or rent in bitcoin, who knows, only the future will tell, peace ;)

I think that Steemit is part of the future, but I think that some people would want a currency that keeps transactions and wallet balances secret. Bit coin is a great proof of concept, but as I it is based on "make work" where as steem is based on social contribution. A different currency that was based on computer memory, or computing Protein folding, or I don't know what.

I think that a currency that is ultimately based/backed by the price of energy. This would make it so that business interests $$$ also equal environmental improvement.

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