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RE: A future of Steem - Why Steem may be a more viable currency than Bitcoin in the future.

in #steemit7 years ago

Interesting post, yeah it reminded me of that black mirror episode too!


yeah I took that aspect out of the post because I only presented it to show how integrated a social network can become in the future in society. But I don't see much negative with tipping and paying people via Steemit... to me it would seem a positive thing all around and a very easy way to pay people. Unless I am missing something, is there a negative to it?

Will if you didnt tip someone they might flag you and ask their friends to do the same, might lead to some interesting future steemit conflict dynamics lol

Right @corvo but of course there could be annotations to the tip that makes it public, after all that's one of the aspects of Steemit that is most interesting, it's transparency. You can look at everyone's wallet. I am sure the same will carry on in the future. So in the case you brought up, there should be a way for the person not tipping to explain why he/she didn't tip. But the bigger picture is, at the moment Steemit looks like a more viable currency in the future than even Bitcoin, because of how it is tied in to a social network. If Steemit ever gets out of Beta, it's not too hard to foresee large companies and stores making pages like they have on Facebook, and accepting Steem for goods and services.

I concur. Exciting stuff!

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