
I don't do FB; but, I do love lapis blue. I also loved the previous logo. Steemit has many concerns. The logo wasn't one of them. It's too bad we didn't do a democratic one of three vote.
Somehow, I think your challenge will be like my current post, "Get the Feeling, No One is Listening."

If they wanted your input, they would have announced the challenge. That said, I'm glad the bubble wearing a toupee, isn't just me.

Respectfully, the designer of this logo put a lot of creative energy in the design. He made a recent post on his thoughts behind it.

Thanks for this post!


Do you have a link to the post? I would like to read it.

@voyceatlas I wasn't sure which link you were speaking of; but, you will find the links to all of the posts listed at the end of the post listed below:

I hope this helps!


Thanks! I was asking about the designers post.

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