The Start of Something Small - Character Development of The First Spryte - Part Two

in #steemit8 years ago

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I got a little better with the facial creation of the Spryte this time as it proved much better to start at the beginning and build her one part at a time. The eyes were giving me fits the first go around, so I decided to start with a stock character and begin by getting the eyes just right. There are plenty of options for makeup, but I some of them made her look like a real tart, so I kept that part simple. Green seems to work best for the eye color, mostly because of her outfit, the surroundings and strawberry blonde hair color. In future characters, I'll change all of those aspects up, as well as body size and shape.

Also, I figured out how to tweak the skin tones for the entire character, and the result for her complexion was pretty good. I like the freckles and how there's plenty of detail throughout her skin. I got the skin tone figured out as well so she's not so monochrome this time around

For the lips, there were also plenty of options and with this look, I wanted to bring them out without having them be too dark or light. These were middle of the road and suit her pretty well.

The hair really turned out great this time. Funny how that happens when you use your tools the right way. Hair is an art form and I'll have to do a lot of research to be able to customize it for her, as well as the other characters, who'll need their own styles.

For this next scene I gave her a different style of background than the last time. I used an illustrated image I acquired courtesy of Pixabay, that I think matches the rendering style of the Spryte better, I think. I love the waterfall, lake and landscape very much, and this might be a scene I use a lot and customize for future work in this series.

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Building this scene led me through adding the wardrobe and learning how to adjust the lighting. There's a different effect with this scenery than before. The character now comes across more life size, but less so in this one than in the next few scenes. I also placed her on the ground, but I did so mostly because it works better for the imagery in these scenes. I discovered her armband as well, which complements the outfit nicely.

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In this scene I changed the focus to be more of a closeup on the Spryte, sacrificing some of the background, but not too much. I also got back to the hovering effect this time. It really works better for a winged character, but being on the ground is something that could be worked into story line later on.

I changed up the pose to be less stiff and more feminine. I tried some more work with the hands and got a little better this time. It's kind of challenging to work with arms and hands in these scenes. You have to do something with them in order to make the character look natural and not posing like a Barbie Doll.

I switched the angle of the camera and adjusted her head to get her to look right into it this time. I really like the way the background wraps around her and draws focus directly to the character this way.

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I switched her location and camera angle a bit on this one, with a purpose that you'll see in the next scene. I change the pose as well and got her hand positioning almost there. Her left hand kept wanting to disappear behind her hip when I got it too close, so I decided to leave it there. For the most part it looks natural and makes the shot work well.

I've been researching about gaining effect with vantage points. In other words, having your subject looking at different things when creating the scenes. In this one, I played with that a bit too.

Changing her position in this scene was something I wanted to do so I could try something for the next one. I may be jumping the gun with a book cover, but as I was doing these scenes with the waterfall, I kept imagining that it would make a good cover, so I worked it in.

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The goal was to make room for a title and other book cover stuff, and I think the previous image worked pretty well for it. I think I need to work on the dimensions and size, but it captures the idea pretty well.

Thanks for reading this post, and a very special thanks to everyone who voted for my last one. It's the first time I've done so well with anything here on Steemit.

Previous Work In This Story Line

The Start of Something Small

The Start of Something Small - Character Development of The First Spryte



@vegascomic - I think I may have found you through @bendjmiller and I'm so glad that I did! This is fantastic and I can't wait to see what else you are creating.

I hope this gets a lot more recognition, since I feel it is very cool! You might want to look into creating an entry for @halo in her contest and making it look a bit like her. You have a lot of talent! Good luck in fantasy football too! Resteemed!

Thanks for the comment. Am I losing to you this weekend in Fantasy? Lol. I'll look into the contest :)

No. This is not the week you get to lose to me ;) haha I just meant in general. Fun to see a fellow fantasy football brother making some really cool digital creations.

Very cool, yes please do enter my Art Challange. Week 3 rules will be posted on Saturday, they will be the same as week 2
💋 @halo 💋😇

I've definitely heard of the contest. Where would I go to enter it?

This was week 2 rules and week 3 will be posted on Saturday the rules will be the same as week 2 just the dates will change.

Wow, I have no clue how to do stuff like this, pretty awesome @vegascomic. She's definitely hawt, I love her outfit, not one I would imagine for a sprite, she's for sure a sexy Sprite, probably the sexiest in the world :)

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