Are Steemit-like Point Scoring Apps Going to Take Over The World? Get Points for EVERYTHING IN LIFE?!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I was just watching James Corbett talk about a new Canadian Gov. App that rewards users for their healthy behaviour and he points us to a presentation from a few years ago in which a vision of the future is shared that includes earning 'points' for everything in life! I have to say that the connection between this vision and Steemit is clear to me and I wonder where all of this is heading.. As Always it's up to us to make the future what we need it to be and not some hellish, corporate controlled nightmare.

Carrot Rewards?

carrot rewards

For someone such as me who seeks to empower free will and to totally end enslavement, the idea of being rewarded for my every move AND receiving 'advice' from 'experts' about my every move is totally freaky and not what I want at all. Yet that is apparently what some of those who control the world's governments are aiming at for us! Rather than seeking to heal, balance and evolve in a holistic, engaging and heartfelt way - they are simply seeking to use the 'carrot and the stick' approach (literally) by paying us to be healthy. To the mind of a political economist this might make perfect sense - After all, it saves the government money when we are healthy and, well, doesn't the government always know what's best?

Well, no, they don't. In truth, most governments have a terrible record for offering 'advice' regarding health - but, hey, we can just vote in a better government, right? Well, no - not really - it has long been proven to me that the world's governments are total facades intended to give the impression of having been freely chosen, yet in truth they are in no way whatsoever intended to truly reflect the will of the people.

I highly recommend checking out James' new video on this here:

Here's the full video he referenced:

How can we use Steemit in a truly helpful way? Are the Anarchic roots of Steemit enough protection?

Steemit was designed, according to it's creators, to embody a form of anarcho-capitalism - whereby the limits and controls are removed from exchange and rewards as much as possible. In principle, when compared to existing forms of state controlled capitalism, this is a good thing. However, it doesn't really matter how great an idea is, there are always those 'out there' who seek to manipulate and warp that good idea for their own nefarious purposes. How would you feel if Coca Cola or Monsanto decided to integrate the Steem blockchain into their products somehow? So that you earned steem for using their toxic products? Is there any way to stop that from occurring?

As always, enlightenment is the soulution

There really isn't a problem in life that cannot be soulved by enlightenment. Enlightenment generally refers to 'increased understanding' and so what I am pointing to here is that this technology, as with most technology - can be used in an enlightened and wise way, or the opposite. It is up to you, dear reader, and to us all - to figure out how to make the best of what we have here and to not allow it to be warped and corrupted by those among the population who would literally kill their own mother to make a buck!

What do you think/feel on this? Got comments?

If you have any thoughts, feedback or inspired, related ideas then let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Ican see the rationale behind govt rewarding healthy behaviour (savings in health care etc), but how will they know if you have a crafty fag (that's a cigarette to our American friends), or have a burger for lunch? Also, to make the scheme work, it will need to be widespread, costing a fortune. Therefore the rewards can't be that great!

Most things in life have some pros and cons, it's where the lines are drawn that makes the difference. I think the idea is that in the future you would have a monitor that measures your blood sugar and other markers, for example, that gives them the data that they would need to accurately know what was going on. pretty freakish.

I agree that a monitor is too far. I agree that freedom of choice is key but I can see the frustration of people who see others choosing to make unhealthy choices and then expecting the state to pick up the tab (through medical bills etc). I look onnit that those who choose to be unhealthy are choosing to die earlier (with or without state help) , so it all balances out in the end.

It is true that many people hold a death wish that they are often unconscious of - that is the tragedy here. My path involves a continual digging down into the depths of the collective unconsciousness to bring it into the light of awareness so that we can fix these injuries. I do feel that the 'carrot and stick' of reward systems is actually part of the injuries that we need to heal and that is why I feel so uncomfortable about it all.

Interesting thoughts. Thank you for posting. I have been wondering, too, if it is beneficial for a society to reward well-behaving. Who will define what well-behaving is?

That is part of the issue, yes - but more importantly there is a kind of sidetracking going on where our internal balance and emotional compass is being manipulated through technology. Often the rules employed in such technology is made by people we would not choose to have in our own home, let alone have deciding whether or not we are 'good enough'. :/

I use this app daily, get reward points for crossing particular number of steps a day, wouldn't it be awesome if we develop similar app but instead of points we get sbds and sp for daily step goals!

It's a strange dichotomy - on the one hand we like to get paid, but on the other hand i feel we would be more empowered by just living freely and letting our experience and good feeling be it's own reward.

You raise some great points in your post and this Carrots program sounds like quite the curious fact.

I think the government offering benefits to the people that are staying healthy is a move that absolutely makes sense even if it is hard to implement or even if it is unlikely to be implemented properly. But surely a health gamification app is nothing more than a curious gimmick as if it offered any real value and rewards, it could be easily abused as it has no way to check that you are not lying to it.

As far as Steemit's anarcho-capitalism goes, I think it's a great experiment an it's certainly a platform that has a lot of potential. But viewing it as anarchy or even anarchic is not really accurate at least in my opinion. There is nothing anarchic about the way hardforks are introduced and they obviously influence the steem economy in major ways, so they can be viewed as a form of centralized control. Additionally, I think it's fair to view all the voting curves, decays and equations driving the platform as government regulation especially keeping in mind that they are getting tinkered and introduced and removed at every hardfork. That's a classic example of a government using regulation as a leaver to influence and control the supposedly free market.

Aloha! Thanks for your comments. The important point here is one that surfaces through study of the psychology of mind control that has been exposed over the last 50 years or so. The issue is that people are being programmed via stimulus / response to behave a certain way, without understanding the necessary details as to why they are doing it and what all of that is based on. It is a sad situation that some people's best chance of being healthy is as a side effect of getting points!
The reality is that this is not their best chance of getting healthy, but as long as they are hooked in the delusional 'reality' created via tv, advertising, pr and bogus/junk science presented as fact - they will be too distracted and disconnected from the truth to know what they need to do. Using cellphone apps is not what we need to be doing and indeed, cellphones are clearly causal in some cancer and DNA damage - so the entire idea is flawed in numerous ways.

I agree about Steemit and I actually think that anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron since a fundamental principle of capitalism is that some will have more and competition will be present. Since anarchy refers to an absence of rulers, capitalism cannot ever really be anarchy as the 'having more' aspect in relation to scarcity for others, implies a form of hierarchic control through 'wealth' rather than 'rules' per se.

The important point here is one that surfaces through study of the psychology of mind control that has been exposed over the last 50 years or so. The issue is that people are being programmed via stimulus / response to behave a certain way, without understanding the necessary details as to why they are doing it and what all of that is based on.

You should keep in mind that a lot of the psychological studies and data currently available should be taken with a decent bit of salt as a far too many studies in the field have been shown to not be repeatable and so on. As far as my limited knowledge goes, not all claims to mind control possibilities hold up and many of the things that are claimed to be a fact turn out to be cultural, generational and so on. For example, most subversive marketing strategies of the past are not working that well anymore.

That's why I wouldn't say that a relatively simple and transparent gamification app can be viewed as a way to program people via a stimulus. My guess would be that they don't even expect the app to really work, but it's more of a fun way to divert more attention to the issue and start conversations. If there are people out there that can be programmed in that mundane way, they don't deserve free will anyway :P

cellphones are clearly causal in some cancer and DNA damage

I personally wouldn't say that's clear at all. Being in close proximity to a cell tower, could be, your smartphone - not that much as RF waves don't have enough energy to tear up DNA as you suggested. If your claim was true, one indicator that you would expect with the proliferation of smartphones which are basically in every pocket in the developed world would be brain tumors incidence to be skyrocketing and to be higher in the more developed parts of the world where cell phone proliferation is higher. The data I'm aware of seems to show that this is not the case, so this means that the your assertion here might actually be wrong. Keep in mind that the fact that RF waves in larger quantities could actually heat tissue up doesn't change the fact that their energy is still not as high as x-rays and gamma rays that are the type of radiation that can really tear DNA up and actually cause cancer.

Of course, it is not impossible that cell phones and smartphones in particular have some other way in which they are causing cancer, but it doesn't seem like it's the case based on the data that we currently have. But tearing DNA molecules apart is most probably not the way they do so even if they do which remains unlikely. You can check this out if you think the American Cancer Society can be a reliable source on the matter.

Since anarchy refers to an absence of rulers, capitalism cannot ever really be anarchy as the 'having more' aspect in relation to scarcity for others, implies a form of hierarchic control through 'wealth' rather than 'rules' per se.

This does sound like steemit to an extent actually ;)

There are multiple studies that draw a direct connection between cell phone use and incidence of cancer and DNA damage. There are many issues involved, including amount of exposure and that the issue is difficult to track and may take years to manifest. I agree that the cases of related illness should be statistically trackable with increased usage of cellphones, but it may be that this takes a few more years before the data becomes obvious. Here's a presentation on this topic:

Also bare in mind that it is a legal requirement for cellphone manufacturers to state in the handbook for cellphones that they are a health risk and you must not use them within 10-20 inches of your body! E.g. you should use a hands free kit. However, this requirement has been 'met' by pasting this warning in handbooks in the tiniest possible font - so almost no-one sees it.

As far as mind control goes - I have studied this myself for over a decade and don't rely on scientific studies for my information in that field - I only mentioned them since they do make certain important things clear in a basic way that are relevant here.

"This does sound like steemit to an extent actually ;)"

yes, the entire top-down culture of crapitalism has been directly transposed into steemit - but that's to be expected to some extent since steemit only really exists due to it being invested into by those who held funds already from outside of steemit.


Enlightenment is definitely the solution!

thankyou for your enlightenment! :)

Madness. The thing that stood out to me was the flu jab. Seem to me a very clever way of manipulating the brainwashed and is very very scary. I will be staying well away. WOW I'm speechless

Yes, the reward circuitry is very much part of addiction patterns and we all know how the addicted among us will cross lines of behaviour to satisfy their addiction that they wouldn't usually cross. I wrote on this subject just a few posts back:

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