Parents That Use Rewards, Punishment, Blame & Guilt Are Destroying Life on Earth.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Often parents can be seen and felt to be essentially mind controlling their children and programming them with behaviours via a variety of dysfunctional methods. These can include 'reward/punishment' devices that often include blame that then causes guilt and other similarly heartless devices to attempt to pressure for conformity.

Sadly, this kind of control based programming is the opposite of empowerment and It is not an exaggeration to say that the ultimate result of this in society has often been a kind of semi-conscious, mass conformity of beings who are effectively being 'bread to become slaves', who do not question the alleged 'voices of authority' in society and who are thus easily led by others.

Often, the justification put forward by the parents for their actions, as they weaken their child's ability to think and fend for itself, is an intention of teaching 'politeness' or 'love' or 'safety' - yet this type of control achieves none of these.


Programmed Habits Cause Loss of Consciousness

Whenever a parent uses chocolate or some type of hormonally stimulating material as a 'reward' and every time they use a physical slap or they perhaps enforce an arbitrary rule of where/when the child can express their own essential drive to move their body (their will), they are creating a dissonance and conflict in the child and a loss of love and integrity occurs. There is no way that a child can go against it's own desires without it also being forced to act unlovingly to itself, so it is in every way unloving for a parent to attempt to use such methods to change behaviours. By attempting to use triggers as a way of programming a child, the parents are forcing behaviour to be unconscious, so now rather than the child's own intelligence understanding the details of what the appropriate action is in any given situation, they are simply following a script of prescribed choices that do not allow for the needed adaptation in an ever changing world. A conscious child can think for itself!

Punishment is not a necessary part of learning. We are quite capable of learning when compassionate intentions are present and punishment only creates emotional imbalances which then can lead to an increase in destructive behaviour, not a decrease. If punishment truly worked, wouldn't it be the case that we would be moving towards less criminality on Earth? We are not.

The Spiritual 'Virus' Continues Through Generations

In exploring the causes and origins of these patterns, a common intuition is received: That the parents are unconsciously enforcing these controls without thinking about why they are doing it and without enough clarity to choose more wisely. So the parents are themselves acting out of their own unconsciousness and further creating more unconsciousness in their children.

The situation may take a further twist in that very often the parents are doing this 'because they did it to me', meaning:

"Because my parents did this to me and i am holding an angry desire for revenge that was never expressed; now i will pass that on to my children."

The unhealed anger in the parents is still stuck in an unevolved state that holds the belief that "They must know what I went through as a child." - but it's unconsciousness means it is unreceptive to new understandings and does not notice that the parent's own child is not the one that caused them to suffer originally. Passing on this dysfunction is only going to continue the cycle, but the dysfunction WILL be passed on unless consciousness is increased in the parent and the cycle is stopped.

Intent to heal

All healing requires us to hold an intention to heal. This can be seen and felt clearly in cases of serious illness, where the patient 'gives up' and dies shortly after. Healing also requires that we end denial, since denial prevents us from understanding the truth of the situation and thus prevents us from making more enlightened decisions that fix problems instead of making them worse.

Healing and ending denial involves a release of all internal pressure (mentally generated or otherwise) upon self to control the expression of the emotions. This is exactly the opposite of the 'politeness' programming that parents commonly 'install' in their children, but REAL politeness is CARING and it is not caring to control emotions.

Evolving and Balancing As a Soul Family

Whether we like it or not, we are all part of a soul family and that includes both ends of the spectrum of balance - from those of us who are more balanced to those of us who are out of balance. As we individually learn to reverse our dysfunctional patterns that had been previously thought to be loving, but which were in truth actually unloving - we play our part in increasing the levels of love on Earth and this will in various ways also go on to affect others in our giant soul family.

All of this really comes back to what has been said so many times and in so many ways - BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. If you want to see both politeness and a free society, then find the needed balance that must be found for peaceful co-existence to exist alongside total freedom and free will. By living this you will inspire children to live this too and we can collectively fix our issues in a successful way instead of just forcing the problems to change form. When we fail to understand the problems deeply enough they may appear to be fixed, but have in fact only evolved into a different form and then we may find we are constantly struggling just to keep up with the form changes involved and never get any closer to truly and deeply healing our issues.

May we make the unconscious conscious!

Ura Soul

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Thanks for sharing, nice post

We all have value! :)

I've been doing some "healing" with @skeptic and his denial :D

hmm - a minus 5 reputation is quite an 'achievement'!

That's just what the community curated that particular account of his as. There's multiple narratives over if it was deserved, but what's not debatable is that nobody owes anyone an explanation for upvoting content, or downvoting, and threatening people is not self defense, and I told him I'd argue till we're both both in the face about what is what, he unfortunately didn't argue much of anything, he did display a lack of responsibility in the situation and claimed his innocence throughout by his constant denial: It's not porn, it's censored comics, It's not spam, it's posting content, it's not free speech, it's censorship.

You may lose hope if you ever have the opportunity to see a couple, in the midst of a divorce, using their kids as weapons against each other.

Fighting for "custody" when they don't really want it, but because they want to deny the other their kids. Then using "visitation" time to try and poison the kids against the other parent.

There should be some kind of test they give people before they're allowed breed.

Heartlessness is the major problem on Earth and if we intend to survive we must make healing our hearts the primary mission now. <3

I don't think they lack feeling (i.e. heartless) I think it's got more to do with being constantly bombarded with the idea that being selfish is the way to get everything you want.

And that only material objects are worth wanting.

Being heartless, to be precise, is not a lack of emotion - rather it is a lack of balance. It is possible to have emotions that are not enlightened by spirit/thought and it is possible to have thought that is not guided lovingly by emotion. If heart is present then the emotions will come to balance in an empowering way and so will thought. If heart is lacking then thought and emotion will be dysfunctional and cause imbalance in an almost unlimited number of ways.

I guess we must be using different dictionaries.

Many times the commonly held definitions for words are not entirely accurate due to a lack of understanding. I have worked specifically in emotional healing and heart balancing for a decade and so have a broader understanding of the mechanics involved than is common.

None the less though, the definition you have provided here does point to what I am saying. The lack of feeling is that which I pointed to by describing thoughts that exist without the guidance of emotions. The lack of consideration can also be said to be reflected by the emotion that lacks the enlightenment of thought.

Heartlessness, precisely, refers to the lack of involvement of the heart in the process of thinking, emoting and acting.

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