300 Follower Milestone! Free Professional Edit/Proofread Giveaway For Most Interesting Posts!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hey Fellow Steemit Freedom Fighters!

I've just reached the 300 follower milestone and have had YET ANOTHER uber-BRILLIANT idea for a way to give something back to the community. My new "follower milestone" posts will be accompanied by JUICY free giveaway of my PROFESSIONAL editing/proofreading skills. As my preference is to always work on content which piques my interest, what I would like to do is offer this free giveaway to the Steemians who suggests the MOST INTERESTING posts. It can be YOUR post, or a post of one of your FAVORITE writers on Steemit.

Just leave the url of any CURRENT post in the comments section. Newly published posts are, of course, preferred, as it gives me enough time to evaluate, choose, and finish the edit/proofread so that the post is polished for as many days as possible for maximum benefit to the authors.

It would also be EXCELLENT - but not expected - if you all can share this post so as to increase the chance of finding the MOST INTERESTING posts to win the free edit/proofread. My plan is to edit/proofread AS MANY post as possinle within the seven day period in which this post is live. I will be selective of the most interesting posts, and keep within the parameters of time and energy that I have available, outside of all of the other daily work I do. I will also be including a link to all of the WINNERS so that they can get some extra exposure. So show me your best stuff, and let's get this party started!

Thanks to all of my 300+ followers, and be ASSURED that I have LOTS of ideas for interesting new content coming down the pipeline. I will likely do this giveaway at each +100 follower milestone, so be on the lookout the upcoming one.

Steem On!...


Current winners of the free edit/proofread :

  1. @drdave :

... (more to come)...



I would love another set of eyes to review my writing...

Yo @drdave! Yes, this is a JUICY one. I will edit/proof this one, and what I will likely do is INSTEAD of doing JUST ONE, I will choose any of the interesting ones which roll into this comment area, work on them IF I have the time/energy, send the author the finished text, and add the polished url to a running "winners" section of this post. In this way this post will remain active for the whole week and SEVERAL people can benefit. This will also help me reach the 400 milestone FASTER so that I can then do a new round of this giveaway. I LIKE to do this anyway, so it's a win-win for everyone. Does that like a good idea in your opinion? I predict that this edit/proof will take 1-2 hours to complete (also considering the other work I have today). I will start after posting this comment. Can you provide an email address, or Steemit Chat connection request so that I can send you the finished text? Let me know. In the meantime I will be working on this one...

@drdave - Okay. Your edit/proof is complete, and I have sent the edited text file to you at @drdave on Steemit Chat. Please check it out and confirm you received it so I can add the updated post url to the running list of winners on this post...

Thank you @transcript-junky ... You do great work - it's much appreciated...

No problem, @drdave. I am ALWAYS open to apply my editing/proofreading skills to QUALITY, well-written content. It improves the WHOLEM Steemit platform.

congrats on the milestone @transcript-junky, happy to be following....keep up the quality work!

I love looking for great content on Steemit so I really appreciate this post! PLUS I'm a blogger and a little bit of editing is always a good thing. :)

Hey @travelinggeek! Yes, I hadn't actually thought that this new series of posts can act as BOTH a free giveaway AND as a showcase of high-quality content, which of course requires me to be choosy about which posts to edit. Great point. Also, as a fellow traveler I would be happy to some edit/proof some of your posts, if they pique my interest. Thanks for the ReSteem, and feel free to submit a url of any of your current posts which you deem worthy of an edit/proof. Good luck.

I'm working on a six part series. I posted part one and then saw this message... I will take you up on the help. I always need another pair or eyes.

Perfect time to have the post edited/proofed (two hours after posting). I just went ahead and did it. It took about 10 minutes - some common punctuation issues, a couple of sentence mergers, some common grammar issues. Easy stuff. I tried to find you on Steemit Chat, to send you the completed text in Word format, but you don't seem to be on there. Can you provide an email address?

[email protected] I will get on Steemit chat as well.

Congrats man. I need to check out your proof-reading skills. I have a lot of projects still waiting on proofing. I'll be in touch.

Hey @walkingkeys, and everyone else who is following, and/or has commented on this post. Just an update that I have been BURNIN' mountain bike RUBBER through "deep jungle" of Laos - currently between Vientiane and Ving Vieng. It's pretty HARDCORE in this neck of the woods, and while for the last two nights I landed a LOVELY little serene (albeig spartan - which I prefer) $6 USD bungalow in a rural area, it was so rural that no WIFI available in the whole town. Nothing new, but something that needs to be accounted for. It'd actually quite nice to go UNPLUGGED for a few days, but I WAS able to work OFFLINE on my writing and transcription. The good news is that I rolled into a LESS rural (and more "Chinese") kind of town (lots of Chinese construction going on in Laos and neighboring countries) and one nice thing about "the Chinese" (to counter-balance some of the LESS-nice things) is that they TEND to live a bit more comfortably than the other "groups" in the region. There's definitelky something to be said for that, and the $6 COZY room WITH wifi that I landed tonight is just what I needed to stay productive. @walkingkeys, YES, I DEFINITELY think that having me proof some of your posts would be UBER beneficial to BOTH of us. I definitely PREFER to take on projects with people who can REALLY WRITE. You are right up there on my "Top 10" list. I definitely enjoyed proofing @drdave's post (above) and welcome AS MANY OTHERS of his relative caliber, as it helps us ALL to evolve. Hopefully you can AT LEAST drop ONE url here on this post, so that I can process that for you and give it an extra boost. If not then you can always email me at [email protected] and we can move info that way. Come on, folks, drop some quality posts link here the comments so that I can exercise my editing/proofreading skills, and we can ALL get a nice little boost in exposure for our content.. I SHOULD have continuous WIFI access as I rolll into Vang Vieng over the remaining four days that this post is active, so please feel free to take advantage of the opportunity. If not, there will be one of these "Follower Mileston" posts at every addition +100 mark, so there will be regular opportunities to get a JUICY FREEBIE into the future...

Congratulations on 300 followers! Next step 500 :D

Nope, next one is at 400 so I can run these JUICY free edit/proofread giveaways (hopefully) once a month (for a duration of one week each). Would you like to suggest one of your current text posts for a free edit/proofread? If so, simply post the url here and I will consider it...

Please follow the rules in the group ↕ Resteem to steemit. You need to resteem someone from the group, then I wil approve your post and other people will resteem you.

Do you know how to resteem ?

this post has receive 100% from @naeemahmedd

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