How to Stop the Scams - Stop voting for Introductions and Steemit guides

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Voting for Introductions has created a scam cycle that needs to stop.

There are multiple obvious scammers grabbing pictures off the internet and creating introduction posts, just to harvest the free money. There is even a howto guide for it posted. Stop voting for this crap.

  • Introductions should go on your blog page, and should not be worth any money.
  • The content you provide after an introduction is what should be upvoted.

Steemit Developers - Create a User Bio page for this, and end this scam cycle.

Stop Voting for unverified Steemit guides.

Voting for a constant stream of guides and blind Steemit cheerleading has also created a scam cycle. Every time there is a change, there are multiple guides and pictures, with blind cheerleading and brown nosing trying to get free money. These posts contain unverified information, leave out important limitations, and leave new users to find out the hard way about crypto pumping. Encouraging this type of thing is how newbies get ripped off.

Stop voting for them.

Guides should be posted by official steemit employees, so users can be sure they have valid information.

  • Only vote for officially sanctioned Steemit guides.
  • Demand that the White Paper be updated.
  • Demand that a user manual be published, by the team that developed it.
  • Demand a changelist that explains the new rules every time there is an update.

Steemit Developers - Create an official User Manual, official How-to Guides, and post a detailed changelist (on for every update to end these scam cycles.

These are standard software development practices.
"Its in Beta" is just a really lazy excuse...
It is damaging your reputation.

Only vote for things you find interesting and want to see more of!

Unless you want to constantly read about new fake friends, and guides on how to brown nose rich people, and random howto's from people that may or may not know what they are talking about, stop voting for this crap!

Do you like Music?
Upvote that! Post some cool links about it! Livestream a local band. Post comments.

Do you like Food?
Upvote that! Post a cool recipe. Show off some of your cooking. Comment on it.

Do you like Games?
Upvote that! Post about your favorite! Post a video of your last grisly death! Ask for tips.

Unless voting habits change, this place will only get worse.
Only upvote stuff you want to see more of.
Stop paying for fake profiles.
End the scam cycles.
/end rant


I think the problem is that the whale-bots are set to vote for anything in the introduceyourself tab.

It's not the minnows that are the problem - they just upvote because the whales have already upvoted.

I put the introduceyourself tag on, I guess we will see if there is an autovote bot.

You might need to make a fresh post to test it out because they tend to vote only if a post is before it's 30 minute mark. See the following for an example:

A lot of the bots are doing comments in the hope that the noob upvotes it, but there are votes to the main post too - not yet whale votes, but enough to get it on to the hot and active tabs.

Fair point , people come here and post in introduceyourself, get $$ and never come back again.

Yes. It's only going to get worse now, because there is a guide posted that explains how to do it...
That's why I posted this. I hope they do something.

I definitely agree. Once everyone gets over the mindset of auto-upvoting certain tags, I think everything will start to look a little more sane. It might not be the best way to do it, but I've decided to start giving my votes out to people for coming to my post and doing things. On Wednesday I asked people to tell me something about them for an upvote. Today I asked people to tell me how they found out about steemit. I might not be worth a lot, but for a lot of folks that can't get anything for a post, it's certainly better than nothing. My current "giveaway" can be found here:

Spread the word. That how to guide is going to create massive amounts of fake profilers unless the voting changes.

That's a good way to get followers, once that feature starts working. I always try to upvote good commenters too!

Last few days i have been upvoting and commenting intro post and some how to guides. Honestly, it is just that those content tend to be popular and your comment has a chance of getting upvoted too.

Personally, I would like to upvote game content but i hardly see any and my vote dont count much. So i guess nobody makes em.

Just FYI, unless you vote at exactly 30 minutes after a post and before the big money votes\shows up, you don't make much. The way it works now you will make more from your own posts than you ever will from voting.

Post some cool game videos and links. Youtubes of good games are cool to watch. More people will join in if they see it around.

I just read about the curation reward earlier today. i admit, It kinda killed my interest in this site abit. I spend most of my time and was really enjoying the new post section. I just wanted to find content that can go viral like "THE FIRST Steemit Professional Photoshooting." And you are right, the way it is set up, it is a waste of time.

I read the title and felt guilty because I only found your post now and had written... a guide.


  • Demand that the White Paper be updated.
  • Demand that a user manual be published, by the team that developed it.
  • Demand a changelist that explains the new rules every time there is an update.


Totally not your fault! It is the lack of official documentation that has created this problem and constant flow of third party tutorials.
Congratulations, your guide was very detailed and is doing quite well. Much better than pointing out standard software development practices...

I agree. minnows, vote out of interest for the post, not for money. Make relevant replies, to posts that are good and generally interests you. You would want others to do the same to yours. Whale hunting crap posts are not what will stick in the long run.

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