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RE: Go watch 'The Red Pill' is berniesanders doing what feminism did to men's rights movement?

in #steemit7 years ago

I talked with bernie in chat and encountered him on different occasions (flag wars). I am not on his side in general, but I think it is good to have someone like him around, who will flag everything he deems bullshit.

It is just much more sympatic than all these rainbow puking other wales and dolphins.

Destruction is part of change.

He also got -18 from @dan in person. It is not like he drew the hate of actual Steemians.


Disagree, I know of 6k Steemians that he drew the hate of.

Sure, the same way you know all your followers personally. I help promote Haejin, so no not the same way for me maybe, but it's not a far reach at all.

The guy is selling the idea that Haejin uses 6k bots (ridiculous and unfounded)....when he openly uses tons of bots to ruin people's accounts for no reason except that he doesn't like the picture they took...yes I've see that actually happen. I'd like to see ONE piece of evidence of these 6k bots Haejin uses, rather than speculation by a few who know nothing of the truth of how hard it was to get to this point.

lol, ofc @Haejin is using bots. Are you retarded?

Umm no sir I'm not, and prove that to me....or just believe whatever people speculate on. Doesn't matter.

I don't see him creating anything, he seems just to be negative. That is not something I will ever support again.

He literally just drained a ton of steempower from legit post that all these folks used to downvote, how is that helpful?

You always need to destroy something to create something. Think of it like cooking: You need to killl the ingredients before you can create the meal.

I would agree that he is more about making witty insults than contructive criticism, but I understand why he is frustrated with Steem.

I'm interested in working to stop the circlejerking, but I doubt that flagging will get the job done.

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