What kind of followers do you want?

in #steemit6 years ago

New Steem bloggers always find it difficult to gain good followers. At the same time, everyone is obsessed with the number of followers they have. Follower count is a good measure of popularity but it's misleading as a measure of value exchange.


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Having 50 good followers is much better than 500 bad ones. That's a truth I have come to realize. Let me explain.


Good Followers

By good followers, I mean followers who fall into one of these categories.


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A follower who is growing

Steemians who are committed to Steemit and engage with the community are valuable as your followers since such followers are more likely to grow themselves and as a result, their upvotes' worth should also increase over time.

A follower who is interested in what you blog about

A follower who leaves good comments and upvotes with some regularity, that is, a follower who is interested in what you write about and can potentially give you many upvotes in the months and years to come if you ensure the quality of your blogging.

A follower who is a whale or a dolphin

This one is obvious as one vote from a whale or a few votes from a dolphin can earn the blogger significantly more than puny votes from tens or hundreds of minnows and planktons all put together.


Bad Followers

However, as it turns out, most of the followers you get are not as good. There's really not much value in gaining such followers. Here are some types of followers which you do not want and are best avoided if possible.


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Upvote leeches

These people follow you only because they think you will upvote their shitty meaningless comments.

Follow for follow imbeciles

These are the ones who think just following as many Steemians as possible will give them enough number of followers to earn them some good amount of upvotes. The problem with these people is that their own feed streams are always so full of posts from hundreds and thousands of bloggers that they will never notice your posts, leave alone reading, commenting and upvoting them.

Resteem spammers

These are followers who resteem whatever post they find, left right and center. Resteem is a valuable tool and should be used wisely only when you find a post worthy of sharing and which adds value to the blogger as well as to your followers. Habitual resteemers add value to no one and they are followed by no serious Steemian. Nobody likes a feed spammed by so many resteems.

Follow and vanish

I don't know what to say about these. They follow someone, I don't know why, and then they vanish from the face of the planet never to come back and read the posts or engage in the discussions. They remain an enigma, a mystery if you wish.


So what kind of followers do you want?

I don't think it's such a hard choice.

But what kind of a follower are you?

I think this is an important question each Steemian should ask oneself, as that is what will help each one of us improve and in turn improve the platform.


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I'd like 30,000 followers. I figure at least 300 of those should be good ones. lol

300 good ones is a huge deal :) if you are able to reach that point, you will do splendidly well

The follow and vanish followers are very common, they are dormant steamians, just here for the rewards

they are getting no rewards, that's for sure, lolz

It touches my heart that people follow but I'd pretty much like if they check out my content as well.:)

haha, the same wish as everybody Dawn :)

I have over 800 followers, I think it's wild. Who are these people? Haha. I definitely follow too many people right now, feed is a mess.

yeah, keeping the feed clean is quite important

I only follow people who I'm really interested in. There are people who comment and upvote on my work regularly, but I'm just not interested in what they post, so I don't follow them. That might make me a bad friend, but I like to enjoy my feed so I can find what I find valuable and good and they don't get buried under what I don't.

I am completely agree with U @svkrulze

I also have some lame followers . .

Same with everybody :)

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Thanks much, I think this is my second feature in the daily whistle stops :) you guys are doing a great job

Great comparison between good and bad followers. It is important that we focus on quality versus quantity.

I would love to have a few hundred commited followers, but I need to make sure that I am providing extreme value.

I agree, without providing value I do not think I will be able to keep or get good followers

I welcome followers of all kinds! No commitment! If you are a craptastic follower being shunned by the new posting elite, look no further and come to my doorstep, I will welcome you with open arms.

I may not respond to the stuff I don't understand though :D

Lolz Eon... I will tag you the next time I get a comment in an alien language or a "good post I like" comment so that they can share some love with you

Very nice and informative, I liked that you had tons of examples listed and it was comprehensive. Totally agree too! xx Eagle

Thanks for visiting, @eaglespirit. I like that you like it ;)

Thanks for having me! I have to visit your blog again .. i'm behind ... helped deliver a baby today. Yay!

Helped deliver a baby!!!! Wow, that is much more important work than reading my posts :)

yes and nooo stoppit! it was definitely a great experience.

That follower count pretty much like the reputation is just a shiny number to feel good.

I'd rather have 100 good followers engagers who upvote and leave good comments to my posts.

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