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RE: What has changed since June? I am totally baffled that there's been no recognition in Marketing and Promoting Steemit.

in #steemit7 years ago

Good morning from Canada!

Please allow me to stick my nose into this important discussion concerning outcomes of your promotional efforts in Britain. I’m doing so from the base of my corporate experience (in a past life) that includes efforts to deal with executing programs with complexity of the kind that you’re facing here.

Here are my ‘two cents’.

To what extent have your financial and time investments been predicated on assumptions concerning the eventual trend of price change of STEEM in the crypto markets and the timing of the establishment of that trend?

Everybody sees the long-term trend curve if you sort of discount the market-wide euphoria that occurred in the early summer, and, even more important (in my opinion), the mini-surge that followed the SMT announcement. So, if I was making an investment based on some assumptions about an upward-sloping trend curve, I would now be asking myself what would be the basis for thinking that the evident trend curve now is place would be turned around and when that might happen, as well (to make this even more complicated) whether the eventual ‘plateau price’ following the turnaround will leave us looking at a worthwhile capital gain.

I’ve no problem with taking positions on the assumption that we will indeed have a profitable turnaround in due course; but I do advocate that people sit down and think carefully about the implications of the fact that every week/month there is a potential significant flow of new offers to sell STEEM arising from the mining process. This ever-present potential new supply is not in itself a problem; but it does imply that to achieve an upward sloping trend curve the portion of it that becomes a real and substantial weekly/monthly new supply has to be perpetually overwhelmed by offsetting demand. From where will this perpetually offsetting demand come? That, I believe, is the question $64,000 question.

Finally, I would underline something that is almost stated explicitly in the commentary above. The basic goals, management and marketing strategies of Steem Inc. either need to be known, or accurately assumed, as you go forward, in my opinion. Various remarks above say that this is the elephant in the room, and I would agree.

Please note that I’m not criticizing and saying that there is anything wrong with what those goals and strategies are; because I’m just too ignorant of the relevant facts to make such judgments. I’m only saying that the time has come to get a good understanding about them.

One reason for this is my speculation about that long-term price trend for STEEM. The Steemit community is now building impressive network roots around the world and therefore seems to be laying the foundation for a viable business operation; but we may have to get there without assuming that the upward trending price curve emerges anytime soon. The shape of a successful business operation in the presence of an indefinitely depressed stock price (in effect) is what we need to think about -- how do we achieve this?

Of course, none of the above is necessarily correct, and may be more likely wrong then right! However, my experience tells me that we make progress when different heads look at a problem and put in their ‘two cents’, and then the leaders ruminate and decide on strategy after looking at all the ideas that have been put on the table.


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