STEEMIT: We need to recreate what was done in July 2016, shout out from the roof tops and tell people that we are here..!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I posted the Daily Number of Accounts created on Steemit and today it started me thinking.

I wanted to get a feel for what happened in July of last year that caused the spike in the number of Accounts created.

Two obvious possible triggers that occurred were a Livestream chat with Ned and Dan hosted by Blocktalk that was streamed on 8th July 2016 and secondly Dollarvigilante joined on 31st July 2016.

If these two were in fact the triggers that caused a spike in the number of accounts that were created thus creating a sense of buzz in the Community then these types of events have to be recreated again.

When I say these types of events, I mean a Livestream marketing awareness and a target with someone/organisation who has this type of leverage on their Social Network.

For the ones who missed the 8th July Livestream chat here is the link...

Blocktalk Livestream 8th July 2016 - SteemIt's Ned and Dan


I have also included a screenshot of the Daily Number of Accounts created for your reference.



This spike in the Number of Accounts created in July proves that people are interested in the concept of Steem/Steemit it just needs to be repeated again and shouted out from the roof tops..!!

Thanks again for reading.



I joined in July. I don't know about anyone else, but personally, I was drawn in by Steemit is Bitcoin's Killer App | Evidence, Numbers, & Analysis, by @eeks, when it was picked up in one of the cryptocurrency news sites.

Thanks for sharing this. This is the valuable information I was looking for. I was trying to find out what triggered such a big spike last July and when we figure this out then repeat it. Thanks again for providing this, I appreciate it. Stephen

Low supply of Steem was one of main reasons price was able to pump so high. It will happen again if we get more apps, more user friendly and more marketing.

I think another change was that they held payouts from March 'til July 4. The build-up and release of 4 months worth of payouts was probably another big part of why it went viral. I'm not sure how we could reproduce that. Caveat: I joined about a week or two later, so I might not have this exactly right.

I am all for a livestream update when they have some spare time. Would be cool to know what else is cooking at Steemit. There will be some kind of update this week according to @zurvanic

Cheers. Thanks for this. All eyes and ears will be on Mitchell to get a feel for what lies ahead. Stephen

ETA on livestream?

In my view, the product at that time was viral. It was fulfilling its premise and it sold itself. This was the most likely cause of the explosive growth. Similarly in recent weeks we saw the same thing, with the whale experiment renewing the core idea of the platform by reducing the disproportionate effects of the largest votes.

In the last few days our product is very not viral. The wind has been taken out of its sails. I would not show Steemit to people now, not for a couple of weeks at least. Voting influence is again minimal and so are payouts. They are distinctly underwhelming, and you don't want the first impression to be a bad impression.

I could not agree more with everything you say. This feeling mirrors that of mine and is also giving me a harder time to encourage others to the site. Thanks again for the solid view and sharing your thoughts. Stephen

Seems to me this is a good time to plan another grassroots publicity period... in a couple of weeks the "dust" from HF17/18 and the new rewards structure will have settled... right in this moment, perhaps not the perfect timing with so many posts being "wah-wah stories" of missing rewards, but that will stop soon enough.

I have a "Why you're not seeing me on Facebook so much" post in the pipeline, which will basically be a "recruiting piece" for Steemit... probably ready to send around April 15th-20th.

I lean a bit on the quality over quantity side of the equation. Personally, I feel it's important we establish a broader base of active quality content members before shooting for the really big numbers from the "general public."

"Seems to me this is a good time to plan another grassroots publicity period.." I could not agree more. We need to go back and repeat the process again and get the message out. Taking any product to market needs the bait being repeatedly thrown out time after time, not just once and wait and see. Stephen

The "Steemit Golden Times" I find difficult to return, but it is a dream of mine also Stephen

I picked up on one of your recent blogs that you were thinking of taking a bit of time out. I can fully understand that. Steemit needs to get the buzz back into the Community with more positive talk and less negative. I hope you stick at it and continue your blogs. Stephen

I appreciate your support Stephen

You are very welcome. I hope you stick around. Stephen

That is when I joined. I saw Jeff Berwicks $15k intro post and said "Blockchain social media?? Hell yes!"

Interesting. I joined about 2 weeks after the famous "$15k" post and video Jeff did with Dan & Ned. The point of this Blog was simply to say, "...did Jeff influence the rapid number of accounts created?" ..... and if so, this needs to be repeated with another hitter..!! Stephen

There is nothing to stop members of the community spreading the word whilst we wait for the official marketing. They are not mutually exclusive. Personally I think we should use this opportunity to push Steemit in the developing world. Even with reduced payouts it can represent a significant amount of money in countries with weak currencies and high inflation.

I totally agree. I have actively been showing awareness within my Social Network for months but sometimes it is difficult if there is no coverage other than what I am saying. If I say Steemit is this, or Steemit is that, and then back it up with an article about Steemit then it just helps but it's been a while since there has been any Corporate coverage to hang my hat on. You can only market something for so long long without bringing in the big guns and now is the time for the big guns to step up to the mark. Stephen

I also joined around then, at the time I was not into cryptocurrency at all. I honestly don't recall exactly what article I read that got me to check out Steemit, but I know it was through a "mainstream" news site that had picked it up. There was definitely a bit of a viral spread there that can't be replicated on demand.

This exactly the point I am trying to get across .."...There was definitely a bit of a viral spread there that can't be replicated on demand..."..!! Whatever was done in July needs to be repeated. Thanks for the comment. Stephen

It was in a payments trade journal in July.

I would rather see slow and steady growth rather than spikes. I want Steemit to be the future not a fad..but I do think there is value in marketing and getting more exposure for the platform.

Well shit, there's the problem! TDV joined and drained the rewards pool! ;)

Sorry, couldn't contain myself. Lol

haha haha lol. That did make me laugh. lol. Stephen

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