Who is Powering Up or Am I ALONE? The Steemit Power Up Club

in #steemit8 years ago

There were a number of posts lately on the fall of steem and the powering down of steemians.
This can be followed with the Steemit Tool http://steemdown.com/

But am I really alone out there - the only one that is powering up?

Anybody out there?
If yes, let's connect and become the Steemit Power Up Club and hopefully at some time in the near future we have
a steemit tool called steemup.....

I am on Steemit because I have a mission:



Your use of photo's from other posts without giving credit has come up in steemitabuse-classic. I have been following your posts and I know that you are contributing to the community and providing a valuable service to those getting started.

I hope you will consider asking permission to use other steemit users artwork and citing the sources of your photos to give credit for these images. Also, there has been some discussion of not citing sources of photos that are found all over the internet for trending posts. I'd suggest citing sources for these as well to remove any doubt that they are not your creation and to avoid any future flagging by others should one of your posts go viral.

Thank you! I hope others start noticing what you are trying to do here.

This attribution thing - if the link from the origin is directly used, attribution is implicit.

I am very against copyright, I think that it is a violation of property rights, and in fact does nothing beneficial to economics at all, especially for artists, whose work depends on it getting to people more than them paying for it. Prices are subjective anyway.

To me, artistic (including computer programming) products are like other service industries. You pay some basic amount for access to the resource, and then you tip. The real price paid is the asking price plus the tip. The tip is not guaranteed. The asking price, this is where my analogy breaks, because copying data costs so close to zero that it is irrelevant, you can't be charging anyone for that. So really, intellectual 'property' is ultimately a business entirely composed of tipping, and in the end, if someone makes money from your work, I don't mean a little piss like from a 100 dollar post reward, but an ongoing thing, or a giant reward like 2000, perhaps, then maybe one can say that it would be good manners to reward the creators of the work that helped you get this.

To put this burden on someone with no money, and doing their best otherwise creating original content, is, frankly, stupid, cruel, and absurd. I refuse to comply with such but then I rarely use images in my post, and ultimately, the posts attached images only exist elsewhere, not in the blockchain anyway.

Anyway, besides all this, apart from vigilante flagging for 'violators' what moderation can really be done here to stop it? And beyond that, who owns the copyright of every individual's post? I think that the lack of any other declaration within a post implicitly makes it public domain. Isn't steemit.com and the developers making money out of all of this?

I look forward to the day when everyone finally recognises the unnatural, and distorting influence, and the violence implied in copyright.

I accumulating power up to make it rain of the german channel, because i want this to spread to every language on the earth!

I am not as yet bringing external funds into the Steemosphere, in fact I am being saved from starvation and having to scavenge from the streets or beg, because of rewards from my posts. This one here, coming up, is going to be a big help for my cause:


However, I do have other external business activities going on, I recently quit my job because I was being treated like a slave, and when I looked at the contract, it turned out that the manager had the freedom to do this. So I abandoned that contract. The other activities will also yield money, and part of that is going back into Steem and some into powering up. Just not much at this moment. I am also going to switch my focus on holding the liquid assets I have, beyond immediate needs, as SBD in my Steem account. Using Shapeshift, whenever I need to push some money down to my wirex debit card, I can. But I want to try and keep my money in Steem, and about 10% of my income will go back into SP, when the money comes from external activities.

I also am using the rewards I am earning, and the little money I have got coming in, my last pay, the first sales with my other business, and so on, and the return of an outlay I made to get that ball rolling, in a few weeks, to keep me fed and clean, rent and utilities paid - I need to get an internet connection, in fact, I am paying way too much with a prepaid 4G account, even if it is quite cheap, and the service quality is pretty good, I can pay for about 30gb of traffic on this, or I can probably find an ISP that will give me unlimited, faster traffic. I just need a little more surplus to do this, so I am going to tolerate this shaped 256kbit connection a little longer until I have enough to outlay on a few months of service paid up in advance. There was an offer I took up some years ago here, I paid about 23 euros, and they gave me a router, ran an ethernet cable into my apartment, and I got 3Mb/s average constant download speed, no quotas. If I can find a bargain intro offer like this, it will help a lot.

I also value my ability to upvote good material, and to accrue bigger rewards, so powering up enables me to participate more actively on the blog/discussion forum, and I am in fact seeking people to help me get some steem-related software projects going, and SP helps me extend my reach in this regard. I don't mind so much if I am only earning enough doing this, to be able to keep doing it, simply, but it would help a lot if I could get things like a proper desk and chair to sit at when I am working, a better, cheaper internet service, and so on.

I have been powering up all i can. Each to their own of course. Still small fry 22SP but was lucky enough to receive $40 for a post and put all of the SD generated in to powering up. Need to wait a week tho never mind. My plan is to keep doing that and aim for 100 SP =).

You are not alone in powering up, that is one of my goals for now as well. As a new Steemit user, my initial target is to reach 1000 Steem Power by gradually buying Steem on the Poloniex exchange and powering it up. Once I hit 1000 Steem Power, I'll stop buying and rely on blogging / commenting to keep growing my account. Also, that amount is enough that interest from holding the Steem Power will build up at a decent rate.

I do anticipate that the value of Steem will keep decreasing for the time being, so I am spreading my buys out over a long period of time, cost-averaging my way in with 0.1 BTC per Steem purchase, with buy orders staggered at different price levels so they get hit as the price continues to fall. Hopefully at some point the downtrend will reverse, but it's impossible to tell when and at what price level that will be, and in the meantime, might as well take advantage and scoop up all that cheap Steem.

This is the best approach. Look forward to your blogging.

i powered up little under 3000 steem with 10 bitcoins on the 7 of August. Thought it was cheap then, wish i had waited (( . But not crying into my milk now too late anyway. Holding on to my Steem as i do believe and rightly so !!
So keep on Steeming brothers and sisters of the World of Steem.

Activity is now king, and we will see what they will add to the platform....

I am powering up as well and see like you and many other a great future ahead for Steemit

Good to know to have a companion

I have no desire to power down until it's a life changing amount. I throw all my rewards into power up. I'm in this for the long haul.

Welcome to the club :-)

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