The Steemit Newbie Guide: How to Grow Fast and Get Those SBDs

in #steemit7 years ago

The Steemit Newbie Guide: How to Grow Fast and Get Those SBDs

STEEMIT has been growing a lot lately, and the gates are flooding with new blood. This is a great thing as we need the platform to grow and love each and every new user who plans on using this platform and invest himself in it.

I've been writing about how to promote Steemit, how to onboard new users and giving out some information that newbies should know and nobody tells them. I realize there are tons of posts out there explaining how things work, but we still need fresh guides to come out on a regular basis because of not only the forks (updates) but also because of the fact the search bar sucks and those new users can't find those posts.

Having said that, today I'm going to give newbies a guide on how to grow their Steemit audiences lightning fast in a natural and easy way.

This will also ensure that these "noobs" get a great income level right at the start.


Why Should I Talk: I'm a Newbie Myself

My reputation is 50 and I have incoming rewards of about ~800USD for the next 6 days as of now, but I'm not even a month old. I'm a newborn really, but I grew fast because of one thing that is true for everyone of you:

  • Steemit Rewards Hard Work!

Steemit is easy, it is very easy, but it takes work, it takes lots of work.

So, if your interpretation of easy is to get things effortless, then I'm sorry, but if on the other hand you consider easy to be being rewarded fairly for your efforts, that I can guarantee you it is.

Those who put more work into the platform get more out of it, those who want to take "easy street" get less.

My metrics look great, but it actually may repel you to know that not only have I published daily, sometimes more than once or twice, I also started out by commenting...

...And commenting a LOT!


Here's the Holy Grail of Newbie Steemit Income and Follower Building: Comment, Comment, Comment!

When I was first starting, posts would give me mere cents if anything at all, because I had no followers, but I made a whole lot of SBD and followers through commenting.

My account grew because I commented sometimes more than 100 times a day. Heck, on my first days I made:

  • ~1.5 USD on Posts;
  • ~170 USD on Comments.

Let that sink in. Imagine the amount of comments I had to make in order to reach those numbers as a newbie.

Now, quality is a heavy influencer of course. Don't comment spam or one liners. Add value, because if you don't sound smart people won't have a reason to follow you, and won't upvote you.


Use Proper Steemit Etiquette:

Let's face it, there are protocols to follow around here, and Steemit Etiquette can make or break your onboarding experience.

So, make sure you:

  1. Always Upvote the Post You Comment
  2. Comment Smart Things Related to the Post, don't talk without knowing what to say.
  3. If you can't say anything pertinent, don't bother, go to another post.
  4. Comment on the "New" section.
  5. When you're sick of commenting, go do another thing, then get back to commenting after 30 minutes.

Always make sure you comment at least 100 times per day for your first week.

Do this, and I promise you you'll have a great start here.


Do You Want to Overkill It?

Finally, if you comment like 200 times per day and you really want to make sure you get those SBDs and Followers as fast as possible, join every Steem Community under the sun.

Let me be clear, I couldn't pull this off. I joined 3 of them and dedicated myself to those three. They gave me a lot of value and vice-versa, and I can see you can reap a lot of benefits from them - Steemit is after all a "game" in which you depend on others so networking is vital.

On the other hand, I know that I would have benefitted from joining and dedicating myself to more than those 3, but chose not to.

If you want to overkill it and have the time (if you're a stay at home person, unemployed etc...) Then do join all the communities.


Do nice things for them all, it will come back.


But Max, Why Are You Talking Like a Greedy Person?

This is easy to answer and easy to understand: The absolute crushing majority of people that enter Steemit, enter it because they are motivated to do so Financially.

They join it to pursue the rewards, and I'm no different, I did so too. What I found is that those who do not get their rewards in the first weeks don't bother coming back.

We NEED more people. We NEED the community to grow.

That's why we NEED to give newbies the tools and knowledge, the tips, they recquire to ensure they find success here as fast as possible.


To sum it all up, spend the big majority of your time here as a "freshman" commenting, and really put your back into it.

Comment until you're sick to the stomach, comment until you drop comments from your eye sockets and feel like mashing the keyboard!

Do this and I promise you the rewards and followers will come.

Don't despair, find likeminded people and help us all make this community BIGGER!


All Images Copyrights Free From Pixabay.


you are absolutely right, I do the same thing that you did before and it works.
My posts are not very popular and they bring cents. But thanks to comments, it is good and meaningful comments you can make money. But for this you need to really work and work and work ... Subscribers come daily when you do the right things every day ..
Thank you, I read your post and agree with all the things.

Glad you took value from the post, and thanks for the comment.
Im upvoting you, but as a 1 month old user myself it isn't worth much hehe. Cheers

I subscribe

Thank you for this post. Very refreshing honesty in here. I want to do as well as some others on here, as well as YOU, that's amazing you've only been here a month?! I've been relying on pretty much one exceedingly generous persons upvote to motivate me to write more posts, but I'm coming to the realization that that may not be healthy, and I want more people to see what I write. I feel greedy for saying that. But if I can get more SP and upvote others, and share steemit with more people and help them financially, while earning an income, I think that's a win win situation. That's my end goal. So I'd better get to commenting I guess! I'm not going to give up writing my posts though, because they're fun to write and useful information in my opinion :) Cheers to a job well done!

Thank you very much. Yes, I've been here for 20 days and counting.
Everyone who is writing here wants to grow their audience, if not then why would we be writing here and not in a word file?
Because we want people to read it. Of course we also want to get more rewards. The rewards system exists, and everybody deserves a piece of it, after all Steemit isn't from anybody, and that means it's from everyone.
Thanks for the comment!

Hiya! I know this post is old now (for steemit) but wanted to ask you a couple of things, if that's okay.

If you comment 100 times a day, how are you able to implement the upvote etiquette without draining your voting power or getting throttled by bandwidth?
With the current bandwidth problems, it's hard to do much of anything if you have low SP.

Have you written a post about the bandwidth problem?

Also, have you written a post about using pictures in your posts? As in, is there a minimum and maximum pic per post type of psychology to understand to get the best response?

You still need to post daily in addition to high volume commenting, too, right? Cuz to get people to follow they want to see your own good content. It's so very time consuming creating posts. I'm using steemauto to schedule but am having a hard time posting daily.

Do you think having a specific length, or a formatted template you use for all blogging posts is a good strategy? It sure makes typing posts faster.

And finally...
Thanks for your consistent and informative posts! Tootles


Well, I wouldn't vote on the posts, just comment, I would skip the etiquette part.
I just couldn't do it as my vp would be depleted.
As far as bandwidth, I grew very fast because of all the work I put in so I never had troubles with my bandwidth - I was always adding more and more SP from posts and mostly comments.
With the current problems, a delegation is the way to go.
Try to get one from minnowbooster or something.
I use 1 photo for each sub header.
I was publishing 2 big articles per day at the start, while I was doing that comment routine.
I would spend a good 4-5 hours in Steemit every day.~
I recommend articles of 500 words minimum and separated by sub headers.

Cool, thank you for the great input. I will share this into to newcomers! 😎

I' v learned so much from this blog! It keeps me motivated to just go out there and explore more the world of steemit😊 thanks for this post I'v totally renewed my will power to continue posting and continue widening my connections! Have a nice day ahead!

Cool! Glad you liked the post man!
Go and make some noise on the blockchain :D

Thank you @spiritualmax for the tips! Also thank you for commenting in my first post and helping me when I have question!

No problem... anything else you know where to find me :D Cheers mate

Hey bud. Got another question lol. Not sure why I am not getting a thumbnail pic on my post?

The thumbnail is always the first image you upload. If you upload from third party platforms like D.Tube I found that sometimes it doesn't appear.

Yea i was pulling from FB. I think i got it. Need to put my pic on a platform that communicates better with steemit.

This is the most valuable post I ever read. Seriously...some of the comments I read said leave the whale alone. But face it... at the end of the day we all want profit profit profit. I love your honest post. Thumbs up to you.

Yeah, it's the reason why we're here in the first place... Everybody wants a slice of the rewards, whether they admit it or not. Else they would just decline them while posting.

Thanks for posting this, I have been seeing better results now that I'm making an effort to connect with people by commenting. One thing I'm a bit confused about though - you mentioned always upvoting posts you comment on, but how can you upvote 100 posts a day? Doesn't your voting power go down to 0?

Hello Adam... it is actually pretty simple.
If you are over 500 SP you can use 1% votes for instances... on the other hand, you're a newb so you probably dont.
I thought about that, and the reason I say to upvote the posts you read is because your power is low anyhow so it doesn't matter much if you're on 80% or 17%, it will still be 0.00

Having said that, upvote the posts you see had effort doing, you can comment without voting on posts that have tons of votes already so the author won't bother to see if your name is there, or by skipping bad posts that seem low effort.

Awesome super appreciate that advice! I see what you mean now with the voting power being so low anyway. Steemit's pretty different compared to the "old" social media sites I was using lol I'm a bit of a slow learner with new platforms, so every little thing that clicks in my head feels a big step forward lol

Checking my other posts may help.

That's very true. It's likely not to matter if your SP is low, so perhaps the advice here would be simply to not bother. But later on it would be good to selective upvote posts you really want to contribute to.

But yeah, on the flip side, don't be someone who comments and upvotes the comment itself and not the original post. That's very frowned upon, and I think the reasons are clear.

Honestly, noobs don;t always understand reasons for things. For example, on Facebook liking your own posts helps the algorithms reach more people, so, it's not unreasonable for someone used to Facebook to assume that may be the case here. When I first joined, most of the comments I got were along the lines of "Followed you please follow me too" - so, I assumed that was the way to reach people. Turns out, it wasn't lol

steemvoter not working yet, hmmm
Manual Curation Executed! ;)

Manual Curation Received.
Thank you for your patronage.

Good to emphasize the commenting. If you really wanted to prioritize the money you would want to comment on new people of influence, not just all new people.

But if you find a post that is well written that you suspect will be picked up by people with influence, you can possibly get curation rewards on that.

Agree, though since those are hard to measure and don't have proper analytics it can be hard to measure those. For posts and comments you can easilly check the incoming payments on steem supply, for curation you can't check it anywhere right?»

I always wondered about that. I do not know the answer to that question.

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