My Thoughts on Steemit So Far (3 Months) From A Professional Writer

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I haven't been very active on steemit in the past month or so - as I've poured more of my effort into finishing my novel, The Edgar Allan Poe Simulator, putting the finishing touches on my nymphomania/holy whore novelette, and writing a performance piece about a narcissist who goes insane after becoming famous on Instagram. (Which I'll be reading in a week at the Horrible Imaginings film festival... I don't know why people keep inviting me to do readings but I am pretty sure they are not expecting a rap-inspired prosetry piece about getting a lot of 'likes' and the Valencia filter which culminates in an Instagram bloodbath.)

However, I've missed Steemit as I've had some pretty good experiences on here so far. I'd like to get back to regularly posting. I'm one of those nutcases who creates for themselves two-week sprints in Trello and tracks all my hours, so I'll be making space in my schedule for steemit posts. I don't know if I'll be able to post every day

I was introduced to Steemit a few months back by @roomerkind, after I shared a blog post on my Facebook about the relationship between writing and money. He mentioned that he'd earned cryptocurrency from Steemit, so I decided to join and was instantly intrigued. I'm a writer with several published books and have written for games like "State of Decay 2", so I try to set myself to a standard where I don't often publish things for free.

However, most writers end up writing a LOT of content that never earns a cent. I like to share a lot of weird, essay-style posts on Facebook and I decided to keep sharing them here. I managed to earn the attention of a few whales and pick up some regular followers.

One of the first friends I met on steemit was @alexbeyman - who like me, has an appreciation for the intricate details of life's anatomy, and writes horror. I've also really enjoyed posts by @cali-girl , @diabolika , @lil-rut , @lauralemons , and @naquoya among others.

I am still hungry for more awesome content - so if you, or anyone you know, is regularly posting quality writing comment below. I'd love to follow them.

One thing about steemit is that it doesn't necessarily reward quality content. I see a lot of posts about "how to succeed on steemit" and cryptocurrency posts making a lot of money while more thoughtful posts are ignored. Not to mention the constant spam and posts which are a single photograph or video looking to make easy $. This, combined with the variability of payouts dependent on whale/dolphin votes and the rise and fall of the steemti coin itself, makes me think that if you're just trying to be a freelancer earning consistent money, steemit is not the best option.

That being said - the potential for payout can be HUGE, but it is a lot like winning the lottery. Some of my posts may earn $50+, and some barely scrape together $1. However, I like earning money for writing down my weird thoughts that I write for free anyway and with this new system of earning money I often feel like I'm on the "cutting edge" of a great new revolution in currency. I look forward to seeing what happens with steemit in the future.

I've now amassed about $300 in Steem dollars and $300 in SBD. Not a huge amount, especially for the time I've been here, but it's $300 more than I would've had 3 months ago. I'd definitely like to put that money toward new experiences I can write about on steemit. (I'm considering picking up some research chemicals) Any suggestions?


I'm looking forward to reading your posts more frequently after you've finished working on your novel! I rarely comment but I've read pretty much all of your content on Steemit so far, and truly love your unique voice and perspective.

As for research chemicals, what class of drugs are you most interested in? What kind of experience are you seeking?

Based on what you've written about PTSD and your fascination with horror, I think you might find dissociatives worthwhile since they can temporarily reduce emotional sensitivity to trauma, which could prove useful for uninhibited introspection and creativity.

Briefly, here's a list of my my favorites, but I'd be more than happy to make other suggestions depending on your objectives.

Tryptamines: 4-HO-MET, 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-MiPT
Dissociatives: 2-FDCK, O-PCE, 3-MeO-PCP
Lysergamides: ALD-52, AL-LAD
GABAergics: Phenibut, etizolam
Phenethylamines: 2C-B
Stimulants: 2-FMA, IPPH
Other: Kratom, 6-APB (Only one listed I haven't tried yet; supposed to be a less neurotoxic MDMA substitute)

Thanks for these recommendations - I am mostly interested in lysergemides (I have tried 1P-LSD and Ald-52). I had an acid experience for the first time and was fascinated ever since. I love the energy and creativity of it and although I have had a few uncomfortable experiences usually the journey is worth it. I was a bit scared to try a disso as I had kind of a bad experience on ketamine a few years back - what in general has been your experience with it?

I'm also interested in Kratom and 6-APB although I haven't been able to find a good vendor for the MDMA-type chems. Do you think Kratom helps with anxiety at all?

I can definitely relate to your fascination with lysergamides - LSD in particular has profoundly shaped my life and worldview. I'd be very interested in reading more about your psychedelic experiences if you write a post.

I felt uneasy about ketamine and other dissociatives the first few times I tried them, but have since found them to be unique tools. My most recent blog post is about dissos if you're curious. What type of environment were you in when you tried ketamine?

Dissociatives can be an acquired taste and they aren't for everyone, but I think 3-MeO-PCP might be worth a few experiments. Despite its stigma, it's a surprisingly navigable dissociative at very low doses (starting at ~3-4mg). Unlike ketamine, there's no double vision, nausea or motor impairment, so it's more suitable for exploring the external world. When I take it and venture out in public, my social anxiety dissolves and I'm able to analyze my patterns of avoidance with less ego attachment.

Kratom is excellent for anxiety and depression, and for some reason it gives me really vivid dreams. It's especially lovely along with some kava and weed! I like UEI and Maeng Da strains and usually prefer extracts over plain leaf.

It was definitely not the best environment for taking Ketamine - I snorted some of it off a knife given to me by a man I just met named "Spider" while in an old warehouse so you can imagine how that went.

I went and read your post - it was very thorough and excellently researched -
it had me intrigued and I might end up picking up some 3-MeO-PCP.

Awesome, if you do end up researching dissociatives, I hope that your experience will be more rewarding than your ketamine trial.


Steemit is like everywhere else. You can make a quick dime or a slow quarter. Most people quit before they get either.

Totally - writing isn't a game for casuals.

Yeah send some to me....jk

If you lived up here, in a little over one month some of North Americas strongest mushrooms are going to pop up for free, and we have legal cannabis shops all over Portland, Hope it can be as cool where your at..
I must follow you, and upvote and resteem this, you seem very chill! And I kind of want to see how you spend it, if someone sent me $20 in SBD for example, I would go to a shop and purchase what they asked me as far as strain, and do a review and video with me smoking it... Maby you can do somthing like that with some.

Thanks! I just followed you back! I juuust moved to San Diego so weed is legal here but no shops yet until 2018 or so. (I haven't smoked in a few years, but I am thinking about trying again soon.) Do you have any experience with kratom? I'm considering researching that as well.

Thank you! Im so glad Cali decided to legalize as well, now the entire west coast is all good! Oh and Kratom has some opioid, and stimulant like properties all at the same time. I feel like safe use of it is ok, and I know some people who have used it here. I have tried it just 2 times, and for me it mellowed me out so much I felt like I was melting into my couch..haha so ya know its kind of subjective because some people love that feeling.

I also enjoy your content, and I know that there are also many talented writers/artists here who are not getting supported by the community.

I have stayed away from the trending pages, drama and other steemit matters and so far it helped. Now, I just write for myself and it helped me become freer and calmer. Though, I'm not really as professional and as eloquent as you.

And hopefully, someday, we'll get supported too, so we can make more art. Artists don't have to starve. Keep sharing your wordcraft.


You've done very well here on Steem!

Instead of chemicals I would recommend an excursion to Baltimore to see Poe sights.

You've been really busy, I'm working towards having that kind of work ethic.
I suggest myself, I write and i would appreciate it if you check some of my stuff out.
Here's my latest post:

As for chemicals I'm afraid I have no recommendations, I know close to nothing in that field.

I follow some of the same people you mentioned and found your article because it was resteemed by @naquoya. I agree with much of what you say and specially about how some quality work doesn't get the attention it should. I look forward to reading your future posts.

I love the lists of chemicals you're receiving as response to this post! Its good to know there are so many specialists out there...! I did a pretty epic piece of writing once to document the process of a salvia trip....perhaps I will try to find it and post it up. I seem to remember it got pretty intense and then eventually dissolved in to illegible scribbling. I have found in general that my mind is a little too fragile to be used as an experiment though, otherwise Im sure I would have explored the potential a little more and with various art forms...

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