Whales, Steemit and Community

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone!!!

Stranded on the sofa like whales with a plankton's indigestion.......

Now where did THAT come from, Harry thought as he sat at the table trying to think of something to write........

It has been hours just sitting here staring at a blank piece of paper. Yup, Herry had tried that too. When no words came he had remembered how an old professor of his had mentioned when words stuck in his head, he grabbed a real pen and paper. How thoughts flowed just like the ink of the pen while it was gripped in his hand. Hearing the sound of the pen on real paper made their mind free of all thoughts but the story in front of them. Well, bully for Professor Dingbat! He writes a best seller and I spew up whales? on a flipping couch?

He must be going crazy.......

In this world today don't we all feel like plankton? trying to just make it a little farther in life swimming as we go and hoping that no one sucks us in on the way to our journey to true light?

How those whales are always there, distracting, distracting to take you off course.

Interesting! Herry thought. How many times have I been sucked off course by a whale in my life? Too many times to count! thought Herry.

Herry glanced down at the paper before him and started writing about how his life sucked into a whale and became what it is today.


Herry's pen going faster and faster as the light of day made its way into the night.

This was an interesting #freewrite to do! I mean what do you do with that prompt?????

On top of the prompt, I was not really awake which might have helped me come up with something to write. That most likely is the case.

Today I wanted to show my raw #freewrite. To show beginning freewriters how I as a non-professional writer, typer, speller can still enjoy doing freewrites.

How freewriting is what you make of it. Whether it is the friendships you make along the way by stopping at other freewriters pages. Reading how they took the same prompt you just had and came up with something so wonderfully different. You see how one word can take on hundreds of meanings. For that alone, it's worth reading freewrites.

Freewrites open up a world on Steemit where you can meet people if you are new to the platform. It helps you start posting once a day. It helps you be a better writer in the end and for most, it's why you thought you could make money on Steemit. Then you come to Steemit and just learning how to post becomes an hour-long lesson. Many leave right after that.

Steemit is becoming more and more community based as time goes on. The beauty of Steemit is you don't have to sign up to follow those groups. Just read their posts.

As of right now all community's are open. Steemit is a public platform after all.

You can, if you are so inclined, join Group Discord Channels. They can be very overwhelming if you have never been on Discord before but if you join a smaller group like the Isle of Write there are wonderful people waiting to help you out.

Steemit is what you make it. How much time and energy you want to put into to it is how much you will get out of it. @valorforfreedom is a perfect, newer, example of that.

Then we have our very own @mariannewest who had a dream. A Freewrite dream. A dream to make a place for herself in a new community that once here can be a tad overwhelming. What she started has grown in so many ways. Friendships have been made that will last a lifetime. All because someone had an idea and never gave up.

So to end this Ramble and make a conclusion this I will say.

Steemit has a place for everyone. If you don't find a Community to your liking, make your own!

If you want to see how to go about doing that, I gave you two perfect examples to read how they went about doing just that.

Happy Steeming!!!

This is my Day 88: 5 Minute Freewrite

Image Source and my own.

If you care to read more Freewrite's by me, please see links below:

The Mighty Carl


Great Grandma~ Day 83 Freewrite

Is this a joke? Nope.


You are wonderful @snook, a pleasure to be around and a picture of all good things about Steemit and our community. You are helping to draw writers into our community and then bond us all together with your warm magnetic personality. What an asset you are to freewrite! 🙂

You, Sir, are really a sneaky Ninja LOLLLL and I approve :D LOLLLLLL

Thank YOU and as you know words I needed to hear!! hugs

The way the story started was like the way I reacted upon reading the prompt earlier. Hihih. I really think this is a cool freewrite. :)

Thank you!!!!!!!! and yes, when I read it I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just like with the floss prompt a few days back........I put it on my page and just wrote words. I was lucky that they made some sense when I was finished after 5 minutes LOLLL

Thank You so much for stopping and your wonderful comment!!!

I have same thoughts about mine too if it would end up having some sense after 5 minutes. :D
Thank goodness for freewrites!

I just realized that I misread the prompt slightly and did it "wrong"... but alas, it is already done, so it'll have to do.

You got a little deep on your freewrite today, I feel like I learned something... or maybe I just relate a little too well! Great post :) And awesome encouragement for everyone following the actual story. You're awesome!

HA! reading this prompt wrong I'm thinking could have been a blessing :D LOLLL

I feel like I learned something...

I'm honored if you did hugs

Thank you for always giving me such wonderful words of encouragement. They really mean a lot to me as I'm pretty jealous of your writing ability <3 Someday my goal is to be able to write as good as you do!!! and I never lie soooooooo :D suck it up and take the compliment LOLLLLL

Wow very well written. I loved the story.

Thank YOU so much for stopping to read and comment. Means the world to me.

I'm SO happy you liked what you read :D your comment makes it all worth it!!

I love your tag youcandoit, this is very emcouraging. I have read alot about communities this morning...but I enjoy so many haha. I like that I can post freely and do what feels good! 🙃

Thank you :D and I think that being able to be in many communities here on Steemit is the best thing of all for people like us that like to do more than one thing.

I really love the story you created with the prompt. It was a tough one this time! And the words of encouragement at the end are wonderful. :-)

Thank You :D and happy you liked the end also :D I know it's very hard starting if you don't have friends here to help.

Wonderful post! Steemit is what you make it! There are many smaller communities that may help new people who feel overwhelmed when they take the dive into the Steemit waters. I agree that the thought of posting high quality content can intimidate new members. The writer groups are a great help for those who need them!

Thank you!! You always are my best everything on here loll if not for you and your wonderful comments I don't know how much I would have really written over the last months <3

It's beautiful you gave us some insights of your writing process, and the story was very nice. We all can improve our writing simply by keeping to do it, keeping to swim a little bit every day until the little fish become a strong whale! ;)

It's beautiful you gave us some insights of your writing process

That was not easy to do loll now everyone knows why I say I'm not a writer :D but it's okay because I never give up and that to me is the most important thing.

Thank You for your wonderful comment. They always brighten my days!!!!

This was cute and our raw freewrites look very much the same. LOL!
Are you ready to rumble?!?!...I mean ramble? Seriously, it was a great ramble. I loved how you said that if you don't see a group that you like here, than start your own. Just goes to show that the possibilities are endless here and there are no excuses not to succeed and have fun at the same time. Now I just rambled, but I think you get my drift. : )

Rambles are the best :D I'm so happy you liked it!! <3

So true, all of it. Wonderful insight into what our community is all about.

Thank You :D Hope your day is going wonderfully!! :D

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