Great Grandma~ Day 83 Freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!!

This is my Day 83: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: nose ring

This is my Great Grandmothers famous cookie jar. Every child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and great-great-grandchild always knew there was something yummy and made with love inside here. I, out of all of us, was chosen to receive her cookie jar. I never knew why but even to this day I smile every time I see it on my shelf.

Great Grandma and the bull

As a little girl, I would get to go visit my Great Grandma every summer on their Dairy farm.

I had so much fun. I learned to swear and I got to ride some cows and Ohhhhhhh all sorts of fun.

One of the rules was to never, ever! go into the field where the bull was. Me being me, and always needing to know why slipped inside that fence one day.

I could be quiet if I really wanted to.......

I slowly made my way up and around that bull creeping in the tall grasses. I finally got close enough to really see that bull.

What scared me most was that very, very large nose ring!

I remember thinking to myself that if all my great Uncles and second cousins that were larger than life, had to put a ring on that bull's nose, it had to be a scary thing! so with that in mind, I lowered slowly farther into the ground to watch this beast for a while.

He looked pretty normal but the stories and warning were swirling in my head.

Then I got bored. I was only three years old at the time and slowly made my way back to that barbed wire fence.

Now one would think I had gotten away with it all at that time but my Great Grandma had thirteen kids in her lifetime. Not much got by her in the end.

I walked into the house and was told in a kindly way that maybe it was best if I took a bath and a nap.

From all the excitement I just had with that Bull I grabbed my cookie from her jar she held out and agreed it was the best idea yet!

I hope you enjoyed my story!

Much Love


Brave little Snook! Thre are two things in this story that seem to me awesome!
First: your courage with the bull! when I was a kid, I was afraid to death of every animal bigger than me. I remember with terror my first visits to the zoo (especially because the elephant was outside the fence for being washed) and to a dairy farm. There were some farms in my surroundings and I was always afraid some bull could escape (it happened sometimes).
Second: a cookie jar from your great-grandmother still intact! That's magic! I can't explain it in other ways. In my family, a pottery who survives for ten years is a miracle!

a pottery who survives for ten years is a miracle!

why it's on a shelf now loll that cookie jar is so very old!!

and do you know what is funny? I read your comment and animals never scared me and elephants at the Zoo are my Favorite animal of ALL!! They have a ride at our Zoo where you can ride a REAL's mostly for children and their parents.
My son, every time you went to the zoo, went on that ride WITH me of course!!!

and I will let you in on a secret........I'm afraid of BUGS!!!! :D The truth!

What a wonderful story! I can imagine this brave little thing crawling in slowly where she shouldn't be...hope your cookie was the best! And I'm so happy you got the cookie jar 😊

it was :D and thank YOU!

HOLY BEANS. I know you're obviously still here and all that, but MAN, this story made me nervous!!! And you reminded me of a memory that I'd forgotten about my own Grandma's cookie jar and I wonder who ended up with it.

Great freewrite, as always!

I’m helping marianne out today and visiting freewriters, here is the prompt for the next freewrite!

Thank you!!! and yeah Grandma's cookie jars were magic :D

You make my mind wander between memories and think how we are brave and straight when we are child..our brain is free from all the fears and social conditioning that comes when growing.. and wow have such vivid memories of you when just three, im here asking my mom about it right now 😅

did you learn anything? LOLLL :D @f3nix

That is a sweet story!!! I love the cookie jar! Do you keep it filled with yummy treats?

no, not anymore. It's so old I'm afraid it's will break so it sits on the shelf and gets loved from afar.

You just gave me some wonderful memories of my grandmother's cookie jar. So much power that
thing held. Thank you.

You are so welcome!! They are and were such magical things and I think as we get older that magic is still there :D

You were one lucky three year old!! And I would have loved to know your grandma :)

my great Grandma and Grandma are both women I wish I was even a tiny bit like :D they were strong women, had to be, was wonderful to be around them and just listen to their stories. I was lucky and was one of the older Great grandchildren so I got to know her quite well.
Thank you for all you do!! :D <3

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