A research on the behavioral pattern of Successful Steemit Whales/Bloggers

in #steemit6 years ago

It is very exciting when we first open our account on Steemit, upon discovering a platform where we are rewarded for our contents with two types of Cryptocurrency Steem & Steem Dollars. Our first movement is always very exciting and so we begin with our introduction post. So many people are earning and getting the fun of doing so in a flexible environment makes it more exciting. Our journey starts with excitement and plenty of energy. Financial incentives are the best way to motivate any person for productive work, and this was very clever of the founders of Steemit platform to add incentives for participating.
Many have tried their luck, while some have proven excellent outcome but others have failed. There could be various reasons however, according to me it’s the lack of proper dedication. Everyone starts with a lot of energy, and after a while that energy seems to go down; this is when performance falls and so does the incentives. I random tried to study some successful people, not just their contents but what they are doing behind their screen as they continue to create their contents and getting results.

Negative responses & criticism are quite common in every field, but only those who are passionate about their work can overcome all the hurdles, but only those who can overcome all their obstacles can move forward, this is true in every competitive fields. So many have tried Steemit but only few have successfully managed to continue moving forward and are doing best at what they are doing. And as I studied some of these people by going most of their contents, the first thing I have discovered is they have all settled down with their respective Niches.

Specializing on a particular field can be proven highly effective. The highly successful people on Steemit seems to focus on their specialized sector, someone who is Travelling all the time is posting about Travel & Tours all the time, they are highly focused on their own niche, and they do not suddenly start making entries about Artificial Intelligence. Similarly someone who is always talking about Promoting Steem & Steemit doesn’t focus on other fields such as Martial Arts. Specialization is very important; however I have yet to find my own Niche. This I do not particularly special with my subject, rather I continue to experiment myself with a variety of subjects and this is one of the main reason why I fail to attract and create a regular audience base.

One of the most appealing characteristics is their locus of control. The successful Steemian portrays that their contents have what it takes to keep trending on the homepage, they believe in themselves and their work shows this, they do not blame others in case if they have a bad day or two, they try to reflect on their inner self and gets charged from it, they simply do not blame others for their poor results. If good happens they believe it’s because of their efforts and if bad happens they also take responsibilities, while those who continue to remain a minnow for a long-time blames it on the community. How many times have you seen someone getting mad at others for not getting enough upvotes? Well, it’s not the big successful whales who behaves this way, it’s mostly those type of bloggers who are continually failing to get rewarded, they just don’t try to figure out what is it about them or their work that is not working and try to learn and reflect on their work, rather they continue to do what they were doing and not getting results.

I randomly picked few not so rewarding contents and try to figure out what is it about the content that’s not at all appealing or why they do not work. We all have our likes and dislikes, but people who want to become a successful public figure must have the qualities which will make them liked by the public. Blogging on Steemit has a lot to do with gaining community focus and be liked by the crowd, and one has to create that opportunity. How the public reacts to you and how you react to them. Another important aspect is those who lack the proper function of a blog fails to appeal their audiences, I realized this when I tried to research on what makes a content unappealing. The answer is the very definition of a blog, a blog is an informal entry, however it must contain useful information and the blogger will portray that information to their viewers in a very communicative way, unlike traditional text-book writings or newspaper entry. It is like writing about a specific topic but in a style as if the author and the reader are talking together.

Regular updating is also very important, suppose you are one of those people who are regularly reading my posts, and you have already read everything so far, so you might be waiting for the next release, and it is not acceptable for an author to keep his audience waiting for a long time. But again, too much update can also be a problem, a reader might get irritated when he have so much to read one after another, so maintaining a flow is important. So, all the whales I have researched so far, they maintain a regular flow, they would most of the time maintain a flow of how much they publish at a regular interval.

Due to the privacy/research ethics, I have not mentioned the name of any of those I have randomly tried to study.

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Are we Steemians jealous creatures?

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Hi, when you say hard work.... it's really HARD work!
I have written a post:

Which took me time an effort, but it caught attention of few and no upvotes... that's not the only post... and I m not the only one...
I believe steemit needs a eay to promote minnows posts which are genuine and informative

So what are you going to do about it? There is a problem in question.. Steemit doesn't have much options for minnows to promote their content.. then what type of solution can you innovate for this problem? As more people comes to Steemit, the number of posts will increase and competition will also go up.. then what type of competitive advantage can you come up with

Buddy, I'm a writing addict! I have published several blogs on blogspot since 2003. So i don't care and i will keep writing!


i proposed this: https://steemit.com/steemit/@honarparvar/providing-right-content-for-your-network-but-is-steemit-in-the-right-track

What do u think?

i think what people underestimate is how well you are anchored in community. you need to interact with other users, give them something to get something back. I regularly visit people I follow and upvote their stuff with my 0.0$ vote, but I think people appreciate it as it is not just about the money.
I also quite often comment, even few words - it builds connection and people want to give something back.
Right now you feel an urge to click Upvote next to this comment ;)
very interesting post, thanks

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