New Steemit Ring!!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Amazing quality!!!!!!!




It's like a circle of life..

I guess, if the circle of life is whales running off minnows with stalking flagg bots.
I hope the new users see this shit and leave.
I am no longer supportive of steemit because of this shit.
I feel like top did or feminism or all the others.
they are creatin someone that will so be willing to destroy all of steemit to save others from the corruption of the whales.
bout to start posting links of the posts recording the dflagging to other sites to spread the word.
fuck this flaggot and I hope the value ofteem goes to nothing so he loses all his money

also its steemcleaners and all his alts
but im sure you already know all this............

I now think the whole list except for 2 people is the same person.

a copy past alt flaggot bot accounts that upvote themselves.

but whatever all tht seems to matter to steemit is shitting on people with less steempower unless they ae willing to be your ass slave.

they only do this because they know wont flag back and no one will do anything about it.
so fuck it my time spent doing stuff for posts on steemit or trying to get the problems with steemitfixed will now be spent on getting the truth of this whole scam out on other websites.

im done fuck this shit

i'd be sorry to see you go. You've posted some great stuff.

im sure ill be back at some point if anything there are some people on here I le and would like to stay in contact with them but for the rest of this joke of a platform im over it.
its all one huge scam and nothing more.

its shit like this as why I don't do quality posts anymore. pointless when single pictures with a copypasta line and a site lnk at the bottom get fat pay outs by bots but people that put in actual effort are run over unless they want to suck off a whale and boost the whales ego.
just look at what we are change gets, or high impact flix, or press for truth they are some of the best posters on this platfor mut they get crap. half the people getting paid out are only getting the upvotes from whales because for some sad reason they think that all of a sudden the chicks will want to et with some loser with some steem power.
this shits just sad and I ont think it makes sence to try to get the problems fixed when it kind of shows they don't want to fix he problems as it would take some of their power away.

I already gave a solution to itall but it just gets ignored.
back in augest when I started I called the same issue out and said the solution back then. same thing ignored of flagged and then everyone runs around saying they don't know how to fix it.

its just stupid.

how long will people keep going along with someone playing stupid when they aren't. the people in power know what they need to do, they just don't want to lose the ability to control what people do and say.

same thing as Berkley last night is going on here. gave to much power to the Marxists and now anyone that disagrees with them is put into a group (keyword here) then anything and everything done to them justified.

im sure they are calling me a Nazi, bigot, misogynist ect as then they don't feel bad for being in the wrong.

thanks for atleast taling it out with me and acting like an adult instead of like the flaggots.

I like the critique, Followed you, if you don't post too often you might get some upvotes

I actually think what you are expressing is totally true.

Instead of people down-voting this, we should be embracing the criticsm and maybe do something about it.

they have silenced any one and everyone that has spoken up about, im just next on the list.
be careful about saying stuff like that out in the open cause after im gne you might be the next target because of your wrong think.
I wish it was a joke butits not.
good luck with this sinking ship.

This guy is full of shit. I wasn't silenced when I spoke out against flag abuse. I just didn't go around acting like a baby after the fact. Rather than handling himself professionally, @skeptic here is going around crying and trolling everyone with spam. He spams, he gets flagged, then he cries foul! It's the worse case of whiny baby entitlement issues I've ever seen here. Read this and this. There you can see the clear difference between how I handled the situation and how this dude is taking it. My responses didn't get flagged. I created awareness and moved on. I even earned a bit of Steem.

shameless plug lol
quit your lies, they flaged me and I responded wth a meme.
does not matter how many times you lies and say it was the other way around as I went through 2 days of them flagging before I ever did anything back beside say I would defend myself.

citation please. or u full of shit?

I created awareness and moved on. I even earned a bit of Steem.

you are so full of your self about blowing whales for some change.

its funny that you only care when it happens to you, sociaopath mentality.

I stopped reading this the moment you started whining. First word.

thank you for rising me back up from the grave.
I thought I was dead.
thank you very much again.

I thought I was dead but some one brought me back to life. ill check the link out now.

Voting to help you with your rep, not 'cos I like this post!
(That centipede film is one film that I'm never gonna watch but I have to say: I hope they gave the extras knee pads under those jump suits!)

it might be etter to save you upvote power as I am being censored by the people still. my posts don't even show up on the new thread.

Gona try again in a couple days maybe.

I think knee pads are the last thing on their minds. lol

You wouldn't mind if I put this under all of your comments, would you? :)

and have fun sucking each other off as its all you do with your bot upvotes and minimal views.

my shit posts get more views then your best work.


See, you didn't like that very much.

yeah looks like a couple of my shit posts but with way more upvotes and pay out.
also 400 views and only 123 upvotes? shitty ratio
also 3 months ago the vew counter wasent even working correctly so when the same person viewed you page more then once it added to the views.
so 3 months ago you ooked at your own post 300+times.
pull one up in the last week with a working view counter, but we already know the truth.
ill respond tomorrow if I log on

I'm not going to flag or mute you. I enjoy some of your other posts. Admittedly, I became annoyed with your behavior. That's just being straight up with you. You didn't get under my skin here at all. This is done though, it's pointless.

yeah, i don't deal well with people trying to censor me.
hopefully i will have some new stuff you enjoy in the future that isn't getting flagged to shit.

The views came after the view counter was put in place. I share some of my articles on another blog. I wrote about it awhile back, and your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory doesn't check out.

Here's one from three days ago with an included message for you. I hope you continue to have your meltdown. Everything you say these days is a farce. You said up there, "why can't people just talk it out." Look how you speak to people. You're acting like a little baby. You want to prove everyone wrong, and when they prove you wrong, you pout and fly off the handle.


my melt down happened from the flags rght before your comment. I was actually enjoying that. I will respond to this when I get back on as I cant deal with the stupidit right now.

if you have been keeping track you would see the conversations I was having about the flags ad the same flaggot/bots hit me less then 2 min after posting.

you think you proved me wrong about the views but nothing elese and the fact that you think your retarded shut up vodeo had anything to do with my losing it just show how full of yourself you are over 60 views. tin foil hat about the bots? you sound like you are in on it or ignorant of the number of bots.
as I said ill do an atual reply prolly tomorrow to this comment as you are making a fool of yourself.
yay 60+ views. like I said my shit posts get that many.


I stopped reading the moment you starting whining. Second sentence.

2 what is up with the "this man thinks" this or "that man thinks" that crap? you sound like a retarded caveman. if the post was about me why not leave a name instead of being a vague bitch crying about how people don't do stuff and think just how you do.

That one is funny though. You must read at a grade fucked level. You didn't notice the big picture of This Man at the top? You couldn't see how that's a character I created (a long time ago). Did you see the "funny" tag? You thought it was about you, yet it speaks about things from my past, long before steemit existed.

Dude. Why would I waste my time speaking to you? You can barely read. Your rambling responses are a joke. You're explaining the same thing repeatedly, non stop, regardless of what is on the blockchain for all to see. Why are you so defensive anyway? Guilty conscience? Find a new hobby kiddo. Your troll gig is drying up.

no addressing of any points only dodging and resorting to add hom.
good job proving me right more.

It's easy to see what you're doing. It's easy to see where you're at intellectually. ...and once again, you're not noticing those three fingers you point at yourself when you're busy pointing your finger at people. You're not hard to figure out, kid. You can keep yapping away if you wish, but it won't change my position.

I've made up my mind. You're a cry baby. If you can't handle that without whining and criticizing me, that's because you're a whiner. This is simple stuff my friend. If you'd like a popsicle, I'm sorry, I'm all out of pink. :)

you cant even back up your position as all you seem to do is dodge points and resort to add homn. lol

Again you prove me right.
good job!

I don't need to prove anything to you. You came at me with your insults, and now you're pouting and resorting to saying the same thing over and over. Why should I have to go through the process of explaining the things you don't understand, to you, when you already know everything? You'll make every attempt to counter anything I say and you'll use ridiculous examples to prove a nonexistent point. You'll ramble on for days on end, never getting anywhere. Do you want me to change my position? Why do even care so much about what I think? You're wasting your time.

I came at you? I guess you coming to my post to talk shit was me coming at ou? or you writing a post then telling me it has a message in it for me was also me coming at you. oh yeah this is the person that said its threat to say you will defend yourself.


I guess me pointing out that all you have done is dodge points, not back up any clims, and just resort to add homn attacks even though its true and all you can do is saying the same thing over and over. I can back up my points. you cant provide one single citation for any of your claims.
I have not claime to know everything. you are the one making statements and claims. all I have done is ask you to back them up. you cant so you resort to add homn.

I haven't needed to counter anyting as you have not brought anything fo substance to this. you move the goals change the subject and resort to add homn. lol

I don't care what you think I have only asked you to try to back up the flase claims you have made. you have not even tried. cause they are all lies and you know it. getting upset and resorting to petty name calling and subject changing is only showing how full of shit you are and proving me right.

so thanx again for proving me right and showing everyone how much so.
Good Job!

I hope it's a really long rambling essay. I won't read it. You've been acting the same way since you got flagged for using the incorrect tag. You then lashed out at people and started threatening them. You did that for 2 days. Then you started spamming everyone. It's all on the blockchain. I've been watching you have this nervous breakdown since it started. You have absolutely no self discipline and act like you've done nothing wrong. Everyone can see where you went wrong. Anyone with a brain can suggest you handle this differently. You ignore them and carry on. You're the only one getting flagged. Everyone else is fine. Think about that. Maybe it's you. Unfortunately, you're too stubborn to wise up.

That video I share up there was a joke. I didn't mean any harm. I'm not shocked to see you lash out though. You're spamming nonsense on a lot of other people's blogs, daily. How do you think they feel? Instead of talking to you, they flag you, for harassment...because nobody wants to read your rambling incoherent essays about nothing.

ok the I will keep it short for you. then again maybe it wasent about proving your points (cause there are none) and more about spouting out a bunch of bullshit knowing you cant back any of it up.

1 you use the word entitlement a shit ton like you just heard someone say it and think it sounds smart. entitlement to what? what are you claiming im saying im entitled to? cause I have not once said I deserver or am entitled to anything.

2 what is up with the "this man thinks" this or "that man thinks" that crap? you sound like a retarded caveman. if the post was about me why not leave a name instead of being a vague bitch crying about how people don't do stuff and think just how you do.

3 citation needed for what you are claiming I said that was fales or a "farce" as you say.

4 they flagged me and I responded with a meme on their post not the otr way around. quit your lies

5 it was not the wrong tag, does not matter how many times you tell lie it does not make it any more true.

6 saying you will defend yourself from attacks is not threatening someone.

so you jump into something when its basically over and try to jumpin and white knight for steemit and virtue signal on how you were an edglord agienst that bad man that was returning meme when flaged.

but you wont read it will you. cause your full of shit and anytime I respond to your points you move the goal posts and try to chang the subject.

im back bitch so get ready

What part of deal with it don't you understand? This isn't court and a lot of people saw you acting like a troll. You also got flagged for it. I don't need to prove anything. You're doing a fine job on your own. Move on.

Seriously ... I don't get it. How hard is it for someone to just scroll on up... notice how I left a little joke, and then see you insulting me...and you just go on and on like that doesn't exist.

more flase claims. but as you said

I don't need to prove anything.

keep spreading your lies and actin a fool when people ask you to back up your claims.

its funny you say you just left a little joke when I already said I thought the video was funny and sent you one back. you really think so much of your self its crzy.
but continue not backing up your points and resorting to add homn as that is ll you have done over and over.

Good job!

oh no mention about the post you made that late you said was a message for me? but it wasjust the video you posted 2 days after right?

its funny how you are trying to play the victim by saying I was insulting you. LOL

good shit yo!

Are you drunk?

and have fun sucking each other off as its all you do with your bot upvotes and minimal views.
my shit posts get more views then your best work.

You don't see that part? I told you on another post. Once you start cherry picking like that, I lose interest in what you have to say.

ok first off me pointing out your bot upvotes and crap views it a fact and i backed it but with screenshots of your posts and my shit posts. i do see that part and i stand by it still. you say im cherry picking but you use a post from 3 months ago as proof you get views when the view counter didn't even work then and you even said you post about your old posts to get people to look at them. the fact is you still have a lot of bot votes. your whole group all bot uppvote each other. you know it, i know it, al of steemit knows it.
so yeah
have fun sucking each other off with bot votes and minimal views.
i don't care if you have intrest in it as your intrest has been nothing but lies and trying to dodge from providing citation and evidence. just more dodging

as for drunk no im not and it would not change anything as my level of alcohol does not change the facts. your lies don't either. lol

Are you on a meth bender?

This is my only account. I can't control who votes for me. I'd like my views to be higher.

That's why I share my posts on another blog after awhile, basically once they die here. I think it's smart. That image up there with 100 votes and nearly 400 views....the votes came first. As a matter of fact, at the time, we didn't have a view counter here. That article was published nearly one month before the view counter. Every view of those 400 came from members of the other blog.

You said, I sat here and clicked my article a few hundred times. Not true. Anyway, hopefully you don't find a reason to sit argue this now too. Have a good evening. I hope things get better for you. I agree, it does suck that I think you're a whiner. I'm sure there are people out there who don't think very much of me either. Don't let it bother you.

no worries i enoyed the fight.
i don't mind arguiging in the comments at all.

wish others would just do that or mute me instead of flagging me.

but wish in one hand and shit in the other i guess.

You're just a negative person to be around. That's all. If anyone needs proof of anything, they can just look at your blog and come to their own conclusions. If I feel a certain way about someone, I'm okay with that. I watched you troll people and whine about the consequences for an entire week. So what if I confronted you about it. You could be applying this energy into something useful instead of whining to me about the things I said. I'm not changing my position, but there's always a chance you can do things to earn respect. So far, you're not doing that. Deal with it. Move on. I won't be responding to you after this.

if you are making statements and claims you hold the burden of proof.

a claim presented wthout evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

again you are only proving me right by not being able to back up any of your lies. but they are lies so you cant back them up.

trying to now call me a troll is sad and pathetic at best. good luck with telling lies then playing games when people ask you to back yourself up but don't let that stop you from continueing to prove me right. I really don't care how much of a lier you are and if you want to show it to everyone.

Good Job!

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