Daily Steem Price Update 22/1/2024

in #steemit5 months ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 22/1/2024
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 7 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 22/1/2024.

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(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate23012024.jpg


January 2024 We have already quickly passed the halfway mark of the first month in this new year.. how are those resolutions going lol. I don't know if you have noticed lately or not but the world seems to be going towards a darker place, with promises of war everywhere, economies falling and disease. It seems more and more countries are getting and warning their citizens to prepare for war, and it's sick how many people are actually excited for this and comply. But I'm sure if it came to it, in their final moments, many would regret it, such a war in this day and age will be devastating and so we must continue to work to remain at peace. The Steem price I admit had left me a little disappointed moving into 2024 as it should be holding well at $0.25, however let's remember that this means a opportunity to buy cheap, and if a correction for a run up "at some point" does happen then that would be real great. With nearly the first 2 weeks of the month with flu it was not fun but with that over it means going to sleep late, last night I went to sleep way past the usual late hour this was because when I got online with friends one conversation lasted way too long and it put me really behind schedule. At that point I still hadn't had dinner yet and I was looking forward to eating a traditional roast which is strangely something not eaten as often anymore at home. The storm last night continued to be violent especially hitting our poor houses as windows continued to shake even worrying some of the cats. I was also a little worried that I was going to have a repeat of having trouble sleeping, it took me a good while to fall asleep and initially I thought it was perhaps stress related but then I realised it's because it was terribly cold. This was with the expensive heating already on and the extra layers also on, and so I had to get out of bed to get yet another layer. At first I still felt cold which I just couldn't believe was happening, but eventually I got warm enough to fall asleep. I of course could of got another layer but was very worried I was going to wake-up later feeling too hot, luckily this didn't happen. I feel it was a little odd I got so cold, I'm thinking 3 things, either the heating stopped working properly that night, 2 there was something wrong with me due to the flu or 3 it was generally that cold. Regardless I was expecting this morning again that it was going to be very difficult to get out of bed, due to the cold and the late night. Thankfully I didn't have work until later in the day with plenty of time to get chores done. I was not surprised that this morning was full of bright sunshine as the storm as cleared, but what I'm most happy about is the storm took away with it some of the cold. Don't get me wrong it's still very cold but it's a little more bearable compared to two nights ago. As the day progressed you could hear the wind starting to pick-up, I was worried that we are to have a repeat of the storm we had last night. But by the time I set my way to work it really wasn't that bad out "even if I was warned to be careful". I was still cold enough that I was really in hope the heating at work was going to be functioning properly on my floor. When I arrived in work not only was the heating working fine "thankfully" but it was like a ghost town in there as I guess there wasn't much work. However typically and like I expected when I got into work there was the extra work to be done, I was also annoyed as what was left was the tricky stuff. Since I wasn't happy about this I took my time getting the work done, and I'm glad I did because my boss didn't seem bothered about any progress until nearly the end of shift which by that time I already had done my part. This was also thanks to one of the newer colleagues who really helped me a lot today which was great of him, yes even if he is a little strange sometimes haha. Speaking of which when I was in work last there was some guy who we had not seen before and he seemed to be checking all the electrical plugs, well actually anything "electrical" he was taking a look at. Not sure if he was the electrician or a safety risk inspector of sorts, I guess our confusion came from there being no structure to he's work. He went up and down from floor to floor for hours. See it would of made much better sense for him to do each floor as a whole rather than constantly jumping between floors, often I think he forgot what he already checked and so he re-checked it all again lol. On the way home I expected much worse weather but it wasn't that bad but I still feel there is a possibility of us catching that other storm. Perhaps it will happen tomorrow night which won't be good for me as I already have plans. All this warmth in house "which mind you is not enough to stay warm" will cost me all my wages, those dreaded bills have arrived and actually are not too terribly bad "I guess" but I won't hold my breath as I don't thing it's the full thing just yet. Yes these energy companies are squeezing all they can from those of us who are freezing in these daily unpleasant chills. Hope you all have a good day or night and I will see you on the next Steemit post.

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