Newbie Steemer - 4 weeks old: My experiences on Steemit after a month

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi Steemers! Although I have had an account since October 2017 I have only been active for 4 weeks, I thought I might give an account of where I'm at meow from 4 weeks ago.

I don't know where to start...I created this account last year but I created a lot of accounts while I was exploring the crypto world and like many of the others I didn't do any posting just signed up...from what I remember steemit was supposed to be some glorified facebook where I could make money posting things but when I came to have a look and saw the simple format for posting it just felt meh to me.

A friend @naturowlmystic suggested I take another look about a month ago, so I committed to making an introductory post which ended up being a two parter

Part 1
Part 2

Not much response there but that was actually the best thing that could happen to me because once I've committed to one thing and failed it actually stirs something in me.

I continued to write posting in different tags about various things (music,the circus,steemit) , I meet another local friend @intrepidsurfer and now there is a group of us hovering around a friends laptop a few nights a week discussing topics like what is a curation trail, or a curator or a witness.

At this point I don't know what any of these things are...I just keep writing and hanging out.

I signed up for a contest, wrote a guide on the preparation of San pedro cactus and started connecting with people on channels with other steemers on Discord

I connected with some people on discord who are actively expanding the plant community and received a message letting me know if I had any posts about plants that it would be looked at and upvoted with a curation trail if it was any good. I passed it along and to my surprise I was upvoted over $16 (at that time) and over 150 votes came in that day
That's when I really learned about what a curator is and what a curation trail was ;)

I used some of that sbd to play around with resteemers but after using 4 different providers I didn't find it to be a good return on investment, I have heard from my local friends that they have had a little success with some of the higher paid resteemers (5sbd+) but also informed me that it was hit and miss (mostly miss).

In comes @intrepidsurfer again to let me know I'm doing well and he lets me in on a project he's been running on steem for quite a few weeks that involves paying people in steem to plant trees...this really woke me up to what is possible using this platform!

I immediately grasped the concept of what was possible here and even started planting trees with him, today this is my main focus because I've found a way to be of service that feels in alignment with myself/my community/the world

Account value wise I guess I was up to around $20USD for what was quite a lot of work this month and I have about 5 people that put me on autovote which means my posts make a whopping .o5 cents even if I post a picture of myself taking a dump

but that's not really it for me right meow, my writing skills have improved, I've made some pretty amazing contacts , realized what amazing things are possible here and positioned myself to be a part of what I prefer.

The chances are very good this post won't get much if any attention but I don't let that prevent me from bringing my best self to every post, If even one person finds these experiences helpful, informative or similar to their own experience it's a win.

That's my take home message, if you see the big picture on what is possible using this platform just keep moving towards your desired outcomes and don't worry if it's going in baby're not alone ;)



keep it up...

Thank you brother I'm not going anywhere, I'm hooked! :)

This post was showed by 4 different accounts to 19.000+ followers.
19.000+Followers can see you.(@tenorbalonzo,@hakanlama,@cemalbaba,@asagikulak) Send 0.200 Sbd or Steem. Post link as memo for (minimum 15 upvote)

Nice one brother! Just keep being your weird lovable self!

If you like weird, I had a dream last night one of my posts went to $12k and inside the dream I thought Ï must be dreaming"I then realized I was dreaming and woke myself up laughing.

Yep, never disappointed with your weirdness.

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