Wa(l)king in a Peruvian wonderland part 2

in #life6 years ago

This is a continuation from my previous introduction post https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@silverlining1/wa-l-king-in-a-peruvian-wonderland-introduction-silverlining

This is the part of my journey where things get wierd!

Weird because along the first part of my journey I discovered the connection between mind/body but what I was really taught was that the connection is mind/body/spirit I just didn't have any personal experience with spirit but all that was about to change when one of my clients asked me if I had ever heard of a drink given by shamans that induced hallucinations and invoked healing both physical and mental.

I researched it and decided it was worth a closer inspection so I flew to Peru to experience it first hand.

This was another huge game changer in my life, I connected with this ancient medicine the very first time I drank it and it shared both simple and complex messages with me for instance 20 minutes after I drank it a voice came into my head clear as day that said "Take it down a notch". Until then that place inside my head had only been occupied by me alone and so it was strange to feel like I wasn't alone with my thoughts, I was caught between the curiosity of what that meant exactly and the fact that for the first time in my life something besides me was speaking inside of me. I chose to know what "take it down a notch" meant so I thought back, what does that mean?

As soon as I did I got a reply that was part speaking and part feeling, somehow this plant medicine was able to use all my senses to communicate with me seamlessly. It informed me that the energy I was bringing with me to this experience was a little to high and that if I relaxed a little that would be better, I took a deep breathe did my interpretation of taking it down a notch and noticed the difference...it was nice.

The plant then informed me that what I had just done was not just for this moment but for me to do in life! 

It then told me that I was a "healer and a builder" ,I bucked because this statement didn't resonate with me at all and  I spoke my mind letting it know that I didn't feel like that was true (It's important to me to remain skeptical but open-minded in new situations).

I was immediately transported to moments in my life where I had exemplified those two traits in short 5-10 second snippets and over the span of what I can guess was around 90 seconds I realized that my interpretation of what healer and builder meant were skewed. a healer to me at that time was maybe somebody who had some kind of power that they laid hands on someone and miraculously that person was healed of an ailment and a builder I had imagined someone who was good at construction who built houses or something but I quickly was shown now that healing for me meant that I could use modalities I had learned *for instance NLP* to help others think in a new way that freed them from repeating destructive patterns in their life and that being a builder meant that I was helping others to construct the bodies and mental functions they desired. *pictures of examples to be found in part 1* Link here

*I have wrote extensively about my adventures with this medicine over the years and I will leave some links but I want to stay on the task of finishing my introduction so I will move on*

Coming to Peru was one of the best decisions I have ever made and it has opened my eyes to the nature of spirit and that there are things beyond what I have ever imagined before coming here.

I've met others along the way who have had similar experiences and these people I refer to as my soul family because we understand that life is not just what we see in front of us but so much more. 

I see Steemit as what facebook could of been and I look forward to connecting with others who share a sense of wonder about what is possible!

Link to blogs about my personal ayahuasca experiences


Hi friends follow us all

sure of course!

nice read @silverlining1 and I had some similar experiences on ayahuasca. Each on their own journey, but wow is it powerful on many levels.

Thanks @intrepidsurfer love your stuff!

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