in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Everyday in emails and on Steemit I get a mountain of stuff to look at.

The worst offenders are videos. Its safe to say 5 mins is the longest I ever watch a video for unless it's frigging amazing. And if it has lame intro music I'm out of there straight away. Videos usually bore my pants off, and I want my pants!

Long posts are not better than short posts - yes Steemit now has a million accounts but only about 10% of them are active, intelligent, literate people posting any real content.

Many of the remaining 90% are lacking a few skills! (I have bots and algorithms that have calculated this to within 1%)

Meanwhile pictures can communicate the meaning of life in the blink of an eye.

This picture of an ant eater with boobs in high heels with a gun shows that people who blather on suffer from anxiety issues and need to stop trying so hard to impress everyone with the size of their content.

I know I've said this before, but this post is shorter and more succinct. Make like a dwarf...



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You are such a sheeple some days

That looks like a genetically modified possum mated with a Katydid. :D lol

I agree. Blabbering on rarely adds detail, only words.

At least all the spam comments are short! - Maybe not very literate though...

Oh man, that is brutal. Hope I'm not one of those 90%. Just to ease my anxiety, I will post a picture of a red fire ant in high heels (sorry no boobs).


Ok, heres the boobs then...

I drew some boobs once and they were HUGE!

I wish I could draw...oh well

Ooooh, colors! That tablet is more appealing by the day :)

Does my newest post work for you, or do I need to spit it out a little faster? Haha! https://steemit.com/blog/@dreemit/i-f-king-love-friday-series-background-and-overview

It was unbelievably synchronous with @nonameslefttouse's post https://steemit.com/life/@nonameslefttouse/i-would-prefer-to-hear-chicken-sounds

I'm going to go back and read them both properly this evening!
I'm filling in for Deb's daily music posts while she is in Brisbane for three days, which had been fun - Check out Head Like A Hole, I'm sure they would be you :) - but I'm a bit late now and need to zoom along.

Less is more.......more or less ....

Check out Head Like a Hole - I did that post just for you!


dwarfy post is what people love the most

I was asked to blather on for 30 minutes this past weekend! They even gave me a microphone. I only talked for maybe 20 minutes though. I got a handshake, some head nods, and several people thanking me for the information. I told them I was putting it all online and I'd get the link out to the organizer as soon as I get it done.

Now I need to work to get it posted. It might be a long read. Worth it though!

I've been working on all that. I have not forgotten the info I need to get you. I only finished my presentation just over a day before I had to present. And then I went to the woods.

Excuses, excuses. My apologies for the delay. I hope you are well!

LOL - but what were you blathering on about?

Herbs? - I'm definantly getting an ongoing improvement taking white willow bark and tumeric.

The liquid white willow is fast acting and I recommend it

No, the talk was not on herbs. But if you or anyone you know ever eat food, it will be one read not to miss. And it's not diet advice.
I'm hoping to get it posted tomorrow.

It's great to hear that you are improving! Is the liquid a tincture? Did you get to watch the video yet?

Looking forward to it!

Yes, I think so - its in a combination of water and alcohol

Is that a tincture?

I have watched the video - it is very good - any others you recommend?

This is the white willow we now have - we are about to start selling it ourselves because its not available in NZ.

That is a tincture. I've bought Herbpharm tinctures for years and can't complain. I have also bought quite a few from the Doc. For my next order I've decided to get the dried plant powder and make my own tincture. I'd like organic (or better, homemade) alcohol. And eventually homegrown all the things.
Doc says, and perhaps I've said this to you already, that the plants do even better as a team. There are more plants that would help your body in different ways that would then help your back, like the turmeric.

If you are able, I would absolutely recommend his whole herbal school. And it's actually like a buy one get one thing. You can give access to it all to a loved one. I gave mine to my mom. He is adding stuff all the time and it is info packed. I'm still not through it all.

Way to bring the plants to the people. Good plan.

I was asked to blather again! This time I was broadcast to the internet. NZ was even mentioned during the chat.

Before the First Cup, guest Camille - Mad Science Food, Lab Farming & Sustainability Sell 5-30-2018

On the other thing, which is kind of mentioned in this too, I'm working on it.

Active, intelligent, literate???
Do I have to e like that?

Yes you need to E like that :)

Well I guess @sift666 my recent post is right up your alley https://steemit.com/nature/@marymg2014/my-adventures-in-beekeeping

Nice hive!

Why does your lawn have a brick pattern?

I have a Labyrinth in the center of my yard and the path of the labyrinth leads to a compass.

I bet the lawn mower loves that! :)

Everything is flush to the ground so the mower goes right over it.


These pictures are so beautifull to attach it on my wall.

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