in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

It's entirely possible that nobody else on Steemit is trying to do this. Maybe I'm a freak. I hope not because that would be tragic.

The new perversion I'm talking about here is logging into five different accounts from the same computer. Well actually I'm repeating that from two different computers.

And my geek tip for the day is to use a different browser for each account. That way for whichever account I want to be logged in as, I can just click on the browser icon for that account.

All I'm looking for in a Steemit browser is that it needs to log straight back into it's own Steemit account and be open on the page I left it on. It also needs to not keep bugging me about updates, or have any annoying pop ups. And to be OK with copying and pasting images. Because I do a fair bit of that.

As I wrote recently HERE I'm a big fan of Firefox so that is my default browser and the one I use for this account. But what about the others? I ended up trying out a bunch of browsers, and I'm not going to get into full length reveries here or anything, but eventually I did find five I liked.

This is a photo of a Hebe - a NZ native plant

Here are the five browsers that worked:


The new Firefox kicks arse - all other browsers bow before Firefox, so that is what I use for @sift666 which is my main Steemit account

DOWNLOAD - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/


This was my default browser for a year before the new Firefox upgrades (I've been using Firefox since it very first came out, but it went through a bad phase recently) and Opera is a very good browser. I use it for @frot

DOWNLOAD - https://www.opera.com/


After several other browsers pissed me off with various issues (See below for browser fails) I started using Torch which I'd never heard of until recently. And it's been pretty good. I'm using it for @mg-nz

DOWNLOAD - https://torchbrowser.com/


I don't trust google an inch, I don't use their bullshit search engine, and have never liked their browser much either. It does work OK though so I use it for my secret account, because I like the irony of using the browser that spies on me for my "secret" account. So I'm using it for @xxx

DOWNLOAD -https://www.google.com/chrome/


This browser was new to me as well, and it's actually pretty good. This one is set up to log into Deb's account @kiwideb so it's not exactly getting a work out on my computers, but it seems to work fine

DOWNLOAD - https://vivaldi.com/

The five browsers that failed:

What a bunch of crap...


Sounds cool, looks cool, BUT it does constant updates and sometimes just wouldn't log into Steemit at all. So sadly it's a fail. Could certainly get better in the future though, it seems to have it's heart in the right place and in many ways it's pretty good

DOWNLOAD - https://brave.com/download/


It wouldn't stay open on the page I left it on, it kept wanting to update, lots of pop up notifications, a real pig of a browser. A big thumbs down from me

DON'T DOWNLOAD (Just don't) - http://www.maxthon.com/


Geeks love this but I found it incomprehensible. And it was very slow. Steemit is not the dark web, and Tor is just not for me

DOWNLOAD - https://www.torproject.org/


People seriously use this? I don't want to disturb any Apple fans by saying things like "Apple is utter bullshit", but honestly, Safari on a PC is utter bullshit...

DOWNLOAD - https://www.apple.com/safari/


I stopped using this 15 years ago when Firefox came out because it totally sucked. It still totally sucks. Yes, I do use Windows 7, but I'm no Microscum fanboy

DOWNLOAD (Why?) -https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17621/internet-explorer-downloads

So that is my pervy secret. And yes I can have conversations with myself from different browsers.



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I use different browsers for my accounts too. It helps me remember which one I am on also! :)

I never thought about making another account until now. Didn't know so many Steemians had more than one. Do you guys do it for different niches?

Yep! I don't use my alts much, but I made one for dMania, because some of the community hates memes. I made one for Zappl, but my other two mostly just sell a few votes now.

What is your meme one?

@steemfeed. I don't use him much anymore.

Your pithy alter ego

I never imagined you were so beardy...

Alright here is the story... There are some things that I want to say that don't come across well via a woman. Sometimes men can get away with saying things... You can argue it if you want. I don't like to play the gender card and it isn't my intent. No victim in it.

I've never hidden the account ownership, it was actually started by a real-life friend of mine. He didn't use it so it gave it to me. I use it to make snarky comments and say stuff I don't want to say on this account.

haha, I know it is kind of cowardly... I can live with that.

Hell I think it's great - I'm following - be snarky!


nice is spesule

Please mister follow me, I upgoat you you upgoat me, follow for follow, what you say mister, interesting article, I learn many things, simple to understand as I am slightly retarded, please go easy on the bashing of my skull, it is thick, though I have feelings, I think?

I have a mac. I finally got one last year, because all the new computers are sold with the latest version of windows which totally sucks arse.

Safari sucks too/ So do many of the features on the mac. But it's still better, than the latest version of windows.

I use firefox exclusively.

HOW THE HELL DO YOU KEEP UP WITH 5 Different Browsers?


I wouldn't touch win 10 with a 1000 foot pole but it's not too hard to put win 7 64 bit on newer PC's.


I just have a quick look at replies on each one and only really use Firefox

That is oh soooooo gay.

Oh dear, a gaybot.

very intiristing

OMG your anus obsession is on again, alert alert. Call the fucking anal P-olice.

I have one main browser, and a secondary one from which I log in to other Steemit a/cs I co-manage. I don't think I'd like to have a whole gaggle of browsers on my computer, tbh - sounds a bit techy, lol.

But in saying that, have you checked out the new dWeb browser that's just been launched?

Tune bro I am up way too late, though enjoying my quiet time.

Why use 5 different accounts? I'm still learning about Steemit :D

Did you know that every time you say "very nice" it makes your dick get smaller, and the fifth time you say it your dick falls right of...

You are a pro in browser stuff hahah

I use TOR for email (for obvious reasons) Firefox for this account, opera for when Tom Duggan wants me to post a video (not much of late) bing for farcebook (to keep in touch with old friends, family) chrome for my nano s wallet, and the other version of opera for surfing.

I know that feeling well.

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