
I never thought about making another account until now. Didn't know so many Steemians had more than one. Do you guys do it for different niches?

Yep! I don't use my alts much, but I made one for dMania, because some of the community hates memes. I made one for Zappl, but my other two mostly just sell a few votes now.

What is your meme one?

@steemfeed. I don't use him much anymore.

Your pithy alter ego

I never imagined you were so beardy...

Alright here is the story... There are some things that I want to say that don't come across well via a woman. Sometimes men can get away with saying things... You can argue it if you want. I don't like to play the gender card and it isn't my intent. No victim in it.

I've never hidden the account ownership, it was actually started by a real-life friend of mine. He didn't use it so it gave it to me. I use it to make snarky comments and say stuff I don't want to say on this account.

haha, I know it is kind of cowardly... I can live with that.

Hell I think it's great - I'm following - be snarky!

nobody is laughing now OMG.. hahaha.

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