Steemit Tips: How NOT To Behave on Steemit -- Plagiarism

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey there, all y'all! It's @shayne again to help you through the potential pitfalls of Steemit by showing you what other people have done in the hopes that you can save yourself from doing the same.

This is sort of a continuation of my post from yesterday

For this post we'll be dealing with plagiarism.

The other day I was trolling around over on and this guy popped in and started to apologize to everyone for knowingly plagiarizing content on his Steemit blog.

I asked him a series of questions that showed me that he knew personally that he shouldn't be doing what he was doing, and that he had even been warned by other members about what could happen, and he continued to plagiarize. In other words, he wasn't mistakenly plagiarizing because he just didn't know: he knew what he was doing and continued doing it anyway.

He was quickly flagged into oblivion.

That is when he decided to come to to make his appeal to... the random people that were also trolling the chatroom lol

Here's how part of it went:


I really wasn't trying to be mean to the guy, but he had an air about him as though he was intitled to participate in this community. And that isn't the case, at all.

It's important that people understand that.

It's not cruel to be flagged for plaigerism

Other people spend time creating content. They have a right to recieve compensation for their work if the market deams it of value. You do not have the right to take that person's content without permission and monetize it for your own gain.

That's called theft.

And if your account is flagged into oblivion because you were a serial plagierist, then you got what you deserved.

That's called justice.

Beseaching the community

It's important to note that -- as I understand it -- this user was indeed heard and has been given a second chance.

This is a very gracious act by the community, and should be taken as an act of mercy and not an entidlment.

Because, you see, beseaching the commuinty usually doesn't work. And with good reason.

When you break the rules of a community, and that community values itself, you will be punished and/or shunned, because the community wishes to retain the qualities that make it valuable.

Steemit has a great community of smart, creative people, and in my opinion it deserves protection from people who would steal from it and abuse it. And so someone who is stealing the work of others and posting it on this platform to make money is not welcome and should be expelled quickly.

The fact that someone is sorry after the fact is unfortunate for them, if they are being sincere, but does not necissarily justify them being given a second chance.

What can we learn from this?

In my opinion, simply: do not abuse this community

There are lots of ways that people can try to take advantage of Steemit in the hopes of making a quick buck. But luckily, we have active Steem-cleaners who warn users of the abuse they are commiting and give them warnings to stop before sicking the flag-bots on them.

If you hesitate before posting something because you are worried about it being flagged, my advice is to make a post asking the community if your worries are valad or if you are overthinking things and should just post your content.

Or go to and ask the fine trolls there what they think. You're likely to get a helpful and honest answer.

And if the consensus is that you shouldn't post it, my advice to you is to swallow your pride and listen.

You really don't want to be flagged into oblivion, because most people will not get a second chance.

What do you think?

Post your experiences below. Do you often have questions you need answerd? Have you evern been warned by a user? If so, what did you do?

I've been warned before and promptly corrected myself. I don't want to do anything to hurt the community here on Steemit, because it really is a uniquly high-quality social media.

Follow me @shayne


It's not hard to cite your sources and give credit where credit is due. Plagiarism is just not the way to get ahead in life. :)

Totally agree. Get permission, source, share the contact information of anything you source. Not that hard, really.

Absolutely right! For some reason, I don't believe he has learned his lesson because he was already under suspicion even after being warned but hopefully I am wrong and he deviates from this path. Credit to those who caught him red handed.

Acting like people are being "cruel" to you when you stole from them and abused their community is a bit of a warning sign of recidivism to me.

I guess it is up to us to keep a close eye on him and others

Sadly, people think being "merciful" is being fair.

I've seen far too many examples of people not following rules, so the community comes up with "new" rules for the people who weren't following the old rules. It usually just ends up being more work and frustration for the people who were already following the rules.

Sometimes you have to cut off a few heads to get compliance.

Sounds like America right now lol.

This past year was the third (and final) season that I coached some Science Olympiad events. It started out being a way to stay connected with my kids (and show them their Dad wasn't so dumb after all). There is rampant cheating going on and nobody says a word about it. The rules aren't followed by competitors or the Event Supervisors but everyone just looks the other way. You end up with kids who worked hard and followed the rules getting screwed over by people who not only obviously, but admittedly cheated. Kids who followed the rules and competed fairly, who would have actually stood a good chance of placing if it hadn't been for the cheating, end up watching while cheaters get medals and trophies. Then, if you have the audacity to call someone on it, even in a diplomatic way, you get pounded.

Dude, that sucks :(

That's why I'm finished with it. Lots of impressive looking rules that nobody follows and the kids are the ones who pay the price.

So true, sometimes the human geniality get tired

One can expect only so much geniality ;)

Does this occur often?

daily, hourly, minutly.

Preach!! I can't even stand looking through content sometimes, cause every new post I pull up is a direct copy paste of an article online and the poster thinks they can make a quick buck. Being blacklisted is completely reasonable for those who steal others content.

You know, I've had to tag a few people that I follow (@bitcoinmeister) who are content creators because people were just posting their stuff here and monetizing it. I have even seen people who just copped articles I wrote lol

It's pretty sad... really.

First, let me tell this, "This community has a lot potential to be THE SOCIAL platform." Even, I'm learning every day, wrapping my head around. Fabricating and producing original quality content is the way we GO and GROW.

There are lots of ways that people can try to take advantage of Steemit in the hopes of making a quick buck

"Quick Buck," is the notion for most of the newbie here. I have seen, especially, videos are posted here (not sure, if the permission is being taken from the original content creator). Maybe, I'm wrong. Maybe I'm not. But, as you have rightly mentioned,

Steemit has a great community of smart, creative people, and in my opinion it deserves protection from people who would steal from it and abuse it

Steemit is an incredible platform for the amazing content creator (including this post, which has a meaning and a message).
I'm not being warned (lucky me, I know the rule).
It's a good learning post fo everyone. Keep them coming.

I've actually found that many people are attracted to Steemit by the notion of making a quick buck and either leave because it's not that easy or stay because they learn to love the community.

Have you seen this too?

I have seen the patter of "quick buck." They think, its easy money. But, it all about the community and how we grow to gether. I dont see that people are involved in community building.

There has to be standards. this comm is a breath of fresh air because it's not a bunch of thieves and kids. Thank you for the info uv rs and flwd

Great article! Steemit will only thrive on original content. I've been plagiarized in the past and the experience was genuinely upsetting and infuriating. I'm new to steem and already I can see article theft and lame re-posts could be a problem that may grow out of control if not immediately stopped. That's why I have a strict rule of only upvoting good and original content. If we all do this, steemit will thrive. :) Looking forward to reading more of your articles, shayne!

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