Why Steemit should revert the lifespan of a story from 12 hours to 24 hours: Because of the TIME ZONES !!

in #steemit8 years ago

Because I am in Europe at the moment, I noticed that it became extremely difficult to get noticed with posts while on the CET time zone.

The reason is simple: Most of the WHALES are in the USA.

When it's 9AM in Paris, it's 3AM in New York, and MIDNIGHT in San Francisco

It means that, if you are a European or African user, and if you post in the morning, your post will be visible to these whales only when they wake up.

Posting at 8AM Paris time makes your post noticeable by most whales only 9 hours after !

Assuming the 12hours lifespan for a minnow vote (you may have seen that trending posts have a longer lifespan), it means that a post created by a European person and published in the morning:

  • has only 3 hours of remaining life while on the "noticeable" time zone.
  • is already covered by thousands of other posts.
  • In conclusion: Has literally NO CHANCE of being noticed.

The conclusions are very simple: Either we change the 12 hours lifespan (we may discuss this), or Steemit users have to adapt. Users meaning both minnows and whales.

European Minnows: YOU HAVE TO POST IN THE EVENING to maximize your chances.


Otherwise, the platform may face the risk of being too much USA & Canadian sourced.

NOTE: I have no personal gain changing the lifespan of the posts, I live in the Silicon Valley, on the SF timezone.


I do not agree. This is called social media. So you have to engage socially to be noticed. Just posting something and hoping that a whale will find you wont be enough.

So users can use the chat to promote their post, they can try to reach out to their followers.

Now we have 60.000 Users. It wont matter if its 12 or 24hours. Imagine we have 6.000.000 Users. Everypost will just vanish. So to survive the future Steemit, you have to have a network of followers.

Changing it back to 24Hours will only help for a couple of weeks, after that it wont help, as the new posts will have tripled.

Exactly , its better to focus on building your own network of followers and forget thinking about whales and other "creatures" Hello via Bali

I fully agree, it means that different timezones end up with different posts.

And it also applies on the curation rewards: Being on the right time-zone allows you to be in the 30-min slot right after a post is live, hence maximizing your curation rewards.

I think the underlying problem truly is not so much the 12 hour lifespan so much as the concentration of STEEM power in North America. I do agree that STEEM power must be built up in other locations and time zones for more than just a fair chance of recognition by non-north american authors, but also because an author who generates zero interest here could create a devoted following in another place. It can give blog posts a second life in another culture or time zone. Ironically, I find that my posts do best after midnight and I am US based.

Both are linked in fact.
Because of the 12 hours lifespan, it is very difficult to get noticed by North-Am, where as you said the power is concentrated.
I'll be back in the USA in 3 days, I'll try different times and will see.
I did a take2 of a previous post just now to give it a try -> Here
There is a huge luck factor too, but the fact that most upvoted content in on the USA timezone is striking.

I cannot disagree about concentration of upvote power in the US. One thing I would say is even if Steemit decided to bring back the 24 hour period for rewards, it still would not solve the issue of where the article is placed in the stream. Higher reputation holders would still force lower rep holders down the list and time zone issues would still persist.

I think that curation and featuring content from others which speaks to you is something we need from everyone in the Steemit community, regardless of reputation scores. For purposes of this conversation, if someone in my feed started to feature content in their blogs, I would look to see if that content interested me. For my part, between my "day job" and writing, I could not possibly filter through all the content each day to upvote quality. It's something which needs to be crowd sourced and I think everyone has to do at least some of this to create the ecosystem we want. I think this could be a great work around to build dolphins in other time zones. I am not a whale or dolphin by any stretch, but if my curation and featuring posts happen to attract the attention of a whale, and by virtue of that give another in a different time zone, the attention of a whale, then the community as a whole benefits and so do I.

This post and our conversation has both made me realize where I fall short doing my part and inspired me to do a regular feature about the gems I find.

Absolutely, I'd never really considered the time zone issue; thank you for sharing.

I live in SF, but I am on holidays in Europe now. It was an easy thing to notice for me.
Thanks for the comment.

Agreed, I live in the UK, so it makes perfect sense to allow posts as much time as possible to reach as many steemers as it can!!

Fully agreed!

I will say, I thought the 12 hour cycle would be a benefit when I first heard about it, but now that it's been in place for a couple of weeks I think I would rather wait longer for the initial payout. I don't make a bunch of money anyway, but this is certainly a valid case for exposure (which is hard enough to get as it is).

Yes I agree with this.

Heureusement que j'ai vu ton post parce que sinon je n'aurais jamais su que je devais poster le matin ... En tout cas je suis bien d'accord avec ta proposition de revenir aux 24 heures

Merci !
Je vais tester le truc avec mon post sur la steemitwatch (check et upvote si tu aimes l'idee !)

Je viens de le reposter. J'espere gagner un peu de steempower aussi pour pouvoir commencer a mettre mes photos de voyages en ligne ici (quelques pays deja faits et prevus: USA, France, Grece, Ecosse, Colombie, Bresil, etc...)

Yeah, really. I am currently close to lake Baikal in Russia & lake Khuvsgul in Mongolia (right between them, in fact) Close to Mongolian border. That is UTC+9, same as most of China, and I've noticed, that by this logic any posts I do should be in early morning. My time diff with EST islike 14 hours, or so.

I am living in CET time zone and I better post in the evening.
24 hours cycle maybe better, but now I can not remember the reason that was behind the shortening of the cycle.
It is worth discussion.

The original reason was to give more rotation to the trending posts.
Now, it went a bit backward because when you are trending, your post's lifespan increases (I have been payout times at 15h, 18h and even 24h depending on the success of the post.

Thanks for confirming that the CET+Evening combo works btw.

After reading the reason for 12 hours cycle, I would better like 24 hours.

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