I've Been Banned From Poloniex

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

And lost $80.00 SBD

Edit: 3:15pm central, ban was lifted, sbd issue hasn't been resolved. Thanks everyone for all the data, Steemians are amazing!

The story gets even weirder. I transferred around $80ish sbd to exchange for other coins, my exchange would of been worth over $100 usd, yesterday. Usually my transaction shows up immediately but this time my sbd didn't even register a transaction number, no history, nothing. I filed a ticket, I've got the emails with my ticket number.

Luckily I have a history of my transaction logged on my Steemit wallet. I checked my email, no communications from @poloniex.

Luckily I didn't try to exchange my $700.00 worth of steem. This morning I withdrew the rest of my coins and placed them on another cryptocurrency exchange.

I tried logging into Poloniex a few minutes ago to see if my sbd had registered yet and found out I've been "temporarily" banned," I have no idea what this means. I've learned a good lesson on the cheap, worth the sbd I lost.

some_text A link to My Blog


What happened to poloniex? It doesn't care about reputaton! Whos going to use it after losing money?!

I think the platform has several issues, from what I've gleaned listening to the polo troll box, clients, and moderators. There are some shifty dealings going on regarding high frequency trading vs people like us, I see something like front loading and lag time with margin trading. I think I got that right, my husband knows more about this than I do...the platform hasn't been harden for the new influx of cryptocurrency newbies. From what I read many experts in the cryptocurrency world knew a huge influx was coming. I think the hack attacks are fiat competitors and other exchanges that would benefit if polo crashed and burned.

I really do think polo cares about its rep, but it's overwhelmed...

I think you'll get that 80 sbd back, i know polo can be crap and they really have some problems but i can't see them losing your money, i've had where they take a looooong time to withdraw but all being well you will see it again. But yeah, i don't tend to do much at all on polo anymore.

I'm thinking the same thing, but I'm staying off the platform for now...

OMG !lost $80.00 SBD ::(

Yeah that stings, however, others have lost more with no history or transaction number. I've read Poloniex has made good on lost funds but this may take months to sort out.

To err is human to really mess things up takes a computer or governmental agency. Something between the two had to have happened. I can't imagine you doing anything worthy of being banned.

I'm a bot🤡😂😂😂😂

Did you ever figure out what happened?

Not yest, however polo is working on it, my ticket is progressing. I'll report back as soon as I hear something. I would be very careful using any exchange right now. Weird things are happening on bitterx and coinbase seems to have always had problems as well, kinda like polo.

It sounds like Polinex has been having issues throughout their system. I hope it goes well for you. Have you seen my latest couple of portraits. I ask because I really like your traditional media work and I feel that is weakness for me so any perspective that you can share helps.

I'll be over to check out your work midday and I'll critque the pieces for you. Remember I'm a novice so take what I say with a grain of salt....I think there is something to using our hands and eyes, the imagination and insight coupled with a physical medium that's missing from digital art. I'm not putting digital art down, I've worked with digital art software and I don't have the patience to learn the craft, so I understand the skill set digital art takes. I think working with physical art mediums will enhance your digital creativity.

I have been considering it. I think one thing traditional media has both going for and and against it for me is that you have to commit to your application. There are many things that you can not take back. So I can second guess myself a lot. I think it will either lead to greater confidence or some frustration. I am often very hard on my work. I have a love / hate relationship with it. There are days I think that they should take away my artistic license and then perhaps a few days later I will look at it and find some more compassion for it. Do you experience anything like it.

For a novice your color choice and composition are pretty good dear heart. You seem to have an eye for it. I would value what you have to say based not on your experience but your aesthetic.

I have the same kind of frustration. I found with running and meditation I hit walls, there is no free flow of energy, but if I stay focused and aware I have breakthroughs and when this happens my endurances, skill, and concentration increase.

With art, it's like, " oh shit, this piece isn't turning out, so fuck it, I'm going to finish it anyway the best I can." Many times I produce crap this way, but this is also the place in my mind I find treasures, enhance my skills, and break through creative walls.

I curse a lot when I'm in this space, it's painful, but like running and meditation I feel amazing bliss when I finish, so it's worth the pain.

I hope this helps🌀

BTW you inspired me to try my hand at a more manual media. https://steemit.com/art/@iamwne/the-essence-of-lori-portrait-sketch

Any updates? They enabled SBD deposites and I transferred 10 SBD this morning and still haven't got it credited to my account! :[

Ticket is still pending, stay away from polo until they've sorted out their code issues with Steemit

That is horrible. Mine's only been 10 hours and I feel horrible :[

@msg768, this is the price we pay for freedom, the crypto world is unregulated, it's like the wild-wild west, bittrex and blocktrades are stable right now, but the industry on a whole is in its infancy and unregulated. I like the thrill of unregulated trading. I never send large amounts of coin for a trade I can't afford to lose. Polo has a good reputation of sorting issues out but a bad rep for taking months to resolve issues. So I suggest being patient and finding several other exchanges to trade on (hugs)

many people almost consistently report issues of one sort or another with Poloniex. Not sure about your transfer issue (though many have had issues with that as well), but the "rate limited" thing also seems to be effecting a bunch of people...

Link: Reddit: Poloniex: "Error 1015: You are being rate limited"

I don't know what rate limit means but this is a good question.

Just looked up rate limit and checked the Reddit thread. The missing sbd and rate limit seems to be tied to technical difficulties Poloniex has been suffering from for a long time. Maybe their system can't handle the flood of newbies like me.

yup, so hopefully it should work out okay for you once they work out their issues. I'd be very cautious though keeping any real money there for too long. And, I probably don't need to say this, but stay away from the margin!

I don't touch margin trading. I used Poloniex to buy shit coins with my sbd..

I'm sorry to hear this! They've had thousands of my Bitshares tied up in an error since 5/2. It's a shady exchange.

Yeah, I've had misgivings for a couple months so I didn't keep or trade large amounts of coin. I'm glad I moved my shitcoin this morning, I'm composting them for my cryptocurrency garden next year😁

I'm sorry for your loss

It appears that Poloniex is taking the money of more and more people. I won't be using their service anymore.

I think the platform is overwhelmed, I don't know if this is shady or not...but I know all platforms are dealing with a large flux of new cryptocurrency traders...I don't think they were ready...

hmm why did they ban you?

I don't know...

It's a rate limit ban, prolly thinks I'm a bot...I didn't trade much on that platform.

Hopefully for you they fix it rapidly.

If not I learned a really good lesson anyway.

and that is not to use Poloniex?

Yes, let me qualify, Poloniex has had issues for at least three years from what I've been able to research. Those issues haven't been resolved, then you have hacker attacks, a huge flux of crypto newbes like me. So I figure poloniex platform is unstable right now. I stay away for now... and I will be careful with my coin on exchange wallets, I won't hold a lot of coin on exchanges, even though I had very little in my Poloniex wallet.

Maybe all STEEM/SBD transactions are on hold until the HF is signed off as OK?

I wouldn't know, I've been temporarily banned😏

There is that, yes. Quite a feat now that the trollbox is no longer there 8-P.

I'll log out from Polo and back in again, to see if anything funny happens.

I really loved the troll box, it was better than a comedy show😏

Indeed it was. Like a funny soap, only faster.

Exactly, I spent a couple hours there when I first joined, I learned a lot! I'm sorry to see the troll box was banned too 😞

No Polo unpleasantness here, except for my SBD deposit not showing yet, and a lot of red figures in the markets.

Lucky you 🤑😂😂😂

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