1,200 Followers Milestone Post! Yet Is It Really An Achievement? A Game Changing PSA For New Steemians, Observations, Conclusions and AdvicesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


As usual, I am super thankful for Steemit and most of you fellow Steemians!

Ever since I first heard about this, I knew it was something special. I have been promoting it and contributing as much value to the community and economy as with my spare time for almost a year now! 

I have participated in lots of Steemit contests/challenges, I even started a Steemit Fashion Line offering sustainable, hand painted, epic steemit gear, and the most item listings available for $steem on PeerHub!

I have writen articles about why and how Steemit can be revolutionary!

I have organized and hosted Steemit Meetups. 

I have gotten lots of my friends to join Steemit. 

I have fed thousands of EXTRA free meals to people in need with proceeds from Steemit!

I just reached 1,200 followers! This is my very first "MILESTONE" post or followers post. 

I am PROUD to be on Steemit and of all the contributions I have made, but it somehow doesn’t really feel like its much of an achievement…. 

I have been noticing a very big growing trend of people giving follows in hopes of getting follows back. I have to my dismay also noticed LOTS of new accounts following sometimes thousands of accounts a day, copy/pasting follow request/trade comments on people's posts, then after a day or two unfollowing accounts that they followed….. This kinda works because its often that someone (especially someone new) will follow someone back who follows them. I mean it makes sense. Someone says they followed you and they liked your post. You just kinda want to return the love...A very tricky ploy, one of which may trick some but I am quite sure will not work here. 

So I am taking this time to share some of my observations, conclusions, and give some humble advise on the matter. 

Firstly, I can say honestly that I of course want as many followers and high payouts as possible! I don’t judge anyone for wanting to make money on Steemit.  

With that being said, I have always felt that follows and high payouts should go to people who are posting the most valuable content for this Steemit community and the betterment of the world as a whole. 

I have noticed that most of the successful accounts here on Steemit are ones who not only make quality posts but contribute a lot to the success and growth of this community. They are also people who have put in hundreds if not thousands of hours into Steemit and actually care about more than just payouts. There are of course many people on Steemit with more followers, posts and SP than I. Yet I can't think of a better example of a Steemian success story than @papa-pepper. I hope he gets more followers and earns even higher payouts because whats good for him is good for Steemit. Because he doesn't just take he shares, supports and contributes. 

Yes its true we WANT more users. We want Steemit to grow and become mainstream. Yet at the same time in order for it to really grow, the growth has to be sustainable. 

If there are thousands of people joining because they have hopes of making money and think they can make big money by making shit posts and copy/pasting vote requests to thousands of posts, then they are in for a lot of disappointment. I am quite sure that they will have very little success with this method. 

Now it is possible a lot of minnows will get together with vote trade agreements and get thousands of follows and votes, but their votes are worth very little, and even a thousand minnow/dust votes will not amount to satisfying their fantasies of big, easy payouts. 

So then what happens is these people will get discouraged and drop out because all they really care about is $$$. 

I have also noticed LOTS of shit copy/paste comments on my posts as I am SURE anyone who has a decent rep has also noticed. This is just people selfishly begging or tricking for votes/follows. 

I have actually taken LOTS of time to respond to such comments with polite and sound advise because I do want people to be successful. 

None of these people even responded to the comment that I made on their comment that was a waste of my time to begin with, because they don't actually care. They didn't say yea good advice, or oh I didn't realize that, or thanks I will check it out or even ask another question. Just nothing. 

WHY? Because they did that hundreds of times on hundreds of posts. 

This guy here actually commented back and he learned something and maybe we will actually HAVE a connection on Steemit. 

These are just a FEW of the many comments I have received and made in just the last few days. 

So while I may have reached 1,200 followers, how many of them upvote my posts? About 100 or so a post and generally speaking 75% of those are the same upvotes each time. So basically 1,200 followers means nothing. In fact, most posts I see on steemit have more VOTES than views.....Hahahahahahah 

So to wrap up this post, my conclusion is this: 

Steemit is Awesome!

Steemit has the potential to be revolutionary!

Followers don't mean much and don't guarantee good payouts.

I think everyone who uses any kind of social media should get on Steemit!

Success is not easy right now and actually requires a lot of smarts and consistent focus!

Focus on what you are best at, most experienced in, or most passionate about and make your posts about that. 

Yes, make LOTS of comments on people's articles, its the BEST way to meet new people, but a copy/paste comment is actually worse than NO comment. If the comment is not intelligent and relevant, it's not going to get you any big payouts or powerful followers. 

If you want to be successful then look at the big picture and also realize that even 1 cent for a post is more than what you get on fascistbook!



You make some very good points in your article. It took me almost exactly one year of posting and commenting to get to 1,000 followers.

Now in just one month I've added 700 more. Why? For the reason you cited: The "I'll follow you if you follow me " mentality!

You are correct in writing that it won't work here, at least not with me, or apparently you!

On the other hand I understand how new posters are trying to get noticed and have success but the best way to do that is by making meaningful comments!

Thanks for being you and doing what you do @quinneaker!

Hey Old Dog!!!
Thanks for the comment!
I always like getting some love and attention from my dawg! hahahaha
Yes ur right, u got 70% of ur total followers in 1/12 of the time for these exact reasons.
Yet WE have standards and I hope Steemit holds to the standards. This is whats cool about voting, is there is NO RULE against the spammy shit but we don't have to vote it either. So eventually whatever doesn't get voted will disappear, what does get voted will appear.
So we just use the attention economy to work it all out!
Thanks for taking time to read and comment old friend!

Very valid points, and what a great milestone to share your thoughts about this. I did not even realize that I was mentioned here until I read it.

Also, I hope you don't mind, but I viewed it and read it prior to upvoting.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I am so honored to have you read and up vote this post @papa-pepper I truly respect you as a man but especially as one of the most valuable Steemians in this community.
In truth I have actually highlighted you as an example in 3 of my posts in the last 2-3 weeks. Of course I never told you I did because while I very much like your acknowledgment I didn't do it for that. I did it because the Steemit community needs to know about and follow @papa-pepper
If you should see and notice then its just a BONUS hehehe =)>
As I said I hope u get a lot more followers and I will continue to support your greatness here on Steemit and keep the pepper family in my prayers.
I am also going to up vote this post so more people will see how important @papa-pepper is and follow!

Haha @papa-pepper love the bit "I hope you don't mind, but I viewed it and read it prior to upvoting" 👍

What a great way to examine milestones. Leave it to you to see it from many angles. I agree with your evaluation of these particular situations. I have written some of the people who solicit my upvote and follow something like this:

I think it's great that you are excited about engaging in Steemit. And I think it's great to experiment with ways to market yourself and your posts. However, I believe the best way would be to write engaging posts, chiming in on people's blogs, commenting, upvoting and resteeming, earning yourself a reputation and a reason for others to follow you. I get many requests every day from new users to upvote and follow them. I use my voting power on those who have something of great benefit to share. If you are one of those people, I will be glad to exchange with you, but feel there is no real value in just swapping upvotes. Many blessings on your path to a powerful Steemit experience. I hope to find your posts a great contribution.

I appreciate my followers but also recognize that they're not really following all of my posts. I definitely don't base my idea of success on that number.

I'm not a fan of the upvote for upvote requests, as not all upvotes are created equal, and I also don't like being directly solicited for my upvote in a private message. I find it distasteful for a stranger to do that before even introducing themselves to me. Nor do I like the "I upvoted you, now you owe me an upvote" approach. In an attention economy, it makes sense to me to encourage positive attention to one's account instead of the cheap & fast strategies I'm seeing from newbies that don't really contribute value to the platform as a whole. I'm encouraging people who approach me in these ways to rethink their strategies, and it's great to see that you're offering considerate advice in these situations as well.

Quality comments, on the other hand, are awesome!! It shows that someone actually read the post and was inspired to contribute something meaningful. It encourages conversation and further discussion, even if the comment is counter to the perspective the post presents. Actually I think disagreements can potentially be more valuable & entertaining, and it's especially cool to see users try to meet each other in respect even if they disagree. Learning from each other is one of the best things about the Steemit community!

Appreciate your comment!

@quinneaker Congratulations on reaching 1200 followers! I still consider it to be an admirable achievement despite the opportunists you pointed out. What is even more admirable is the contribution you have made to Steemit (revolutionizing the platform and arranging meetups) and feeding the less privileged. Good job!

I agree that contributing to the greater good of Steemit and helping those in need is far more of an achievement than 1,200 followers.
I appreciate you pointing that out and also your support. It means a lot to me when one recognizes the value of what I have dedicated my life too.
Hope to see you around.


Love, love, love this post! Lately I have been feeling frustrated with so many UPVote Follow whores. From living with you I have learned that all that whoring doesn't really work. The info on this blog I have heard from your mouth. I will follow your example and upgrade my response to these people.

As always, I'm truly grateful for your awareness...

Okay, maybe not always but we know I often come around.


A humorous post as usual ;-)>
U may be a stubborn bitch at times but u do tend to come around! U have evolved so much since u came to the GOE. Thank G**
<3 LoveON <3

Hahaha @loveon. I think it's great that you're still paying attention and getting benefit through Quinnspiration!! Thank goodness you come around...makes for incredible upgrades to witness.

Everything you said is very true. It seems like people will spend more effort trying to 'game the system' - rather then just read peoples posts and contribute. There are already enough bots on steemit we don't need people acting like bots. Keep up the inspired work! I will upvote everything I read by you. Just to know that you are using the funds to feed people pulls on my heartstrings!

Thanks for the support, our cause is the real deal.
I really appreciate that you actually read my post and that u are taking the time to make a valuable comment!
Thats how you do it and thats how Steemit gets better!
I hope to continue to post content of real value and welcome your input.

I'm laughing to myself because I read your post then thought to myself "yep, Quinn is the real deal ". Then my eyes moved down and saw where Quinn wrote exactly the words in my head except he refers to the cause and not himself. But it's all the same to me. Without him and his convictions none of it would be happening.

I've known this guy since he was a boy. He is the real deal.

I would agree with that @loveon!! Quinn is definitely the real deal, he has proven himself over and over, The @gardenofeden is a true testament to his character. It's beautiful to see someone live so true to their values.

I was so tempted to put

Nice post, followed you

It has become a bit of a plague. Like you, I respond to them but rarely do they respond back. The thing that annoys me most is that it is a terrible terrible strategy. If it was something clever I might admire it effort still not liking it but it's just awful.

Anyway, well done man!

hahhaahahhha so true!
Its kind like in Star Wars. Darth Vader is the "bad guy" but he's in a way likable or respectable atlas in his power and achievement hahaha
but yea lots of these guys and strategies are just dumb. Nothing to like about it.
Oh well .I have faith it will be weeded out and as long as we keep supporting the kind of community we want to have it will flourish!

I really appreciate you taking the time to comment back to the copy/paste people. Your patience and dedication to Steemit is admirable. Congrats on the MileStone @quinneaker !

Thanks for noticing and acknowledging that. I haven't been thanked for that though I do feel it is a very valuable contribution.
As with life outside of steemit here on steemit I am constantly providing people with potential upgrades. Hoping people will adapt and evolve.

You should be thanked more for it. Yes! staying true to your values on and offline.

I appreciate that brethren. I do not need it because I truly have faith in my ideals and cause. Though it is nice and it would be the "fair" thing haha.
You are doing your part.

Such honesty in your posts! I've always enjoyed the interactions here on Steemit, I hope that continues in the comment sections- it would be a shame if it stopped.

I think it WILL continue for SOME of us. I mean even if I have 50 shit posts on my blog, if you comment I will be sure to respond and appreciate it. I will still appreciate that and others who do the same.
My hope is that by making posts like I help filter out some of that and encourage more of the valuable comments of which are so great about Steemit.
Its sad the current state of comments but WE have the power to influence the "status quo"
Thanks for stopping by and taking some of your valuable time to comment!

Exactly, I feel like there's just too many switched on people here for the robots to have any lasting meaningful impact. They'll be a solution eventually, and we'll be able to Steem in clarity once again ;)


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