QiQi Apprenticing To Work The Epic Threads Clothing Line: Making Her First Fabric Steemit Logo Desings!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

QiQi is truly an inspired artist as you can see if you have checked out any of @qiqi-power posts!

One of the first posts was of QiQi making Steemit Logo Designs on paper! She cranked out a bunch of those already and is now ready to move on to the next level!

Here she is starting on her first steemit logos painted on actual fabric!

This is because she wants to start making some of the Epic Threads Steemit Gear that I have been designing and producing for over a year! I just made a new post tonight highlighting a hand painted Steemit-T.

QiQi is very skilled and SUPER focused. She just completed a coloring the other day that took her about 3 hours and she did it without even eating a snack! Now that is some focus!

She is learning very fast and motivated. She will likely be on the Epic Threads clothng design work force soon!

As you can see she has already practiced about 15 logo designs on this one test shirt. It is an old saved from the trash shirt but just one day may become a high valued collectors item when QiQi is a world renowned fashion designer!

If you would like to know more about QiQi check out her introducemyself post here. 

I @quinneaker  created  this account in trust, to share QiQi-Power and to give QiQi a  way to be  be responsible for supporting her own dreams  and desires. She  fully  comprehends and is excited to work for and create things for her  self  she wants. She wants an Ipad to create art with, make  videos, and   research her interests. She is already learning sign language as well  as  new songs  every day.  I will be   posting her chosen  content and   perspective as well as represent for her here, having sole control of   the account and all  activity on it. I have done this because of the   laws of children having social media  accounts and access. This is set   up in trust for her future and thus    must survive to be of any   worth. She has decided to power up all SP  to  make Steemit better   and to invest in her future trust.  All liquid Steem will be put twords   her Ipad or the dolls that she wants. She will trade that Steem to a   Steemian in exchange for the  ipad when  she  saves enough.  She is   already working on more art pieces, as she  says "I love making Steemit   posts." This account is intended to give QiQi a creative outlet and   opportunity to make her own way and achieve her dreams.        

Until Next Time SteemON!


I was correct... seeing this cute little lady i thought to myself...looks like @quinnecker daughter from Eden... now I am right..QiQi... what a great talent show... nice one @qiqi-power doing what she does best...

Hello Brother!

Grateful to find you here and grateful to share QiQi with you and Steemit. She is my daughter indeed and I am so blessed to have her in my life.

So much profound sharing to come.


Sure and am glad to also learn so i know how to train my own kids in future... Good one...

I can't wait to see the beautiful clothing you make @qiqi-power! Thanks for giving us an update on your creative endeavors.


How exciting that at 6 years old she will be making clothing for a design company and be running her own business by 7 years old!

The potentials profound!

@qiqi-power Really REALLY great work you are doing there! EVERYONE is Sooo PROUD of YOU ! keep up that good work young Lady ! Thank you for working so hard to help everyone !

Hugs all around !

Your friend JT Streetman

Hey @jtstreetman
Great to see you here. Thanks for the support. QiQi is truly amazing and this Steemit Trust is going to be a part of her empire one day. I am sure by the time she is 7 years old she will have more savings than 75% of the average adult.

Not to mention being free, inspired, healthy, conscious, responsible and capable!

Bless it be~~*~

Damn right ! Thats what its all about, and I'm going to give my .01 every chance I get ! That to will increase... All children are all our responsibility, she will be a teacher too ...
Hugs !
"maybe I'll be there to shake your hand, maybe I'll be there to share the land" (old song)

Your Friend JT Streetman

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