The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Steemit...

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi there you amazing people.

Here is a list of everything i found during long wait of WEEK to get my Steemit Confirmation.I am calling it

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Steemit...

As i have said it in my My Introduction post , it took around 1 week to get my steemit confirmation. Meanwhile i was browsing through steemit and found some amazing stuff which has helped me a lot.

So, here i am adding everything i found so far , so that other #newbies like me get the idea of what Steemit is all about and how to navigate into Steemit world.

Here is a Table of content (FYI you should probably want to bookmark this page for future references)

Checklist pointWhat it's all about ?
PrefaceThe begining
Checklist Point 1Get to know blockchain
Checklist Point 2Steemit Blue Paper
Checklist Point 3Steemit White Paper
Checklist Point 4Quick start Guide
Checklist Point 5Things about Steemit wallet
Checklist Point 6STEEM and Steem Dollars
Checklist Point 7About Curators
Checklist Point 8Understanding Markdown
Checklist Point 9first post ? do it with #introduceyourself
Checklist Point 10Some Amazing Groups on Steemit
Checklist Point 11Another platforms powered by steemit
Thank youYou are good to GO


The beginning :

The first thing i looked was actually history of the platform.

The company was founded by Ned Scott he goes by the name @ned here and Dan Larimer. he is @dantheman. they have also created BitShares, and EOS.

Few words about Bitshare and IOS.IO :

BitShares - decentralised asset exchange – similar to any other stock exchange but for cryptocurrencies
Since March 2016 the project has been a part of Microsoft Azure Blockchain as a Service package. i think that's pretty cool that Microsoft is getting into developing block chain solucion on its cloud platform

IOS.IO - It is a blockchain that operates as a smart contract platform for the deployment of decentralized applications and decentralized autonomous corporations.

Checklist point 1 : Get to know blockchain

First thing to do is to be familiarize your self with Blockchain. If you don't already know then get a basic idea about block chain.

Here is a link to get you started What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

Checklist point 2 : Steemit Blue Paper

Read the Steemit blue paper Steem Bluepaper

It's only 7 pages , i know it's going to sound too technical at first but give it a try. you will have a grater under standing of what steemit is all about. I am sure that you will enjoy it. I certainly did

Checklist point 3 : Steemit White Paper

Did you liked the blue paper ? you did right ?
Now lets dig deeper with Steem WhitePaper

A Gentle Request :

please don't yo go read this post in one setting. Bookmark this page and finish above 3 points.I promise i will be waiting here :-).

Checklist point 4 : Quick start Guide

Okay, so now that you have read the blue and white paper next step is to start with Quick start Guide

Read this guide it's worth it. by the time you finish you will have some practical understanding about this amazing platform.

Checklist point 5 : Things about Steemit wallet

Steemit's function being rooted in transparency with every vote and transfer being viewable to the public from upvotes on posts to wallet transfers.

Do you have any questions about steem wallet ? Check out this Steem Wallet FAQ

Checklist point 6 : STEEM and Steem Dollars

STEEM : You can buy and sell Steem, convert it to Steem dollars and Steem power.

Steem dollars : This is the currency of the Steemit platform and is also known as SMD. This is what people send to one another when they upvote posts on Steemit.

Both Steem and Steem Dollars can be used for trading. you can actually buy these tokens in marketplace.

There is a another one known as Steem Power known as SP . Now Steem Power is for internal use in the Steem community.

It represents how much influence you have inside the Steemit platform.I guess that means that more Steem power you have the more your vote is worth.

I like to think of them as a STEEM is parent and Steem Dollar is Older brother of Steem Power who is a toddler. Parent and big bro can go outside in real world. Steep Power remains in House (the steemit platform)

Read more about how to Make Money with Steemit here [Steem Dollars and Steem Power explained

Checklist point 7 : About curators

Do you want to know how curation award works ?

@calamus056 does a great job explaining it in this post Curation Rewards Explained In Great Detail

Thank you @johnelder-org for hooking me up with this link.

Checklist point 8 : Understanding Markdown

Consider using markdown for formatting your posts. it's Quick and easy to use.

Here is a amazing post Markdown Basics For Beginners by @thecryptofiend. go ahead and read it i will wait here . :-)

Did you read it yet ? Would you like to Read into more detail ? here is a another post if want to dig a little deeper.

Guide is on Hosed on Github : Mastering Markdown

Need a quick Cheat sheet ? of course you do. Who doesn't like cheat sheet ? right ?
here it is Markdown Cheatsheet

Did you read all of it ? Awesome

Here is a link for you to practice Markdown Tutorial.

Just click on "Ready ? Lets get started" button and have some on hand practice. Trust me it's gonna do wonders for your posts.

Okay so now you are ready for your first post. Don't hassle if you need some more time to process these information then it's okay. Only start when you are ready.

Checklist point 9 : first post ? do it with #introduceyourself

Thinking about adding your first post ? do it with #introduceyourself tag and let the community get to know you. Refer my post if you need generic idea of what to include in your first post. My Introduction

And while you are there don't forget to say hi :-)

Have you posted your #introduceyourself ?

if not would you please do it and come back here. Here is a another post by @thecryptofiend about Steemit Quick Start Guide: Step by Step from Registration to First Pos if you need more info.

Checklist point 10 : Some Amazing Groups on Steemit

Now it's time to explore few amazing groups on steemit. : This is the place where you can share links from Steemit. There are lots of channels on here go ahead and explore.

Remember to always be Nice and always read the group rules I joined and posted On one of the chats without reading rules i am embarrassed :(

so, make sure that before posting anything you must read and follow the rules or you will get flagged.

curie - It's a group focused on helping New authors, artists, and photographers to get the rewards and visibility they deserve.

Checkout this post Announcing Project Curie: Bringing Rewards and Recognition to Steemit’s Undiscovered and Emerging Authors by @donkeypong

There are some Discord chats available as well.

Discord allows discussion and sharing of content much like Rocket Chat but it also allows voice chat.
[This is relatively new for me as i have no prior experience with Discord]

But you should go ahead and search on steemit. you might get some useful insights. and don't forget to let me know in comment about how it went ? and what you found ?

Checklist point 11 : Another platforms powered by steemit.

Thanks to the awasome community of @utopian-io we have a lots of another platforms powered by steemit.Here is a like to utopian-io's website utopian-io

FYI, if you are a opensource contribute or planning to be one then you can with @utopian-io. Doesn't matter if you are not a programmer. There is so much stuff to here. so be sure to check them out.

Now to other platforms powered by steemit.

  • is a decentralized video platform based on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol. is similar to YouTube, but without advertisements, instead users can upvote the videos and Steem currency gets awarded for the upvoted videos.

Here is like if want to take a deep dive and learn ins and outs of this amazing platfrom Introducing DTube: a decentralized video platform using STEEM and IPFS

  • its based on the same steem block chain and it's operated by russian community.

  • esteem There is alos a mobile app named estemm its a mobile app with almost same functionality of stemmit and you can also connect to another different
    platform with this app.

Basically there are too may platforms available and still more and more are going to be added in future.So obviously i cant list down every one here.

Fortunately there is a website for that. it's I suggest you should go ahead and explore.

Okay so this list had already got longer and i still have some stuff that i want to share with you all. I will be making another post so stay Tuned and don't forget to Upvote , resteem and Comment

And Also don't forget to checkout My Introduction post and say hello :-)

And Since you have been such a amazing reader i will show you a picture of Porg from Star wars. Yes i know that it isn't but i like to think that it is . _ \('.')/ _


Would you please comment , upvote and reteem this post ?

I hope this post helps you get some idea about steemit. please give me your comment below. i would love to here about your Suggestion + reviews + Improvement+critic points.

follow me @pritpatel for reading amazing content like this and also upovte and resteem this post so that other newbies can read it .

With Love,



Thank you @babalawey. Glad you liked it.

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