I'm Homeless! Pinky Swear :)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm homeless.

 I promise you that this picture below is of me. 


Behold my frazzled locks - and my shocked face!

Why would I lie??

It's morally wrong to lie, and my pastor told me never to lie.

Even when you stand to make a lot of money.

Of course, I ended up having a chill convo with a  corporate guy I was accosting at the local gas station, and he promised to be the conduit of this message.

To be honest, since I'm homeless I'd raise up a sign saying pretty much anything for 20 bucks and  a sandwich

But the corporate promised that I'd earn enough to live off the streets for a few months.

That is, if I wrote a post on Steemit, through him.

I guess he's a legit guy and would never take commission off top.

So this is a message from me, I mean from him acting as a conduit through me


I need £5k for Balenciagas and a matching Versace outfit - if I'm planning to reenter the working world, I need to look the part!

And another £10k for a week at The Hilton.

You wouldn't believe what sleeping on benches has done to my back!

As soon as I'm paid out, I will give the Balenciagas to the homeless man, and keep the Versace and The Hilton cash.

Hurry up!

They're offering 20% off red Balenciagas!


Nice post. Thanks for bringing this very important issue to light in such a entertaining way. This is a very important concern that the Steemit community needs to consider address....... How to truly use charity on the planform for those in need and how to avoid scammers. I have written about this concern in a number of posts recently. Essentially, my solution is charity (or any other work) needs to be completed and blogged (with proof included) before upvotes. There are some recent examples of this issue in the current trending page. I am quite sure these people are honest and genuine, but if this is the way the community funds charity, we are going to be draining away a lot of value to scammers in the future.

I agree 100%. I'd intended to write a more scathing post, but thought humour might be more effective...

Yea I'm homeless too. I live in an apartment.


Don't forget to add in PSTD, Childhood trauma and a love for travel!

Tiiiiiits, the steemit's engine to greatness. And the guys defending the "tits sells, your posts don't. Get a life! And post some tits or invented stories, loser."

You got them already!

love for travel... always love for travel

Check this out, this is going to stratospheric levels of conartistry


From the post:
"People say things like, "that must have been a tough decision", but I was a teenager in high school, and I had zero interest in having kids. It was not even a decision, it was a foregone conclusion. I feel absolutely no guilt or regret, and I have never given it a second thought since, except when the topic of abortion as a political issue comes up. I use my experience to humanize the issue for people who oppose abortion, especially when they make the argument that women only need abortions because they are irresponsible, and so because the pregnancy is a result of their own "stupidity", thy should have to suffer the consequences. I bring up the fact that I did everything "right" given the information that I had, and that my pregnancy was not a case of being "careless" or "irresponsible". I also use my situation to show how being forced to have that child would have derailed my college career, and generally ruined my life--through no fault of my own."

I had an abortion at 19, and it was not some "agonizing decision". I almost feel like this means there is something wrong with me, bc I have never felt one ounce of guilt over it.
"People say things like, "that must have been a tough decision", but I was a teenager in college, and I had zero interest in having kids. It was not even a decision, it was a foregone conclusion. I feel absolutely no guilt or regret, and I have never given it a second thought since, except when the topic of abortion as a political issue comes up. I use my experience to humanize the issue for people who oppose abortion, especially when they make the argument that women only need abortions because they are irresponsible, and so because the pregnancy is a result of their own "stupidity", thy should have to suffer the consequences. I bring up the fact that I did everything "right" given the information that I had, and that my pregnancy was not a case of being "careless" or "irresponsible". I also use my situation to show how being forced to have that child would have derailed my college career, and generally ruined my life--through no fault of my own."

Identical, except "college" replaced for highschool.
Many other things differ between the stories.

It has $437 in rewards, I just let @smooth, who voted for it know.

Let's try to correct this

Exposed, great work. This is pretty absurd and people should consider a little skepticism!

Yes, its exposed, lets see if those big upvotes are reversed before payout

Down to $3.95 so I think so :)

Good, lets see who's the next that calls me a psychopath fucktard now. :)

Here is another one:

Again, consistently rewarded by @dantheman and @stellabelle

There is a pattern here.

Some people are really unlucky I guess...

I'm writing a post on this I've had enough. I'll do it tomorrow.

"How to Monetize Rape Allegations on Steemit"

Pretty much the title I was going for :)
I'll just wait until I get paid out, to avoid the flagstorm.

Fair enough

This is what happens when $$$ is involved. They say power corrupts ? well money corrupts too, and people would do a-ny-thing for it. Unless you haven't had much experience in life, you should by now know that MONEY is GOD (in this world) and in GOD WE TRrrrr....

This man will soon be a very good future ! I have faith that steemit be able to help many people. People should not be left without help! we have such an opportunity ! Good luck this guy !

He's just texted me on his iPhone 6 to tell me he really appreciates this message :)

did the pastor ,that told you not lie. did he tell you that he or she used to lie

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