Community Support: Bigger curation rewards, upvote 5 to 100 SBD and competitions for my followers

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Be a whale, Bigger curation rewards and the fastest growing for this incredible community

Back on Steemit after a year

When I first Sign up on Steemit I only wanted to see, how it works here. I have had a lot of work with my mining farm and portfolio management.

Now I am here because I want to grow and with it, I would like to help as many people as I can. I want to be a Whale because I believe in Steem and Steemit. I believe in crypto and I believe in community. We have a chance to build a really unique community, we can be anonymous or we can only write what we really want and nobody can delete our ideas.

And now is the right time to power up! Look at the price and potential!

Bigger curation rewards for my followers

Because I want to be a big one, I need to power up. But I can give you a piece of my money. I was thinking about it and I got it!

I upvote every article I write by 5 - 100 SBD AFTER 2 DAYS. Everyone who will upvote me in the first days has a great chance to take a big piece of the curation reward. This article is an exception because I want to make myself visible.
I practice this system for a week as a support to the Czech community.


Every month I will make some competition for STEEM.

My first competition is:

Write to me, why you are on Steemit and what are your goals. I will send STEEM to 10 BEST COMMENTS.

This article is part of our community support project. From second to the third day we will upvote it by @smartsteem, @qustodian and another bidots by 5 to 10 SBD. It´s opportunity for you to earn more curation rewards. Join us!


Mé cíle: Být velrybou, velké curation rewards a rychlý růst pro tuhle skvělou komunitu

Zpátky na Steemitu po roce

Když jsem se poprvé registroval na Steemitu, tak jsem jen chtěl vidět, jak to tu funguje. Měl jsem hodně práce s mou farmou a portfoliem.

Teď jsem tu, protože chci růst a chci přitom pomoci tolika lidem, kolika budu moci. Chci být velryba, protože věřím ve Steem a Steemit. Věřím v krypto a komunitu. Máme obrovskou možnost vybudovat doopravdy unikátní sociální síť.

Teď je pravý čas na investici do Steemu.

Větší curation rewards pro mé sledující

Jelikož chci být whale, potřebuji investovat do Steem Power a to buď napřímo nebo přes Bid boty, což se mi zdá rozumnější, jelikož se takto můžu podělit o část mé investice s ostatními :-).

Každý můj článek, který napíšu upvotuji o 5 až 100 SBD po 2 dnech od vydání. Kdokoli, kdo upvotuje můj článek v prvních dnech má velkou šanci vzít si větší část curation reward. Výjimka je tento článek, jelikož potřebuji na tento projekt upozornit, budu ho průběžně upvotovat od prvních minut. Toto jsem oznámil v mém minulém článku, takže věřím, že Ti, kteří mě sledují, toho patřičně využijí :-).


Soutěž pro Českou komunitu najdete v mém předchozím článku.

Tento příspěvek je součástí komunitní podpory #cesky a bude do 3 dnů pomocí @smartsteem, @qustodian a dalších bidbotů upvotován o 5 až 10 SBD. Chceme tímto zvýšit vaše Curation rewards :-)


What a wonderful question, I keep on making a content about this topic.

Anyway, why am I here?

I would be a liar if I said not because of money that I will earn because I need money, I'm still a student. Actually that is the first when I was still new in the platform. But staying here for long, engaging different nice people I realized something. I realized that steemit is not just all about money. You can learn of many things. How to be a blogger or writer, how to be a good person, how to learn about cryptocurrency. Steemit for me is like a package of all the things I must know about life. Moreover, I meet friends who is always there to comfort you through comments.
Staying steemit feels like I travel very far in the world, I could see many places that I didn't know it existed. Overall I realized, steemit made me unite all over the world.

Thank you, I knew one nice person here. I'm just wondering if he'll be interested if he's not busy. My friend, @johndoer123. I want to hear beautiful answer came from you so I mentioned you here. Just for fun I think.

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Thank for your answer @mrnightmare89. I think that a most of people here have started writing post because they want try to earn some money. It’s great that you find another goals, you discover new friends and you stay here through bear market!

Good luck and keep smiling :-)

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Thank you dear brother. I did leave a comment if you want to check it out. Akso, i look forward to hearing your voice for the first time....when we finslly get a call together. This wonderful in this post is doing great things to help others. It is the best thing we can do to show love by helping one another.

I agree with you, it’s like chain of love. When we help each other, we change our world to be more happy and full of love!

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You do understand this will encourage people to vote your posts not based on the quality but rather because you are giving them the expectation of curation rewards because you will buy votes?

People may as well set up curation snipers on you to use small upvotes to take larger curation? Is that what you want?

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Thanks for your comment @anthonydavisii. I want to built community and I want to grow bigger. Yes, sure I know that there will be many people who will only follow me because they want bigger curation rewards, but it’s ok, do you know why?

Because I believe that I find a lots of people who will love my content and we will grow together. Nearly every one have started here because of money, but a lot of people have find another goals and now they are doing it, because of fun, friends, experiences, learning...

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I am like you my dear friend. I am here to help. I have just completed phase 1 of 3 of my power ups. I will be helping others grow by using my delegations to them, a small group of voting bots, and upvote bot i am in the process of creating, And passive income from a couple of different sources. All I have ever wanted to do since I arrived here is be able to help others and I am finally in a position that I am able to do. It makes me so excited. I have even taken on board my 1st few friends to help grow. I am hoping in the near future to be able to do even more as my account Grows. Thank you for everything that you were doing for our great community and especially for those people who are here. I will leave a picture of my account growth below to be inspiration for those who may need it and to show that i believe in this place 100%. I hope you have a wonderful week and that you are doing well. Also i must thank @mrnightmare for mentioning me in a comment and bringing me here. I havent read it yet, but its my next stop. Thank you again my great friend.

I knew you have a wonderful words my friend that's why I mentioned you. Thanks for giving a time for it.

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Thank you for bringing here great people!

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Thank you for your kind words and for your work for these incredible community. Steem needs people like you. Who share love and support to everyone who need it!

Keep good work and I looking forward on ours cooperation :-).

Good luck!

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No vidím, že jsi to přes ty boty vytunil fakt slušně :D Snad nějaké české rybky zaregistrovaly tvé echo a stihly upvotovat před tou smrští :)

Jinak tady na Steemu je status velryby oficiálně od 500,000 SP, což je podle mě (bez vlastní investice) práce na několik let tvrdého, každodenního steemování a networkingu. Ale držím ti palce :)

Stálo to za to. Vykoupil jsem všechno, co mělo ROI alespoň 0 % :-D. Ještě dnes nechám upvotovat článěk o pár dolarů, ať i opozdilci něco vydělají a já se přiblížím plánu :-).

Jinak máš pravdu, že 500000 SP je už celkem zajímavý objem. Uvidíme jak to půjde, nějaké peníze do toho dávám a přibude jich podle toho, jak se bude dařit ještě v ostatních mých aktivitách.

Jsem od přírody soutěživý typ, takže mě hodně láká vylepšit mou angličtinu a získat nejen víc čechů, ale také anglicky mluvících lidí pro můj projekt :-).

Díky za podporu

No jakmile už na tom postu máš celkový upvote o hodnotě jednotek dolarů (a více), tak už na něm nikdo moc přes curation reward nevydělá. Díky tomu echu, co jsi dal dopředu, bylo ideální nastavit autovote, já ho dal na 14. minutu. Od posledního hardforku se tomu kurátorství věnuju víc než dřív, fakt se to vyplatí - zvlášť když máš trochu větší SP (v řádech tisíců a víc). Teď někdy získám denně i 3-4 Steemy jen díky kurátorství...

Jasně, neříkám, že jednou velryba nebudeš :) Pro českou komunitu to bude jedině dobře. Tenhle ambiciózní přístup se mi líbí, takže ti opravdu fandím :) Snad ti to nadšení vydrží.

Díky moc @phortun, jaký používáš nástroj na autovote?

Jinak jsem použil včera boty na resteem a musím uznat, že to hodně pomohlo. Doopravdy si článek přečetli dost živých uživatelů a rozvinula se diskuse. Myslím, že je to také zajímavá investice do propagace a mile mě to překvapilo.

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Autovoting si můžeš nastavit v několika aplikacích - já používám - v sekci Fanbase si vybereš autory, které chceš upvotovat, nastavíš sílu hlasu, načasování apod. Pro efektivní kurátorství je autovoting nezbytný nástroj.

Why you are on Steemit and what are your goals?

This is an interesting question. :) It has been a year since I started here in Steemit and I was influenced by my best friends. Honestly speaking at first I wanted to have an extra income so I tried to join here in Steemit and at that time the value of Steem and SBD was high so I was very hyped in writing many blogs but when the value became low , I stopped writing blogs anymore. I have been inactive for a few months but recently I returned from writing blogs and creating good content if possible.

I am aware that the value is still low and I don't care about it anymore. I wanted to help this community grow even for small things . I will write blogs for fun and not minding my earnings. My current goal now is to power up all my earnings, delegating my small SP to some account and if I can save up many SP. I will help everyone that are new here and of course I wanted to promote Steemit and make this community much more bigger. Anyway this is my honest and sincere answer @podnikatel. Thank you so much and may God bless you always and keep up the good work .


@joancabz Proč jste na Steemitu a jaké jsou vaše cíle? Po pravdě mne sem prskla zvědavost , možnost výdělku a Znechucení facebookem. Je to dostatečné? Tady jsem poznal vskutku kvalitní lidi , skoro spisovatele -@krakonos , nadšené fotografy - @jjprac ,nebo nadšence do kreativity -@babajaga01 . Každý tu chce vydělat. I já! Ale tahle komunita tady krom generování zisku tvoří něco navíc! Můj názor je si , že zde spojuje spoustu lidiček v jednotlivé skupinky ,partičky, nebo snad i malé komunitky lidí kterým se dá po čase říkat i přátelé. a podle toho jak tu čtu tak nejen virtuální. Příkladem je @womic a jeho grilovačky s ochutnávkou.. Jsem tu Nováček, který se tu rozkoukává ,ale líbí se mi tu čím dál víc

Každoročně probíhají i celosvětové srazy - loni (v listopadu) to bylo v Krakově - sjely se tam stovky Steemians z celého světa ;) Já tam byl jen na jednu noc, ale bylo to fajn.

When the price is down than is the best oportunity to make some extra steem. Actually you will earn the same amount of steem. Just the vallue will be less. But the price is always like this. Up and down. So even the price is down later you will see the fruits of your harvest when it start to moon😉 Just keep posting😉 You are good😉

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Yes! This is long time run and we can be winners, because we last and we have earn a lots of experiences.

And now we have nearly same opportunity like in 2017!

Thank you for your post! Keep good work!

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I am trying to support few people if i have time and also makeing onboarding here in philippines. Than hope soon we will go home to hungary and slovakia so i will start to onboard people there. More accounts more sp holders more stronger and stable currency😉 This is what we need to make steem trending😊

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Oh that’s great you are really Steem enthusiast :-). Iam trying to move some people from FB... there are many people in groups, They can write on Steemit and share it on FB!

And BTW: I was born in the Slovakia :-)

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He he me too and still have a flat there but i am hungarian😊 But i left also 10 years ago. Now hopefully soon we will go back from philippines.
Thats a good idea to share on FB. Most of the people advertise it on twitter. I even didnt saw nobody to really try advertise it on fb. And fb have a huge potential. But really hard to explain how steem is working if you are not there. Plus the people at home they prefer to see it in real so i think it will be easier if i am at home again.
The funny stuff is that i try to explain it before on messanger to some of my friends and they thought this is some kind of MLM😂😂😂 so better to be there😁

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He he me too and still have a flat there but i am hungarian😊 But i left also 10 years ago. Now hopefully soon we will go back from philippines.
Thats a good idea to share on FB. Most of the people advertise it on twitter. I even didnt saw nobody to really try advertise it on fb. And fb have a huge potential. But really hard to explain how steem is working if you are not there. Plus the people at home they prefer to see it in real so i think it will be easier if i am at home again.
The funny stuff is that i try to explain it before on messanger to some of my friends and they thought this is some kind of MLM😂😂😂 so better to be there😁
I see also a really big potential also to advertise at home the dapps like a magicdice also. So hope few weeks and we will see how it is going😉

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You are right.I just realized it recently.😊I wanted to post a good quality content blogs but since I am busy in my work.I am trying my best to post something at least once a day.For now I am increasing my SP in a slow pace but not bad. I am just enjoying Steemit on my little free time. Anyway, thank you for your encouragement @gabbynhice.😇😇

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I am doing the same no worry😊 Even sometimes i cant post. But hope soon i will be more active😊

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The first thing is fun :-). It’s not about quantity, but love and quality;-)

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Hi @joancabz, it’s great that you are back! I think that down trend increased the quality of articles here, because people posting not only for money :-). We all can achieve great things here. We will see bull market soon and we are much more experienced. Keep good work!

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Thank you so much.I will have fun in Steemit and let's keep on steeming.😊

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Jsem se díval na film a na megaupvote článek jsem zapoměl :(; Zezačátku jsem byl motivován odměnami. Ale postupem času jsem zjistil, že to je cíl příliš ambiciozní. Dnes jsem na Steemitu spíš kvůli zpětné vazbě a plodné diskuzi, kterou lze v české komunitě rozdmýchat.

Dělám ale i takový experiment. Na účtě @godalys zveřejňuju své technické analýzy některých finančních aktiv - převážně zemědělských komodit. Nevím, zda někdo dělá něco podobného. Myslím, že ne. Proto zkouším, zda se někdo nalodí a k něčemu mé analýzy využije.

Zvažuju ještě třetí účet. Moje stránka na Facebooku - Parliament: the Gathering byla boty detekována jako troll stránka a snížil se jí dosah. Je tam politická satira, ale paroduje i různé pop-culture motivy. Vymyslet a zpracovat různé karty dá trochu práce a všichni, které osobně znám a stránku likely, tak říkají, že se dobře baví. Jen to jsou Češi, pro anglickou veřejnost by některé karty (např. planeswalker naší ministryně Novákové) byly nesrozumitelné, takže to chce nějakým způsobem pozměnit formát. Cílem této stránky by bylo bavit se nad komentářema, rovněž vydělat, tak jako u účtu @godalys. Cílem @greenmask9 je, jen pro shrnutí, získat zpětnou vazbu ke gramatice, pravopisu, sledu děje atd. A občas můžu @krakonos e požádat o nějaké prima informace z historie, což je další benefit.

Myslím si, že pokud by si takhle dělal politickou satyru pro angličany, tak by se to ujalo! Je to doopravdy originální. Také jsem přemýšlel, že bych udělal ještě jeden účet, kde bych dával tipy na krypto, ale potřebuji to co nejvíce zjednodušit, aby to nestálo moc času :-).

Teď při psaní mě napadlo, že bych na to mohl zaúkolovat asistentku :-). Vzít pár dobrých zdrojů, které mají dobrou úspěšnost a dávat je lidem ;-).

Díky za inpiraci.

Na Busy lze pohodlně managovat více účtů. Co se týká článků, tam už to je těžší.

Ptal jsem se jednoho gamera tady na Steemitu, také říkal, že to je zajímavé. Akorát budu muset Idnes vyměnit za BBC, než bude další Hra o trůny :)

it is good to see people like you @podnikatel giving back to the community from what they earn. I wish you success in achieving your target to become a whale. I wont participate in the contest however, my best wishes to you sir.

Thanks for your support!

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I am glad someone ask this question @podnikatel. I join in March 2018 and I try to enjoy in steemit although I know this time is not at peak value. However, i am sure steem will get good price again, so i keep post and post. I also join in the community to make me stronger to stand in steemit. i know that if we together i will not lost in the steemit ocean. And now i follow you with hope to get my dream in steemit.
I am a teacher at a course in Indonesia, i want to give more and more benefit with my work. and with steemit i can meet other steemian and inspire me to continue my work. i hope with support from all community my dream will come true.
Thank you @podnikatel
Warm regard from Indonesia

Thanks for you comment. It must be really interesting experience to be teacher in Indonesia, but sometimes it’s must be hard. I wish you luck, will and joy to fulfill your dreams. Everything is possible if you believe!

And thanks for joining our community project. Iam looking forward on your posts!

Thank you for supporting me. I enjoy with my job. I make it as a service to the students as the owner of the future. It is hard but I enjoy it.
BTW today i post Preventing Money Politics, because we are in Indonesia will held election for president, and parliaments members. And in my village also has held a election for village chairman.
if you have time you can visit my post. It s a honor for me if you are willing to visit it.
Greeting @rokhani

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