Where's a good vegan restaurant near me? (or why Steemit can't replace Facebook...)

in #steemit6 years ago

I still have a Facebook account. But since joining steemit I rarely go there - mainly because I spend so much time on steem, and partly because Facebook was full of trivial information that I don't really need to see.

However this has left a rather yawning gap in my 'social media experience' that I can't see steem being able to fill...

Like it or not Facebook is rather good at helping you find local information.

If you have a good circle of friends on Facebook you know if you see the drips coming through the ceiling you can rush on to Facebook and type :

"Anyone know a good emergency plumber round here?"

In a few minutes keen and eager friends will start offering up names, numbers and recommendations.

Job done. Leak fixed.

How would I do that on steemit?

If I made a steemit post with this request for information it might be frowned upon as being too short.

I could try Zappl I guess...

But even if I did, how many active steemians are there in a 30 miles radius of me?

Steemians there are now over a dozen.

Active steemians, that's another matter. Apart from my family, shall I say two be generous?

Of course I do live in rural Wales, so I guess in a city it might be better.

None the less I will try.

Since interviewing @teamsteem on The Alternative Lifestyle Show we have been experimenting with veganism and vegetarianism.

I've hit the mark quite easily as a vegetarian and haven't eaten meat for 6 weeks now.

Going full steem vegan is proving bit trickier though.

That is why I want to ask the question...

Does anyone know any vegan restaurants in Ceredigion or north Carmarthenshire in west Wales?

Come on steemit, let's show Mr Zuckyburger that we don't need FBook.


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[ image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 ]


I agree with you @pesnnsif, I also have a facebook account but as long as I know steemit I have rarely seen news on facebook, steemit is a new world for me ,,

Sorry I do not know which restaurant you mean ..

Have a nice day, thank you

That is great! @freedompoint and I found it was very hard to be vegan and go out to restaurants. We decided to eat alot more at home. When we do go out it is a gamble haha.

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