The Steemit Name Challenge - @pennsif

I'm not a great one for Challenges but I got nominated for this one by Reny @malos10.

He is a great guy doing great work helping people get through the terrible economic situation that is making life so difficult in Venezuela.

Go follow @malos10, support his posts and say hi from @pennsif.

The Rules of the Game

  1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
  2. Tell us your real name.
  3. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it.
  4. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out.
  5. Nominate 5 people for this challenge.

1. How did I chose my username

Short story short.

I used the name Pennsif when I played the MMORPG Entropia about 10 years ago.

It is purely a mild corruption of the word pensive - I like to think things through (most of the time).

If you want to check out the full definitions of pensive here are a couple of links :

When I first joined steemit I was always amazed at the similarities between steemit and Entropia which is why I will often refer to players on steemit rather than users.

Life's a game, and steemit is just a game with no rules.

2. What's my real name

Get to know me and I'll tell you (if you are friendly).

3. An alternative username

Simon. Who knows? One username is surely enough...

4. Using the tag #steemitnamechallenge

Done. I like to be tracked. Don't we all?

5. Nominations

I would love to know more about the top 20 witnesses so hear goes...

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :

[ photo by pennsif ]


thanks you for the shoutout bro!!

I'm surprised to see that everyone I tagged responded to the challenge that's amazing, now we have to see how many of those witnesses respond! It would be interesting to know why the name of @jesta, for example.

thoughtful, pensive, reflective, meditative, thinkable

i'm loving you name ahaha it have a very nice meaning!!

Yes I thought I would be ambitious with my nominations !

I figured it was a version of pensive. That's what I get form you when I listen to your show. I feel like you're really taking in what the guest is saying and digesting it. Keep it up, you do good work here. Looking forward to having many more on-air talks.

Thanks @movement19 - it will be good to chat on the test broadcast for your new show tomorrow.

Often wondered about your name... I kind of had the connection to pensive- just never knew from game play.

Cool idea asking some of the witnesses. Nice to see some of the responses.

Maybe, but I doubt it...

I will be surprised if any of these five witnesses respond.

I wonder how many witnesses will answer the call to play?

I don't think there is going to be a stampede of them...

Haha, cool! I was wondering why you picked pennsif... :)
Now I know.

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