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RE: New Steemit Ring!!!

in #steemit8 years ago

This guy is full of shit. I wasn't silenced when I spoke out against flag abuse. I just didn't go around acting like a baby after the fact. Rather than handling himself professionally, @skeptic here is going around crying and trolling everyone with spam. He spams, he gets flagged, then he cries foul! It's the worse case of whiny baby entitlement issues I've ever seen here. Read this and this. There you can see the clear difference between how I handled the situation and how this dude is taking it. My responses didn't get flagged. I created awareness and moved on. I even earned a bit of Steem.


shameless plug lol
quit your lies, they flaged me and I responded wth a meme.
does not matter how many times you lies and say it was the other way around as I went through 2 days of them flagging before I ever did anything back beside say I would defend myself.

citation please. or u full of shit?

I created awareness and moved on. I even earned a bit of Steem.

you are so full of your self about blowing whales for some change.

its funny that you only care when it happens to you, sociaopath mentality.

I stopped reading this the moment you started whining. First word.

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