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RE: Can Transferring your Posts from another site to Steemit be giving yourself a kick in the backside.

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for mentioning my post!

I'd like to share with all of you what I've been doing regarding to what is mentioned in this topic.

Basically, since I learned about Steemit and started using it, I saw it as a better blog tool to use rather than writing blog posts on my website, which has few visitors compared to Steemit. At first I began to copy/paste the blog posts from my website to Steemit as I was looking for a potential solution to embed the post on the site. Unfortunately, I didn't found any tool to accomplish it, so I decided to make a simple tool that I believe is easy to install both server-side and locally. This has been working for me since then, as I've been making my posts here on Steemit, then I run the tool, and the posts would show up in my website as a link, directing every visitor to the post and also driving traffic to Steemit while also looking good on the website itself and provides countless of customization options via HTML, Javascript and CSS.

At least for me, I think posts here on Steemit looks more professionally than it looks on my website ;)


No worries at all,
it's a great solution to a problem I think a lot of people in counter which platform to post.
I haven't tried to put it in my website just yet, will give it a try soon, but is there a way to choose tags or posts that you can bundle up into certain area's, like on Steemit you might do many different posts in different tags, but on your website you separate them out like marketing, tech, tools, recipes etc is there a way to separate the different subjects with your tool so that can go in to subjects or just one stream.

Basically my tool is just a parser for a profile page. It reads the HTML code to detect the post header, post summary, the image, and URL. Currently it doesn't read the tags but I can look into that and try to implement a system that work for that :)

oh no don't do that, as I might be causing you a headache don't want to do that.
It's awesome what you have done, was tying to figure out were to put the code on my website.

Well, you still gave me an idea to improve my tool :-)

Check out I have my Steemit posts displaying live on my site. If you want i can help you set ut up for your site as well.

Your site looks amazing Trevor.
Nice to also meet another Kiwi on Steemit.
Thank you for the lovely offer, I'll give it a try, after seeing your site I think i can get a clear idea how it will look, It was more what was I going to write on Steemit and where to display that on my site.
Just over thinking and complicating things but if I get stuck I'll for surer take you up on your offer.
Thank once again :)

It seems there are a few kiwis coming on board now.
Maybe soon we'll have enough for a meetup :-)

My blog section on my site uses STEEMjs to dynamically pull my blog posts into my site. So I only have to post it once and it just automagically turns up.

You can format it to look however you want.

I'm not a designer, so not so good at telling you how to make it look good, but I can certainly help with the integration process if you want to go down that road.

That would be cool to have a meetup one day!

Well I'm going to take you up on your offer, I'm stuck on the first step already or the 2nd step I don't know which, I can't create something that's meant to be created it's not showing that step in the php thingy.

No worries.

If you are on Skype we can do it over that. You can show me your screen and I can walk you through it.

Email me at: [email protected].

I'm tied up all tomorrow as it is my wife's birthday, and it is going to be HUGE!

I'm also out Monday night with rescue training, so Tuesday is probably the first night I will have free.

Will that work for you?

Hi Trevor,
Sorry it wouldn't let me reply under your post,
I'll send a email.
Tuesday is Fabulous.
Happy Birthday to your Wife enjoy the day have a good one!

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