
Your site looks amazing Trevor.
Nice to also meet another Kiwi on Steemit.
Thank you for the lovely offer, I'll give it a try, after seeing your site I think i can get a clear idea how it will look, It was more what was I going to write on Steemit and where to display that on my site.
Just over thinking and complicating things but if I get stuck I'll for surer take you up on your offer.
Thank once again :)

It seems there are a few kiwis coming on board now.
Maybe soon we'll have enough for a meetup :-)

My blog section on my site uses STEEMjs to dynamically pull my blog posts into my site. So I only have to post it once and it just automagically turns up.

You can format it to look however you want.

I'm not a designer, so not so good at telling you how to make it look good, but I can certainly help with the integration process if you want to go down that road.

That would be cool to have a meetup one day!

Well I'm going to take you up on your offer, I'm stuck on the first step already or the 2nd step I don't know which, I can't create something that's meant to be created it's not showing that step in the php thingy.

No worries.

If you are on Skype we can do it over that. You can show me your screen and I can walk you through it.

Email me at: [email protected].

I'm tied up all tomorrow as it is my wife's birthday, and it is going to be HUGE!

I'm also out Monday night with rescue training, so Tuesday is probably the first night I will have free.

Will that work for you?

Hi Trevor,
Sorry it wouldn't let me reply under your post,
I'll send a email.
Tuesday is Fabulous.
Happy Birthday to your Wife enjoy the day have a good one!

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