in #steemit7 years ago (edited)



REALLY! If you want to succeed on Steemit you must think like a farmer. In our modern instant-access world where we can "Come on down and let's make a deal", where we want gratification and income NOW, thinking like a farmer is a real challenge but there is no other choice. So put your gloves on, get a good hat, put on some good work boots (you'll have to stomp through lots of shit and mud) and let's get the tractor fired up and go for a ride so I can show you how a farmer does Steemit.


A farmer knows that there is a great deal of work to do before one can harvest the crop and get paid. This is perhaps the key to farming and to Steemit. One must work, work, work, work before the harvest. There may be months of work before any real income is made. But that's life for farmers and for most on Steemit. If you are not prepared for this, you'll fail.

A farmer also knows it is important to have faith. He/she must know that if they do what is needed there will be a harvest. And you must believe this too. Have faith. The system works.


One of the primary things you must do is to get to know the farm. Take the time to read the FAQ's, talk to other people who are successful and ask questions. Learn about cryptocurrencies. If you don't know how to farm (or do Steemit) then you'll have to get educated. There are numerous boot camps and minnow support groups out there willing and ready to get you the help you need. You'll see many of them identified at the ends of other bloggers posts. Check 'em out.

I mean, really, you wouldn't expect a farmer to begin working when he knows next to nothing about his farm would you? Same thing applies to Steemit.

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A farmer will plant good seeds. He looks at the market place and figures out what is selling, what the public wants, and then he plants good seeds. Ones that will produce beautiful crops and rewards. In other words, here on Steemit you look around an ask yourself, "What sells?" and, "What do people want?"

You might want to look at successful farmers here on Steemit to see what they are posting. Of course you don't want to plant crops or write about things of which you have no knowledge. A farmer does not plant fields of tulips if all he knows are grain crops. And you won't do well writing or posting about polishing diamonds when the only thing you've ever polished is a pair of shoes. So, you'll post about things you are familiar with and know something about, or at the very least can research and write about.

Some people get here to Steemit and say things like, "I don't know what to write about", or " I don't know anything." Well, and that might be true. So you post about things you are familiar with, wether that's photography, or cooking, or homesteading, or herbs, or tarot, or communications, or cryptocurrencies, or Jesus. Whatever. If you truly don't have any interests or knowledge of anything then now is a good time to look at yourself in the mirror and determine if it's time to get an interesting avocation or hobby, learn how to fly a plane, take up some courses at the local college, etc. Write about what you are learning. Expand your interests and share what you learn.

Let's say you are from the outback of Australia and what you know is kangaroos and sheep ranching. Well, then write about that. Write about wool, and kangaroo pouches and aborigines. Write about the outback school you listened to over the radio, or the plane your dad let you fly when you were eight years old, or how one finds a mate in the Outback (or not). Write about your country and the places you see each day. I promise you those of us who live in big cities or in Nigeria will want to see what your life is like. It's fascinating to us, even though it may be boring to you.


Now this is a little bit tricky. You'll see many people here on Steemit post things that are just pure Bull Shit. Or SPAM as it's called here. They put plenty of that out on the site but not much else. How can one expect to only fertilize but not plant any seeds and make it here? Kind of stumps me. No farmer would ever just put crap out in the field and expect a crop.

I'll tell you when fertilizer is applied: before the seeds are planted. In other words who needs to be fertilized is you! You need to improve your brain, your knowledge, your ability to relate. Take the time an prepare yourself for life. Not just Steemit. Life. (Whoa! I just realized that humans (females) can be fertilized! So ladies, that is NOT what I meant. But you'll cut me some slack, right?)

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You'll want to get to know the other farmers...especially ones who are doing well. So go visit. Read other posts, make well thought out comments, be authentic and interested. Develop relationships. Ask questions. Look for farmers that are planting the same crops as you. In other words if you are blogging about Nature it won't do to be developing relationships with NASCAR mechanics.

This actually is a fundamental ingredient to being a successful farmer. You must build relationships. If you are as shallow as a kiddie pool then you won't get very far.


You'll discover that successful farmers help each other and extend a hand of service to those in need. You can to. Actually one of the ingredients to a successful farm or life is to be able to assist others. There are plenty of ways to help out around Steemit. There are lots of groups supporting writers and minnows and redfish. You'll find that by helping out, by lifting others up you will be lifted in turn.

Be like the Amish or the old time farming communities. When a barn needed raising people from all around came to help. It was hard work but fun and it developed a sense of belonging and community that makes life worth living. You'll discover that it's a cooperative effort here on Steemit. We help each other out. And when you do that you will feel like you belong too. This will be your farming community and you'll have fun. photo-1512440984042-06828dcc554b.jpeg unsplash

See the sign in the back ground with the curious glyphs that point up? The sign says to upvote this post. See how the farmer is smiling? That means he is happy that you are upvoting. See how lean he is? He works hard. You'll notice he is happy. He has planted his crop, has worked hard and taken care of it, he helped others, and now he is headed home for what? (a multiple choice question)

A. To get a kiss from his wife. Who knows maybe he is hoping for more!
B. To get an ice cold beer.
C. To show his family all the money he is carrying in his left hand.
D. He is going to comment on this post and get a whopping upvote for his comment.
E. All of the above.

Many blessings to all of you. May your crops come in and may they make you as happy as this humble farmer.





This is a GREAT post! I love the farm comparison and the advice is real and true.

Also, like any farmer, we have good crops and bad. Some days my content pays off, other times I just have to till over those seeds and move on with a new topic!

Hey @whatsup I doff my farmers hat to you. You got me some wonderful action through @booster. I really appreciate it. I cleaned up the post a bit... saw some errors. So thanks for overlooking those. Many blessings. On my way to your blog. Hold on to your jockey shorts I'm going to give you my full upvote!

No problem it was a great post!

Indeed and somedays we're glad we have hip waders on. Lots of crap out there! Thanks for stopping by the farm. Next time I'll have fresh cherries out at the road side stand for you to taste!

Good read. Still getting to know the farm :)

As I was scrolling through my feed, your article passed by. I almost didn't click on it to read it, but wow am I glad I did. I have been feeling rather disappointed that none of my work is being noticed (or simply not appreciated perhaps), but your post has reinspired me to stay the course. Thank you for taking the time to write it and for the wise words.

Greetings! I know you have never done what I did. I wrote you an epistle yesterday and then forgot to post it. Dang. Glad I spotted my error. I do appreciate your kind comment, but mostly I am grateful that you were encouraged. I will make a note to myself to go to your blog tomorrow and check it out and upvote as much as I can. Many blessings and peace be unto you.

Hehehe a while back I have referred to steemit as a growing a plant, but your farm might just even be a bit better :D

Good to see you @karinxxl. Hope you having a wonderful day!

Late to the party as usual I am, but it looks like you have a great response here without me, anyway! Very good analogy. I liked it all. Way to avoid the fertilizer bit (hopefully). Farmers are the hardest working people I know, as well as the hardiest and very experienced. They don't get too ruffled when things go wrong, and they don't get too carried away when things go well. Even keel, work hard, prepare for the worst, do all you can and let Nature and Nature's God do the rest.

Thanks. Knowing you have your Super Commenter cape on I am pleased you found this Farmer Post. Indeed, some of the best, most down to earth people I know are farmers and ranchers. Peace.

Hey, you made it around to mine so it's only fair I come out your way. I just wish I would have got here sooner. I've read quite a few posts this week where there's been some schooling in hard work going on, so I guess it's shape up the newbie's week. In your case, your post would apply to virtually any of us who hasn't started to get some traction, but I'd say it goes to the top of the list for must reads for new users.

Well thanks, I appreciate the vote of confidence. Tomorrow: To Succeed on Steemit act like a Train. Might as well take advantage of the momentum!

Love it. Great analogy.
It blows my mind that millennials who would put themselves through four years of college; paying ghastly sums for the privilege, won't put in an hour a day here for six months, because it doesn't pay much at first.

I suppose it would be good if every young person got a job in construction or on a farm for a year or two. Would open their eyes a bit wouldn't you say? Thanks for stopping by @mattclarke. many blessings.

Great post, Christopher. Your pic under Fertilizer cracked me up too. This is one of your best posts.

Did you ever notice that when a lot of sun hits a pile of fertilizer it produces a lot of steem... or is that steam? LOL At least that's maybe the hope of those farmer Steemians who plant only fertilizer... Then again, one person's trash can be another person's treasure. So who knows. :)

Hmnn... my mind was humming with the idea of a pile of shit and Steem rising up out of it. Should be a life lesson there. And it's funny that this post is actually quite good. I thought I'd pump something out real quick and did this post, kind of thinking it was hokey, but then it turned out ok. Ah, yes... simplicity and directness seems to be a good thing.

That's often when the best material comes - from spur of the moment inspiration... BTW, did you ever join Minds? It's exploding in growth right now and of course with that comes lots of fertilizer to plant seed and grow crops in... :) In just over a month there I've got nearly 3 times the followers I've taken over 2 months to build on steemit and have probably made 4 times off nearly 100,000 views without investing anything more than time and effort. You're one of the only ones I don't know if has setup over there as well from here.

I would agree with this. You touch on this a little bit already but I have also found that it is productive to give a hand to the newer people. If you give someone their only upvote on a their post and say a few kind words, they often make a point to come around and check out your work. In time, that "little guy" might be bigger than you and there is a good chance they will remember what you did or said and return the kindness.

Yep, this is a little bit of a rerun. Indeed, one day I may seeing heels and elbows as they leave me in the dust. Blessings.

I enjoy reading your analogy! Let’s hope for a prosperous rainy season so the farm doesn’t find itself in a drought during the dry spell.

Yes, I'd like to have some quick short term crops, but looks like I'll have to wait for a later harvest. Many blessings.

There is a lot of excitement in farming and lots of hard work. It is well worth it in the end when the crops do right and you sit down and enjoy your harvest. Yes to look at it your way Steemit is just like Farming. I love the way that you look at it. Thanks for a better way of seeing things.

Glad to see you stop by @kandywriter. Sounds like you have a bit of a farming background. Glad you enjoyed . Many blessings.

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