
I am not to worried what other people think. I vote for people articles that I like and every few days go to my comments page and give myself 20% votes on all my comments about to expire. What ever I make from those just gets turned into steempower anyways to make my account stronger to give bigger votes to everyone.

I try and give as many as possible 100% votes on articles and just use 20% votes on my own comments a day or 2 before they expire. This way most of my voting power goes to people's articles.
On comments inside articles, might give smaller votes like 20% - 50%.

O yeah only received my vote slider last week so have not totally figured out the best way to use it.

Slider management is a big thing after HF-19 @diebaasman and I'm now slowly getting to grips with it myself as my voting power recharges back to 100% (currently 82%). Steem on!

Yum yum! Green beer ... I prefer that to cake! LOL!

I love the transparency bro, keep it up. The internet is full of bullshit, be you and your followers and friends will be real. Reason why sites this will boom and Facebook, insta, twitter will flood out with all the fake crap.

Fake news and fake crap! Let all that reside somewhere else @xdark21 :)

Thanks for sharing about this

Steem to $5 this year!

As we head towards Autumn we'll really pick up speed as the crypto-geeks hunker down for Winter pursuits :)

Steem to $5. I would vote for that.

Thanks for daily dose


votes me, pleas


Your punishment is to start a website called!

Aside from the very rational ethics perspective, I gotta say:

I just love your Scottish accent! +upvoted for that :)

Rational ethics required here for hard fork-19 @fitzgibbon :-)

Personally, I love a good self-vote! Think my average output is 3 blogs a week, and as 2/3 of my SP was bought out of me own pocket, and I spend 1-2-3 hours writing a blog, I think I can allow myself a .40 cent upvote.

As far as voting in general, I have users content I generally like so they will get high %s and then there's varying %s dished out to other blogs and comments.

If my voting power is 10% I'll try to back off a bit, and if it's nearer 100% I'll steem on a bit harder!


You do well on comments Asher - that seems to be where your strength is :)

nothing slips by the hunter :)

Is that a polite way of saying, you make valid points but your blogs lack consistency and depth? haha

No. I'm sayin' go where the money flows as Mr Grant would say :)

Those are some wise words. Shall we head over to his house this weekend?

Sure! We better take some ibuprofen gel for his sciatica! LOL!

I believe it´s very healthy to invest in yourself. So I do upvote my post 100%. I do not upvote my comments. I comment a lot and it would be a shame to not have anything left to vote with. I vote on every real comment I get. Meaning all that are not just nice post. For the comments I usually give 11%. I just like that numer and for the post I vote on I give more. Depending on the post.

Love your videos. :)

I like your modus operandi there @sumsum! Thanks for your video support :)

Thanks for that @mindhunter ... you're right, it is a victim mentality. I have been wondering about whether I should continue to upvote myself.

Lately I have been thinking if the post pays enough from other upvotes, no need to upvote myself, just find some other people to upvote. But steemit is weird. On posts that are 'steemit' posts like #steemwars, I would make more than I would on my regular channel content. A Youtube vid might pay $20 but then pay me $2 on Steemit.

I recently saw someone link my video in his steemit post, and he earned more on his steemit post than I did when I originally shared the video. I thought that was very funny. But I can't complain because I have other content on Steemit which would pay well just for being a steemit post.

Yeah, avoid those #powershamers as most have SP<100!! Sounds like a Grantism that one!

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