
What an excellent post again!

Nice comment :)

Word of mouth will get around and within a moment it will blow up imo :)

Yeah, I'm passing out the t-shirts to family and friends ... starting them on Bitcoin first, then advancing them on to Steem :)

I hadn't heard of Brave browser--I'm off to check it out.

I think you're right--Steem is linking to the everyday through social media, but the barrier to entry is still 'what is cryptocurrency'? I don't even think 80% of the people I know are familiar with bitcoin even...

Your right Jessica - that vital link between cryptos and social media needs connecting. Lets hope Bitcoin the big brother can help take care of that one for us :)

Totally agree @mindhunter ... one of the reasons I could do my YouTube channel in the beginning was because it was fun just as a hobby. Steemit is just a great offshoot of my Youtube, but recently it has become more. Steemit users are a lot more friendly than Youtube viewers. It makes doing things like contests on steemit more fun. This is one of the reasons I am planning on participating in some upcoming contests, #steemwars ! These steemwars contests could be great at driving people into Steemit. So you said you were looking for something to drive people here, but if we get #steemwars competitions displayed on social media, with the winnings people are getting... could be really great. This is just one little piece of the puzzle but it is a fun one, I think.

This is an interesting concept @crypto-investor - I will look into #steemwars straight away. Many thanks :)

(committing while you talk).

  • mainstream? nope...almost no one I know knows what it its...much less Altcoins.

  • Steemit is SocialMedia that's enough....encourage chat, comments and gossip.
    we need better chat, and an IM...perhaps email.

  • we need direct video to Steemit...(no UToob)

  • monkeysphere...

  • I'm here for the money.

  • I'm on your but son... 11373 posts and rising.

  • I share politics, news, and anything from the internet to Steemit.

  • I repost stuff: I don't re-steem

  • cats...cats are rabbit users.


Why don't you put all those suggestions in a post with tag it with #growth-ideas for @andrarchy? ;)

feel free.
I was just commenting on what you said while you talked...over a glass of (my own concoction)...stroking the cat while I typed.

I don't need credit for it...

i.e. I'm a lazy bum now clicking buttons all day for cash, so you do it now you lazy ass! Ha ha!

you got that right...I'm a lazy ass.
I also don't know how to.
that's why I said we need some kind of inter-steem communication.

If I wanted to get in touch with...lets say...YOU...and I wasn't chatting with you like I am right now.
How would I go about doing that?
It's unclear to me...and I've been on here 10months.

I'm NOT the sharpest spoon in the drawer..but you know...duh?


I've noticed that pattern more than once.

good rewards...just go away..before I get paid..

I don't take days off...I have ten or twenty posts..EVERY DAY...
a day with no rewards?

My grandpa once said that one day people will wake up and press buttons to earn. That day is now!!

automate the button pushing..

Post up now on that one!!

I think you hit the nail on the head when you talked about community and enjoyment rather than money. I’m on Facebook and Twitter as marketing tools for my work and I can’t stand them anymore. They do not encourage community or participation; they encourage clickbait, popularity contests and trolls. People are put off commenting and sharing, for fear of how it will make them look, or what someone might say, or just apathy. The way the system on here seems to be encouraging healthy interaction and participation is quite amazing. The fact it runs on good content is amazing. I hope it can maintain these good qualities as it grows.

I think curation is the key to hooking the masses. Most people consume rather than create content and are happy to share things they like or want to have associated with themselves. Being rewarded for sharing is something I could see appealing to people a great deal. More emphasis on this would be good – I had no idea about it until I started digging. Also – remembering the heyday of DevaintArt when it had a thriving community – rewarding people for commenting is another hook. There were no rewards for this on DevaintArt and yet it was the one thing that kept the community alive and people had accounts with no content but purely for commenting for no reward other than for its own sake. More highlighting of this too.

The other thing I would keep in mind is what stats are emphasised. Having large numbers friends or followers is seen as a sign of status (especially if you yourself follow few ;P) on FB and Twitter. What stats the emphasis is put on will affect the behaviour of users. Why not have number of times you’ve been upvoted or resteemed rather than followers/following? Those are the more important numbers here in practice, make them the popularity contest.

Other things would be: making it generally more easy/intuitive to use and having an inbuilt chat system. Honestly though, do you really want the masses? I don’t see a place for haters and trolls on here, or people that have problems using systems with any degree of complexity and community. For me, this place appears to select for people I’m more likely to want to actually engage with :)

As an aside, Steemit has fantastic potential for bringing patronage to creatives, and this is something we need more of. Part of my personal philosophy, very much inspired by Marsilio Ficino, is that we need a new Renaissance. For that money needs to flow to creatives who can enrich the world. I saw that beginning to happen before the financial crisis, with crowd funding. Now people are less willing to be generous because our economy got fucked to bail out bankers. Steemit appears to circumvent this... This could be a place to really make things happen. Again, do you really want the masses? ;)

Why not write up all these thoughts in a post and post it Janice?? You've got some really good items on the menu there.

We do have which is fun for chat offline of Steemit, but we could do with an onboard system like you say.

The #art tag on here is very popular not just on artwork but on the history of art too - I've written many articles on the work of the early Italian schools for example.

Any other social media platform you've seen before has been CENTRALIZED, but this is the first truly DECENTRALIZED social media platform, so us the users own it :) Were not having our data mined or being sold crap like on Fakebook!

I know you can see the positive benefits of this site alongside myself. Only last night I had a $180 writing post that blew me away!!! We are truly in the driving seat here Janice. The secret for us now is to keep driving it for Scotland, and let others jump on board along the way. How do you think we picked you up? Hop in! :)

Steem on my smiley friend :) @mindhunter

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