Sick Of Reading Long Rambling Posts With Infinite Pics That Are Written To Attract Whales? Here's The Solution...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Do you suffer from 'scroll-wheel finger-itis' after reading all those long rambling Steemit posts that bore you to death?? Me too!!


After reading this nuggetized post from the @centreofitall I hereby petition for the use of a new tag on Steemit:


This will allow us all to read quickly more quality articles without all that feather and fluff. Just a suggestion.

Simple really.



I think it is a reaction to all those curation guilds - they have so many dos and don'ts, you need pictures, you need this, and you need that. So people try to conform.

The #nuggetized hashtag will now arise in ALL my work :)

P.S. That should have been my Steemit username: @nuggetized !!

well now someone is going to snatch it up 😃

Why didn't I choose a tab username! GRRRRRR!

People need to suffer I will at least 10 pages on my post
Ok but litle bit serious now...I dont write so much...I mean I wrote 12 books but I put just a intro on steemit, usually I post my daily stuff and sometimes some art and craft.
But I understand the ideea... if a post is super huge (super huge 30+ pages) maybe that post can be broken down in 2 or 3 parts like a tv show.

Muahahahaha! The 'nuggetized' keyword shall avenge thee without mercy @cynetyc !

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I have a strange habit of reading comments first, so if I have to scroll down too much, I simply abandon post. (I often up vote your posts on the quality of the comments alone).

By that time my browser has already hung and my mouse has gone ape - and I can't escape! GRRRRRRR!

P.S. I hope that comment made you happy :)

I think the main problem is, for me anyway, is that some things people post, I find really interesting. However, my ADD won't let me read the whole thing. lol

Excellent meme! I don't mind SOME long posts if they are quality, but badly written long posts are worse than a visit from the devil!!

lol..thank you.
Ya. I completely get you. It's even worse when they start off good, so they reel you in, and then as you're about halfway through, it turns to crap. At least, if it's crap from the start, you're not vested in it before you turn away.

Yes! Having to read mid-post crapness should be made a NEW form of torture in some Third world countries!

...and thus the first new torture technique of the 21st century is born!

Bring on the chicken nuggets of Steemit.

imagine all the hours of human life that could be saved if people got this simple concept right.

Save those hours of the greedy? - no thanks ;) #nuggetized

why did the editor cross the post? to get it to be nuggetized.

:-) Very good.

This is a fluff-free post :)

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