Digging in my garden part 1

in #gardening8 years ago

Hello Steemit nation!

Today I will continue my gardening work!
First work was in front of the house and little bit around and now it will be the back side of my house.
We started in the begining of september by collectiong the falling leaves .
I wrote about that in this post:
And now comes the part that is more hard ...the digging!
But before I start showing my work I have to mention that I wanted to make a super big article and posted here on Steemit but after seeing an article made by
@mindhunter called:
I started to think that it will be better to do more parts and olso, to be onest I have a lot of work to do and on sunday I will not work, because me and my family were raised in a christian way. (old calendar, I will write about this in the future).Sunday is a holy day or the way I like to call it a resting day!
So with that beeing said this is were I work today!

Here is the back of the house and I am ready for the battle!
The earth was wet and little bit hard to dig inside.

On the left we have some kale

This is how it looks ! It is very good to eat, prepare soup or different types or you can even eat it raw. I took some,clean it and ate it raw . It tastes like the spine of cabbage

Here is my small progress.

Here are some grapes that we did not pick when we made wine

And here is some clear evidence that the earth is good ( I am referring to the land not the Planet).

When I saw that rain worm, it reminded me of a book that I read called Dune (actually it was a whole series).
The one who wrote the book was Frank Herbert and he was a true visionary.
But what I find awesome in his book was the simple fact the camed from reality and he transformed it into sci fi.
In his book there were these huge worms inside the desert that produced the "spice"
The spice gave humans strange abilities, and many different races took the spice, some of them were using the spice as fuel for their bodies.
When I read this, many years ago, I could not stop....I bough the next book and then the next one and the next until I bought them all.
And all from that rain worm....that in the book was a giant desert worm.
But why is so facinating?
Well in real life the rain worm is creating a spice of his own, that spice is called HUMUS.
- What , the rain worms are making that sauce type of thing that are selling on malls and people are eating it?
Humus here means someting else .
Humus that you can find in malls is a kind of sauce but it is made from chickpeas!
Humus here means that it is the decomposed organic matter in soil.
This is many things but the biggest procentege is ..a..well...the actual humus excreted by the worms.
So basically humus is s-censored-it!
So in Dune the worms excreted the spice and in real life the rain worms excreted the humus.
This let say spice in real life makes trees to grow and plants to be strong, because it has all the nutrients to fuel their growth.

For today I finished my work and I will restart on monday, I go now to eat a warm delicious meal and after I will take a hot bath!

Thank you for reading this post!


@cynetyc Hello my friend, estrañaba their work. this post Ahabs publishing is extraordinary, I congratulate you on the garden, I in mine planto maniocs, just can you pass some pictures, are very cute peppers, I would like a vine like that, the truth your fifth is excellent, thanks to be congratulations on this brilliant work. much continued success

Thank you so much for this wonderfull coment!

@cynetyc upvoted!
Those grapes look very delicious!
So you actually have Jerusalem artichokes - I love their flowers!
Their flowers smell like vanilla and bees love them.
Yes, indeed humus is ... exactly what you've censored , when I first came here and a friend of mine brought humus to my house when I invited them for dinner, and I haven't seen what it looked like I was laughing about the thought of eating it.
I wish I have a garden as huge as yours man.
PS where did you get the verification sticker?

I am really glad that you liked it !
I went here and followed the steps and in 1 day I got my sticker ( it was number nine):
Or you cand do it direct from their site:

Great bit of land you have there. I'm glad you're choosing to share this with us, I like seeing people get stuck in and get their hands dirty!

You got some good work done! I think the plant you showed is a Jerusalem artichoke, or sunchoke. It's a perennial, tuberous rooted sunflower, Helianthus tuberosus. Once you have that planted, you will always have something to eat. It is so productive!

@haphazard-hstead you are correct, they are very strong and can grow in difficult environments.
Thanks so much for your feedback!

Does that Jerusalem artichoke have a different local name where you live, @cynetyc? I'm glad you enjoy it. And you are right about it growing in difficult conditions. It's good to have plants like that around! :D

O yeah! We called it nap porcesc or in english pig's kale and it is very strong and can survive awfull weather conditions.

That is so interesting! So now I know why you called it a Kale. It's funny to me how this plant has names that come from something else -- pig's kale, Jerusalem artichoke. I guess tuberous sunflower doesn't sound good enough, lol.

i admire you ! great activity and great point !

Thank you so much @mamel I apreaciate it a lot!

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