The Negative Effect Of SteemIt On My Self-Esteem

in #steemit7 years ago

Reading all those top notch posts here on SteemIt makes me wonder what I’m doing here...


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been in love with words. My parents taught me how to read before my 5th birthday, and I started writing silly little poems when I was 6.

By the time I was 10 years old, I won loads of competitions with my short stories. Reading and writing was all I did. As a teenager I never went out partying with my friends. My books, a pen and some paper was all I needed to be perfectly happy (for as far as a teenager can be happy -lol)

Becoming a language teacher was the obvious choice. I enjoyed that job, I loved showing youngsters the magic of words. And althouh I didn’t have a lot of spare time, I was still writing stories and poems whenever I could.


Oh... those good old days, how I miss them. Back then, my writings had no other goal than to have fun. They served no other purpose than to feel the joy of turning letters into words, words into sentences, and sentences into stories.

After a couple of years I lost my job as a teacher. A chain of events made me end up in the world of internet marketing, where I spent the next 13 years of my life.

Instead of writing fictional stories and poems, I spent all that time writing salespages or mailing list articles to convince people to buy a product I hadn’t even seen myself.
I never managed to become better than average, mainly because there are so many rules you have to stick to if you want to manipulate people like that.

After all those years, I got tired of writing the same fake messages over and over again. All the fun of writing was gone.

Last spring, I put everything aside to start my own vegetable garden.

The marketeer in me thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea if I could make this hobby profitable by starting a blog. The writer in me completely agreed.

I really enjoyed writing the first couple of articles. They were spontanious and although I had become a little rusty, they weren’t even that bad. But then the pressure took away all the fun again. If you want to build up a large follower base, you need to be consistent and write at least 1 or 2 articles a week. Soon, the writing started to feel like a job, because I had to fulfill expectations and all the spontaneity was gone. This had a huge effect on the quality of my articles...

And now, ... now I’m here on SteemIt, where the game is on.

99% of the people on this platform aren’t writing just for fun. Earning money is the big goal here. And I must confess I’m part of that 99%.

After all those years, I simply don’t remember how it feels like to write spontaniously - let alone find that state of mind again.

And it shows...
I’m aware of the fact that I’m not 10 years old anymore, when I was far ahead of my classmates. This is the real world, and in the real world, I’m only a mediocre writer without any specific expertise.

When I scroll through posts here on SteemIt, I see so many people write high-quality, in-depth articles that I often wonder what I’m doing here.

I’m such a person who knows a little of many things, but there is nothing I’m really good at. Here on SteemIt, lots of people are real experts. Cryptocurrencies, food, nature, programming, making videos ... just to name a few.

Reading those top notch articles often makes me feel dumb and completely out-of-place. When I read my own articles it hurts to see how they lack the quality I want them to have. And how little love for writing they show.

There’s only one that comes straight from the heart.
I wrote
From The Deep, Dark Dungeons Of My Soul. I Stepped Back Into The Light on January 1st, just before I went to sleep after a wild party with my friends. I actually never meant to post this on SteemIt, it was written just because I had the need to express how I felt at that particular time. I didn’t even plan to show it to my friends, but my girlfriend made me.

I’m not saying it’s that good, only that it’s different from everything else I posted on here. It took me 5 minutes to write, and I truely enjoyed writing every single word.

I’m not sure I can keep on doing this SteemIt thing, since it would be pretty stupid to stay at a place where you are so intimidated by other people’s qualities that you start questioning your own.

But for now, I’ll be sticking around. Mainly because this very article gave me a little taste of how I enjoy writing an article just for fun. As I’m writing it, I know I’ll be posting it. And you know what? I know its not high-quality, and I don’t care. If no one reads it or if it gets no upvotes at all, I could perfectly live with it.
Why? Because I finally wrote an article without overthinking it. After all those years, I’m having fun writing something. I forgot how good it feels to turn words into sentences, and to turn sentences into a story...

Who knows, maybe I will be able to find my ‘mojo’ again.. :-)



No ‘Follow me’ or resteem requests, no click baits or article promotions to end with. Only a satisfied smile and big thank you if you made it all the way down here!


Now I know exactly what you mean. I do feel the same way. What on eart am I doing here.

Zo veel kwaliteit en expertise wat hier geshowd wordt ... en daar kom ik. Werkloos, geen HBO of Universitaire opleiding, wel vier herders in huis en een fotografie freak ... Wow, uhm ... next chapter. Mijn complimenten voor jou hoe je dit verwoord hebt!

Met vier herders in huis zijn er volgens mij ontzettend veel grappige of ontroerende verhalen te vertellen. als fotografie-freak heb je waarschijnlijk wel een heleboel foto’s die de moeite waard zijn. Volgens mij kan je met foto’s ook een heleboel kanten uit. Laatst was er een colour-challenge en een black-and white challenge.
Je kan ook foto’s in een bepaald thema posten en vragen aan volgers om hun mooiste foto’s mbt dat thema te posten. Of wedstrijdjes houden: waar is deze foto genomen? Of een halve foto posten en vragen om de ontbrekende helft in te vullen. Er zijn een heleboel mensen die photo contests houden en hiermee veel nieuwe volgers krijgen. Je kan mensen ook vragen om met je foto’s een meme te maken... ik brainstorm maar wat.
Mijn postje Can you name this vegetable deed het vrij goed

Je hoeft echt geen hoge opleiding te hebben om populaire posts te maken op SteemIt. Creativiteit is veel belangrijker. Mensen meekrijgen met een eenvoudig ontroerend, grappig verhaal werkt minstens even goed dan een post met veel jargon waar enkel de insiders iets van snappen.
Een voorbeeld hiervan is een eenvoudig, niet zo fantastisch maar wel recht uit het hart gedichtje dat ik postte: From the deep dek dungeons of my soul...
Of het onnozele My love letter yo Bitcoin

Deel je liefde voor je honden en je passie voor fotografie en vooral: wees authentiek en probeer originele ideeën te bedenken.
Bekijk ook het photofeed initiatief:

Let ook goed op als je comments leest. Eerder deze week las ik in een reeks comments hoe erg mensen zich ergerden aan het feit dat SteemIt nog steeds Google Search gebruikt om de site doorzoeken. Het was mij zelf niet echt opgevallen, maar het ergerde een heleboel mensen blijkbaar. Daarom besloot ik een simpel postje te schrijven hierover. Het gaat om zoeken naar wat mensen willen lezen, wat hen ergert of wat hen juist gelukkig maakt.
Ook mijn laatste post over spam is e gekomen omdat ik in zoveel comment threads las hoe zeer mensen zich hieraan ergerden. Zulke dingen worden vaak opgemerkt.

Nu klink ik als een expert, maar dat ben ik helemaal niet hoor. De bedragen die vermeld staan bij mijn posts en de upvotes die ik krijg zijn voor een groot deel gekocht dmv upvote bots. Ik heb wat geïnvesteerd in Steem en geef wat geld uit om meer upvotes en comments te krijgen, zodat mijn reputatie stijgt en ik hogere upvotes kan geven. Hoe hoger je reputatie, hoe meer kans je hebt op echte upvotes die meer dan wat centen opbrengen. Hoe meer je upvote waard is, hoe meer mensen geneigd zijn te volgen en commentaren te plaatsen. Ik speel dus een beetje ‘vals’ door het feit dat ik Steem koop die ik kan gebruiken om mijn account te doen groeien...

Dankjewel voor je uitgebreide antwoord ... Investeren door Steem te kopen lukt mij niet, wat dat betreft zal ik van 'scratch' moeten beginnen. Maar dat geeft. Dat maakt de voldoening uiteindelijk des te groter. En het geeft me een uitdaging om 'ontdekt' te worden. Ja met vier herders in huis zijn er zeker verhalen te vertellen. Ik ging er zo meteen een schrijven ...

Nah man, the reward is in the journey, not the destination. Once you make it in Steemit, people just flock to you for that curation payout, it's pretty shameless.

I'd rather just write what I like and feel at the moment, if they like it, they like it. If not, that's fine, too. Sometimes I feel like gaming the system and I'd do it. This is the wild West of crypto, anything goes as long as you can get it done and get away with it.

A lot of these high payout posts are because the accounts who wrote them have high balance. Some are good but a lot are mediocre with potential high payout built in. They're lacking soul and honesty, mostly still quick cash grab so I think you'll get a decent following bases as long you can stick around long enough.

Good luck and have fun.

I couldn't agree more. I write from the heart and sometimes my content helps others. I write because I sincerely enjoy it most of the time. If I ever feel pressured I know that my writing won't be nearly as good as when it comes from a place of wanting to share a message or knowledge I've acquired.

I appreciate how you pointed out that the reward is part of the journey, because it truly is! This is a great platform to get to know others who share the same interests and are freedom minded individuals.

I, too write what I feel like not what someone else thinks I should write, if others appreciate it all well and good and if they don't then that's fine, too.

I think it's best to have fun with it and if you make top pay out then that's an added bonus. I'm here for the long haul and some days I just don't feel up to posting any content but rather reading and commenting my true thoughts and opinions.

Writing will flow when you have something you truly want to express and if you try to force the writing process, it will show through your words. I have received more rewards from my comments than my posts over the past several weeks since I became more active on the site and it's been suggested for newcomers to comment more so that they will become acquainted with others on the platform. As my reputation has grown I have started posting my own content more often, yet I still make commenting and learning my main focal point.

I'm a little big on the tech side so I can tell you that if you want to earn big payout, you have to play the voting bot game. Originally intends to help newbies get exposure, it becomes an epidemic of shit posting. If you've been writing quality contents and you're not making it, try to play the game a little bit until you have decent public fame.

The way it works is pretty simple. Those bots have really high voting power, so whenever they give up a fraction of their vote, your post earns profitable payout. However, you have to send the bot some STEEM/SBD. Essentially, you're buying upvotes.

There are plenty of guides on Steemit, you should look into it if you're going to stick around. It's good to be persistent in what you do but it's better to also be aware of the current culture of Steemit.

Thanks for the helpful suggestions, @sumdumphok. I have recently been looking into the voting bots, specifically the link you shared in your comment above. I will definitely give it a try soon. I am trying to build up a little more SBD before doing so and brainstorming a new post to add in the next few days.

Check your ROI, for whatever bots you're going to use. Don't send money to bot if they show negative ROI. Click on the Detail button to view ROI for a particular bot.

Thanks a lot!! =) I will definitely follow your advice. I appreciate you going out of your way to help and to be encouraging towards others!

The problem with the bots is that you lose more money than you get, with the prices of Steem and SBD being this high. I almost never get a vote that is worth more than I paid. Not even by playing the 'last minute' game.
(I'm pretty known with the bots - if you check out the upvotes on my posts, it's 75% bots. )

The pressure indeed has a big impact on quality.
I turned out to be a very bad curator - very low rewards, and I have the idea people don’t upvote comments that much anymore (some even told me they save their VP for posts), so no big arnongs there yet either.
But I know I need to be patient and allow my account to grow - I’m still a newbie here, so I guess I will learn in time :-)

I've had low rewards too, and I chalk it up to being an unknown for the most part.

You might be right on the idea that many people aren't voting anymore but saving their votes.

Yes, by all means give it time- I know I am. Remember, anything worth doing is worth the time, and effort.

Don't lose hope! =)

Thanks for the motivational replying. I actually feel 10 times better after posting this article than all the previous once together :-)

Yea, I've been here for awhile, it has its good and bad. Mostly just cash grab spam shit posting but there are some genuine articles with good thoughts and heart in it. Those are ones that are worth reading.

Firstly, I read your poem...very nice indeed; you can hear your voice in it and it is a sincere one. Second, I hear exactly what you are saying. I'm fairly new on here and sometimes get sucked into a black hole of despair (ok that's way too dark, but you get what I mean). I too see the quality of writing and specific intelligence on here and wonder how to 'compete'. Although this is a great platform and great community, it is still seeped in capitalistic competition....BUT the great thing is, there is plenty to go around!! So in a way, it is no competition at all. So keep writing from the heart; sincerity breeds creativity. And third, I love your last bit, "No "Follow me' etc!!
Cheers! ( and I told you, I'd remember your name :)

Coincidence or not, this morning I ran into a post by @arifarham, in which he said not to forget the wise words a SteemIt admin once said:

"The best attitude to have is to expect to make nothing. Have fun. Get engaged. Make friends. If along the way you earn something - bonus!"

So from now on: no 'forced' posts anymore. No more trying to be someone I'm not. And no more comparing myself to others. Just fun!

I've really learned a lot today :-)

That IS a good takes the edge of for sure then! It's a total mindset change! Thanks

Steemit can only improve your current abilities and get better each and every post. I think you writing talent is great.

You're right, you can only get better by doing it :-)

I can understand the frustration, I joined in June 2017 and after a good first week (I posted my drawings) I was satisfied. After this I got a bit lost in the same things you name in your post: all the experts and top-notch posts. I couldn't amagine getting this far. Then there was an emigration what I had to deal with, came with plenty of stress .. Now I came back just a few weeks ago, and finally a few days ago I had booked result. This made me feel my mojo instantly :) Hopefully you will find yours back soon!

Good for you! Keep it going :-)

I will thanks!

This is the best post on Steemit. I gave you a vote now, ya heard?

I'm proud of you.

You got a 26.36% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @mike314-0005!

You are good writer

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