Deleting Facebook Vs Quitting Steemit - Which Is Easier?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Ever since the Cambridge Analytica controversy started featuring in the global news Facebook has been in the eye of the storm. A late and half-hearted apology by Mark Zuckerberg seems to have satisfied no one except himself. For the first time viral news is working against him after it influenced world opinion and even brought down dictators and governments for many years.

The hashtag #deletefacebook has been doing the rounds on social media and people seem to be leaving Facebook in droves. But is it so easy to leave a platform that you may have used for a decade, and leave it simply by deactivating the account?

To be honest, I did try to leave Facebook and deactivated my account, but Facebook actually does not delete the account. It keeps it in storage and as soon as you log back in it accepts you back with a verification email. The barrier to rejoining Facebook hardly exists, as Facebook wants you to come back if you had planned to leave. I ended up deactivating and logging back in several times for some purpose or the other.

The bigger obstacle is the ease of logging into sites with you Facebook login. I log into many sites like Canva using my Facebook login. In fact for some sites I may not even have a separate login other than the Facebook login credentials. That makes it all the more difficult because most people count a single log in for multiple sites a sort of perk that comes with being a member of an established platform.

Last but not the least, almost everyone has friends and family on Facebook and the main source of news pertaining to what they are up to, is Facebook. You come to know what's happening in their lives without the need of calling each one of them up saving a lot of time and serving as a bit of entertainment when one of them posts something funny that might have happened to them.

How hard is it to leave Steemit? Well to begin with, you can not delete your account. Once you have created an account and posted on Steemit, it will always be there on the blockchain. It is one of the main features of the blockchain technology, that nothing can be deleted or overwritten. If you have to leave Steemit, you can only do so by logging out and never coming back again.

If you have built up a following and have lots of friends here, it will be difficult to say goodbye suddenly one day. But if you have been a casual poster with hardly a following and few friends it will be easier to do so. After all so many signed up on Steemit in the hopes of getting rich overnight and when they saw that there is work to be done, quit, never to come back again.

So to conclude, it is difficult to leave both platforms once you have invested in it with your time and in the case of Steemit, even with your money. But Steemit being the newer platform could be an easy place to quit for some who may not have been serious on the platform.

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image Source: Pixabay, Canva


i am 22 year old and since 2016 i never used facebook at that time i realized this is really waste of time but one good thing is i purpose to girl through fb hehe and now since 2015 she is my gf heheh

I agree that leaving Facebook is a difficult task especially if you do not live in your hometown. Being in the military for many years has separated me from my family and lifelong friends, but Facebook maybe easier when we were planning a high school reunion and needed a quick and easy way to keep everybody together and get information out. Now I'm sure that is not high on everybody's priority list, but for someone who is geographically separated from those that they love, it was a no-brainer.

I have since migrated over to steemit and although I love it I can see where it would be easier to leave because you don't have the same kind of relationship as you do with people that you've known since the Cradle. But there's a difference because you get to know them in a very different way. Deeper in some respects

True, most of our friends and family are on Facebook but may not necessarily be on Steemit. Steemit is yet to evolve as a social networking platform that can be recommended to all those we know whether friends of family. That's a good way of summing up our dependence on Facebook - for a reunion or a meetup, organizing it with the help of Facebook is the easiest! Thanks for your comment. :-)

I can't do it... haha.. I am still need my friend on facebook but I try to convince them to make them exodus here

Steemit is here to stay and knock off Facebook

Well, since I haven't been on FB in months or even posted in just as long- the decision is easy for me.

I am not a fan of secrecy, hiding things, etc- just like any time you want an app on your phone, you have to allow access to your info and pictures, etc before you can use the app. If you say deny access, you can't use the app. Really? PFFTT... whatever.

Sad days when we have to almost sell our souls and contact or personal info to be involved in a platform.

I am with you on free access to apps without having to disclose everything about us. Now the world knows what they do with all that data - well, they also help politicians win elections!

Thanks for stopping by!

I have "deleted" my facebook I think 2 times already and always come back because of business. I am thinking about doing it for the third time, maybe 3 is the charm :)
I do have a lot of friends and family there but I think that it made all off us, including me, more anti-social. We see and read everything about people there and see them less and less. If you think about it, there is nothing that we would actually lose by leaving it but there is much to gain. If I am being completely honest, I have not logged to facebook for over a month now and I am still alive and kicking :D Did not notice that anything went wrong with my life.

If you haven't accessed your Facebook account for over a month then you're one step ahead on your way to leaving it for good! I remain auto logged in on the FB app on my phone(as also on eSteem), but then I do gather important work related information from some of the Facebook groups that I am a member of.

Thanks for stopping by!

I won't ever close my facebook account, I haven't even opened this year but it really doesn't bother that it's active - if I need to catch up with old University friends I will find most of them there. As for Steemit, I don't see myself leaving any time soon - it's far too addictive. And of course it can be as little or much as you like - obviously if you want to keep a good following community it requires constant involvement and interaction.


Exactly, friends from an earlier period in life are mostly connected on Facebook, although I still haven't been able to find a few. True that Steemit requires a much larger time investment due to followers' expectations and other dynamics of the platform. Thanks for your comment!

I keep my facebook account, mostly for family. They hardly speak to me there either, so I only check it once or twice a week. However, this week I was reminded how it keeps my tiny community connected, we had another tragedy and facebook is how I found out.

Facebook does help in communication within small communities. Important events and breaking news travels faster through Facebook and Twitter, although on Steemit we do get some of it, especially if it is crypto related or political news.

Sorry to hear that you had a tragedy in your community. Thanks for commenting.

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