Steemtopia: Community Is Key! - learn how to fit in on steemit

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

click here for the youtube video

Establishing a community for yourself on steemit is the single most important thing you can do to succeed in this atmosphere. There are so many new users who join each day, the only way to stand out is to stop trying to, and focus on the people you know!

If you don't know anyone, then get to know some people. Make this world a smaller place. You don't have to impress everyone on steemit. You don't have to get everyone to follow you. You don't have to be famous. You just have to find a group of people you gel with, and go from there.

In this video, I'm going to show you a few ways you can form your own community and start to fit in so steemit does not seem so large and daunting. I'll introduce you to what all the "cool kids" are doing, like

  • Discord
  • Forming communities on steemit

You can join or create communities on steemit by entering or creating contests every week, commenting and curating posts from categories you are regularly posting yourself, and checking out the categories that speak to you on the "explore" link in the drop down hamburger menu.

****EDIT -- Steembulls' upvote-exchange is not for promoting others. It is for saying when you have upvoted someone else, then you promote yourself.******

▶️ DTube


If you want to get to know people, I'm hosting a Steemit Like You Meenit party on my discord channel this week!

Click Here for The Invitation to the Party!

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Get Free Steemit Coaching on my Discord Channel: STEEMTOPIA!.


Thank you for sharing your post and video, I just watched it. It's so much of a help for newbies like myself :) Have a mega fantastic day.

You are ever so welcome!

BTW, Hopefully you can make it to my party at my discord channel STEEMTOPIA in 45 minutes!!! (8 pm UTC) Grab a seat and make yourself at home! SBD giveaways, new featured artists and writers, games, and more!

Please join my discord chat room community. No rules, you can message and post promote however you like.

This post, with over $50.00 in bidbot payouts, has received votes from the following:

buildawhale payout in the amount of $36 STU, $63 USD.
jerrybanfield payout in the amount of $22 STU, $39 USD.

For a total calculated bidbot upvote value of $57 STU, $101 USD before curation, with approx. $14 USD curation being earned by the bidbots.

This information is being presented in the interest of transparency on our platform @littlescribe and is by no means a judgement of your work.

You guys totally caught me red-handed! I made a post about it here

No entiendo cual es el problema.???

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