Steemit Marketing: Tactics and Strategy

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steem market-mala.jpg

I have to admit, I admire ethusiasm of our @stephenkendal, one of the most persistent Steemit promoters on other social media/network sites. Just eight hours ago, he sent this inspiring text, on which I have to constructively disagree.

A Suggestion to Steemit Marketing Team

He has very nice virtue to support his vision with facts, and he has posted following graph…

… showing us the events which coincided with spikes in the number of Accounts created on Steemit. In effect, he suggests to @zurvanic, @andrarchy, and the rest of Steemit Marketing Team:

If these two were in fact the triggers that caused a spike in the number of accounts that were created thus creating a sense of buzz in the Community then these types of events have to be recreated again.

Unfortunately, although fully logical, this Marketing Tactics may not give desired result. And we could clearly see that just two months later. @ned & @dan event was recreated on the 21st of September, with Tatiana Moroz…

…but the spike was missing. Why? Steem price was falling and with it enthusiasm fell.

The Long and Winding Road

The truth is that interviews with main developers of a system are always interesting and necessary, and therefore always have to be kept like a tactical “weapon” released in case of crisis (to put out the fire), or in case of making really big success even bigger (to maximize “visibility”). But it is also truth that nobody will come to Steemit and open account just because they saw great motivational video with two founders of a system – everybody will automatically consider them biased and accept their words with a certain amount of doubt.

What would be the best advertisement for Steemit? We can easily agree on this: it would be a rise of a Steem price. How do we know that? Let’s check how many times did Satoshi Nakamoto gave interviews for media? Zero. Come again? Zero? Did you counted well? Yes, twice! And Bitcoin is well over $1000.

And there we are, on The Long and Winding Road – of Strategy!

Market before everything

Do you know what people always ask me when I start talking of Steemit and Steem? One always (always, always) recurring question is: “Can I buy some potato with that… Steem?” You can change the word “potato” with tomato, or paprika, or bread, or milk, or coffee, or shoes, or cannabi… can be anything else, but has to be something useful. Something palpable. Something tradable. Something wanted.

The best advertisement for Bitcoin was its usability. You actually CAN buy things with it. You can buy cup of coffee. Or a computer. Or “Tesla” electric speedster.

When there is a steem/comodities market, then EVERYONE will rush over here. So, my advice for the marketing team would be: Start trading steem for something palpable – T-shirts, coffee cups, books, music CDs, panties, flower seeds, anything… and the wheels will get moving. Yes, you can find some of those things googling Internet like CryptoJoy, but even minute-search is nowdays considered a hassle. It is a task for the Steemit Marketing Team to develop a strategy of making Steem trading effortless. It can start as a flea-market on this site, or can be, for example, new site named, or can be a mobile app… and then interaction will begin. That may be a little harder way, but it certainly leads to success.

Words fly. Deeds stay.



The easiest marketable commodity to trade would be digital products.
E-books, Digital Art, Music, Apps, Programs...Videos....
Like that.
Sell it for steem

applause. But I'd ask: "How can I SELL something and being paid in Steem?".
And actually I'm going to create another platform to sell/buy things for Steem (PeerHub doesn't work, since the payment/shipping has to be agreed by seller-customer themselves, with no feature from Peerhub)

So, we are going to need a platform with escrow function. Here is a task for developers.

Thank you for the support.

Excellent post, upvote and follow you

Thank you very much for your support

In my opinion it is far more important to focus on improving and building things that help steem blockchain to retain the highest possible share of newly joined users rather than just get them to join because some celebrity joined and leave right away.

There are smaller things that need to be worked on our way to big market share but in my opinion, our biggest shot in making it happen is enabling users everywhere on the internet to integrate steem easily to their content, whatever and where ever it might be (comments, videos, links, pictures).

We need steem upvote button next to share button, everywhere in the internet. Then we're talking.

Integration is necessary, but not before solution of navigation. And still, that “small things” does not attract people to the platform. Rewards does. And rewards attracts only as much as they can truly help your budget.

AWESOME..!! Thanks for the mention. Shared on twitter. Stephen

I have to thank you Stephen. You truly inspire me, even when we don't agree on something. Keep Steeming! :)

Thank you. I appreciate that. You cannot agree on everything and it takes a super special person to take ever point on its own merits regardless of whether you agree/disgree on other points. It helps to make you a more rounded person. Cheers. Stephen

This is a good idea. I think that is a start, but I wrote about taking it even further to get the mainstream user to move over. We need an in-app way to trade for USD on a gift card. Heck Steemit can take a fair percentage. I wrote about it more here

interesting info! i agree he is great at spreading steemit info on other sites :)

Thanks for reading. I almost lost my faith in writing, because I have a feeling that people in majority give an upvote without reading :)

you're right about the majority (bots) upvoting without reading.
I get, at best, ten percent views per votes.

What is the main use of bitcoin ? investing in blockchain business ?

Stop powering down, take most of steem out of exchanges and price will go way, way up. That will solve all issues and problems.

I'm afraid that power up wouldn't help. Steem is made for transactions. If there is no transactions, it will lose it's reason for existence. Schemes from the centralised World, like “cut the supply to increase the demand” does not work well in a decentralized blockchain World.

I dont even understand the powering down. I clicked power down 5 months ago with 350 steem power and nothing ever happened?

Coin Marketplace

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