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RE: Steemit Marketing: Tactics and Strategy

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

In my opinion it is far more important to focus on improving and building things that help steem blockchain to retain the highest possible share of newly joined users rather than just get them to join because some celebrity joined and leave right away.

There are smaller things that need to be worked on our way to big market share but in my opinion, our biggest shot in making it happen is enabling users everywhere on the internet to integrate steem easily to their content, whatever and where ever it might be (comments, videos, links, pictures).

We need steem upvote button next to share button, everywhere in the internet. Then we're talking.


Integration is necessary, but not before solution of navigation. And still, that “small things” does not attract people to the platform. Rewards does. And rewards attracts only as much as they can truly help your budget.

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