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RE: Larken Rose on Joe Rogan's - participation request

in #steemit6 years ago

I just told you I am not going to read 494 pages to maybe, likelyy not, find what I want to know

Just use 10 sentences to explain it to me.
If you can't even do that, then I have to conclude that all you say is just hot air and no ground.


OK... Let's do it again... I should be more tolerant, I guess. It is hard to get out of a cult, we were born into for many generations.

Who builds these things today? People who vote to build them. These people want for everyone to be extorted under threat of death to build the roads... that is how much they care about this flat space connecting points on a map. Maybe you should explain to me in 10 words, why we can build a microcomputer that sends a signal to space and comes back so you can ask silly questions on blockchain-powered social platform? Was there any coercion necessary on the way? It was all achieved through voluntary agreements. In free society, the people who care about roads, will look for best solutions, cheapest possible and will contribute voluntarily as much as they want or can. Instead of politician's friend doing it wrong, 1000 times more expensive, with planned obsolescence programmed into this insanity, so a politician can say he raised GDP and reduced unemployment, by people who keep fixing this constant loop of pile of shit. And sheeple will be clapping with rabid foam dripping from their yap and defend their actor with fierce aggression...

Who would you like to build the roads?
At the moment, I'd like Elon Musk to do it, but we'd have a contest, and the best would win. If only we were not threatened death, should we want to decide what to spend out money on and what ideas contribute to... you can call it "vote with donation", if you want.

It is really arrogant and ignorant... and annoying, when you assume it is so obvious you know the perfect solution (monopoly on legal murder) and ask a question to not hear an answer, but to go "la la la la" like a spoiled baby... bro... "I knew you didn't know"?... when I gave you all you needed to find out... and now you run away like a little coward you are? How old infant are you? Maybe it is something you should work on? Or will you keep spinning in this loop of monkey ego, lying to yourself I don't get it and I'm dumb?

Would you be able to say "I never thought about it like that, thanks!"? And grow... become better today than yesterday? Or you are fine with just stop learning and vegetating till you die? Fine with me, just next time don't bother healthy people with your childish cretinism.

If you really think we need a government for something, you clearly think they are best at something useful to humans. Why not ask your masters to compete in services with private sector? If they are so necessary... why wouldn't they?
This obsolete rabid ape circus would dry out within a year, out of lack of participants. Everyone would switch to real civilization and we'd be building cities on Mars instead of slaughtering 300 million people in last 100 years. How dumb is the idea of a government? It is the mindset of a retarded human on previous level of evolution.

Wake up! :)



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Fine! :D If you don't want to learn don't. Believe in Gandalf The Dumb to invent magic that will give him rights no one has to give to him. Extortiocazaaam! and poof! Through the power of my cult and extortion I give you MUH ROAAADS! Why you bother people blaming them you don't know and you refuse to know... when I already did your part of searching somethng for you. I'm not doing the whole grown up thing to do for you. I am neinther under any obligation to explain things to you. If you question stuff, question them. If you just assume shit... be that. I don't give a flying half of a solitary poop. Please kindly direct your demands at someone else ;) have a great day

P.S. :D to answer your question who will build all of that, I have an answer that you are really looking for in one word: a politician. Who else? :D

I have never seen a politician build a road.

Anyway, that yould have been a lot shorter if you just had said: I don't want to / cannot explain it.

The ones who vote to build the roads

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